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Chapter 14 Intravenous Iodinated Contrast. Why use IV Contrast ____________ System ___________ System _______.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 14 Intravenous Iodinated Contrast. Why use IV Contrast ____________ System ___________ System _______."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 14 Intravenous Iodinated Contrast

2 Why use IV Contrast ____________ System ___________ System _______

3 Terms to know ____________ –To separate into ions; to dissociate atoms or molecules into electrically charged atoms ____________ – The capability of being dissolved

4 More Terms ____________ – Movement of a solvent across a semipermiable membrane from a lower region to a higher region ___________ – The number of dissolved ions in a solution. The concentration of a solution. ___________ Pressure –The force that a dissolved substance exerts on a semipermeable membrane.

5 More Terms ____________ – No change in cell volume. ______________ – Increase in osmotic pressure. ______________ –Decrease in osmotic pressure ______________ –The ability of a fluid to flow easily

6 Iodinated Contrast ______________ 2 types – Ionic and Non-ionic

7 Ionic Contrast Basic Structure 6 sided ring: –3 ________ atoms __________ element –__________ Negative charged –Stabilize and detoxify –___________ Positive charge –Salt, increase solubility

8 Ionic Contrast Breaks apart into _____________ –Anion –Cation __________– Ratio –_________particles

9 Ionic Continued Increase ______________ Increase ____________Pressure Hypertonic ___________ chance of a reaction

10 Non-Ionic Same basic structure Replaces ____________with ____________elements.

11 Non-Ionic Contrast _____________break apart. Decreased ____________ –__________ chance of a reaction __________ – Ratio

12 Prior to injecting GET AN _________________________!!! Thorough history needs to be obtained –Any allergies –____________ sensitivity –Sickle Cell –Kidney problems (Stones don’t count) –______________, hay fever –Prior reaction with X-ray contrast –Diabetic –On ___________

13 Prior to Injecting Con’t BUN and Creatinine levels: –Creatinine - ______________ –BUN – _______________

14 If there are contraindications Notify ____________ May still be possible with prep.

15 Drawing up the contrast Review your ‘6’ rights –________ –Drug –__________ –Route –___________ –Documentation

16 Common feelings During injection –____________feeling (due to osmotic events) –____________ taste –Nausea Watch for _____________

17 Reactions Generally happen within first __________. Stay with the patient at a minimum ______________ ________ with the patient and watch for any signs.

18 Reaction Categories Mild - ___________ Effect Moderate - ___________ Reaction Severe - ___________Reaction Organ Specific

19 Vasomotor Effect Mild Technologist _________ –Anxiety –Nausea / Vomiting –Mild, scattered Hives (uticaria) –Lightheaded –_____________ –Extravasation Symptoms pass ___________

20 Anaphylactic Mild or Moderate Technologist ____________ –Excessive urticaria (hives) –___________ –Laryngospasm –Bronchospasm –_____________ –Hypotension –Excessive ___________

21 Vasovagal Severe Technologist ______________!!!!!!!! –Hypotension –______________ –Cardiac or respiratory arrest –Loss of consciousness –_________________ –Laryngeal edema –________________ –Difficulty Breathing –Shock

22 Organ-Specific Severe Cardiac – ___________ Respiratory - Pulmonary Edema Vascular - Thrombosis Nervous - _____________ Renal - Complete or Temporary failure ____________show immediate symptoms

23 Prepare for a reaction Make sure informed consent is signed Approx _________________die –Current practice uses __________ only decreasing the chance Know reaction protocol in department

24 Preperation Know where the _________is and have it accessible. _____________leave the patient alone If need be _________________

25 Post injection Monitor pt for ______________ Continue with exam Normal kidney will excrete __________ of contrast within __________

26 What else to watch for Kidneys will show once _________ is filtered through A ______________contrast progression

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