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Gould on science & religion ~ slide 1 Gould on the relationship between science & religion zFor an expanded version of this argument, see Stephen Jay Gould.

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1 Gould on science & religion ~ slide 1 Gould on the relationship between science & religion zFor an expanded version of this argument, see Stephen Jay Gould. Rocks of Ages: Science & Religion in the Fullness of Life. New York: Ballantine, 1999. zStory about a gathering in Rome in 1984 sponsored by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on nuclear winter. uThe French & Jesuit Italian priests staying at the same hotel as Gould were puzzled by “scientific creationism.” uGould’s answer: a home grown phenomenon growing out of fundamentalism -- biblical literalism.

2 Gould on science & religion ~ slide 2 Gould on the relationship between science & religion uGould points out that neither Catholicism nor Judaism has an “extensive tradition” of reading the Bible as literal truth (500). uMost Protestant groups take the same position. uGould assumes is lack of conflict between evolution and Christianity. uHe generalizes: Is lack of conflict on all issues between science and religion. uWhy?

3 Gould on science & religion ~ slide 3 Gould on the relationship between science & religion uGould’s NOMA yLack of conflict between science & religion is based on lack of overlap between their respective domains (500). yScience -- concerned with the empirical domain yReligion -- concerned with meaning & values (502) yBut matters are not quite this clean; religion & science bump up against each other along the borders.

4 Gould on science & religion ~ slide 4 Gould on the relationship between science & religion uDiscussion of Pope John Paul II’s statement in 1996 on evolution yEvolution as well-confirmed as any scientific theory yCompatible with Christianity as long as distinctiveness of humans is maintained yRe-affirms Pius XII’s statement about special creation of soul

5 Gould on science & religion ~ slide 5 Gould on the relationship between science & religion uWhy was this papal statement news? yBecause of Pope Pius XII statement of 1950 yEvolution is a scientific hypothesis which should be studied; but it has not been proven. yBut human soul is specially created by God. Evolution explains body but not soul. yStatement of 1996 was news because John Paul II said evolution had now been proven.

6 Gould on science & religion ~ slide 6 Gould on the relationship between science & religion yGould takes the 1996 statement as an endorsement of NOMA uGould closes with a personal statement about religion yStates he is an agnostic Jew yNotes that religion has fostered both unspeakable horrors & dramatic examples of human goodness (506).

7 Gould on science & religion ~ slide 7 Gould on the relationship between science & religion yGould says he defends NOMA not only for diplomatic reasons, but for moral and intellectual reasons. yIs important to emphasize that NOMA places restrictions on both science & religion. äReligious authorities should not make statements about truth or falsity of scientific claims. äScientists qua scientists should not make statements about meaning & values.

8 Gould on science & religion ~ slide 8 Gould on the relationship between science & religion äNeed for mutual humility. zComments uProblems with NOMA yFive areas of overlap ä1. Theories of origins ä2. Human nature ä3. Ethics ä4. Historical claims ä5. Divine providence

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