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Gross Motor Activity ECERS-R Georgia CTAE Resource Network Instructional Resources Office July 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Gross Motor Activity ECERS-R Georgia CTAE Resource Network Instructional Resources Office July 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gross Motor Activity ECERS-R Georgia CTAE Resource Network Instructional Resources Office July 2009

2 Adequate Supervision  Always an adult present (must be 18)  Staff positioned to see all areas where children are playing  Move around as needed  Attentive to children’s needs for basic protection  Children NEVER left unsupervised for any amount of time  Intervene when problems occur

3 Positive staff-child interaction  Staff comfort child who is upset or hurt  Staff show appreciation of child’s new skill or interest  Staff use pleasant tone of voice  Staff are affectionate with children  Interactions are pleasant and helpful ~ child is pleased, interested, and reassured

4 Dangerous Situations  Act to prevent dangerous situations before they occur  Staff obviously aware of types of things that might endanger children’s safety  Stop rough play  Keep tricycle path separate from other play areas  Remove broken toys and equipment  Keep fall zone clear of obstruction  Limit # of children using equipment or toys  Sweep slippery sand from the sidewalk  Remove trash from playground area  Provide mats to cushion fall zones

5 Assist with Equipment  Help children learn new skills  Staff must be actively involved with children  Introduce new equipment; Show children HOW to use it  Use words to guide their movement  Encourage children to practice a skill with equipment

6 Ideas related to Play  Talk with children related to content of their play  Content of the talk must originate either from actions or what they say  Staff might add descriptive words to actions  Staff might help children talk through problems  Staff might extend children’s play by talking about ideas.... “You’re crawling through the tunnel. Have you ever been in a big tunnel – the kind of tunnel that cars go through?”

7 Help with Resources  Staff bring out or help children find materials they need for successful play.  Duplicate materials  Props  Additional equipment to add variety, etc... (Find boards and large hollow blocks for big building projects, help set up and obstacle course for bikes and tricycles, set up basketball or soccer goals.)

8 Positive Social Interactions  Model positive social skills, such as sharing, being friendly, cooperating, talking, or playing with others  Encourage an isolated child to interact with others  Help children solve social problems  Point out or show appreciation for a child’s pro- social behavior  Provide equipment that encourages cooperation, such as a two-person rocking boat, two-person tricycle, or wagon

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