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Promoting Optimum Health & development preschool stage.

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1 Promoting Optimum Health & development preschool stage

2 Biological Development The rate of physical growth slows & stabilizes. At 3 years the average weight is 14.6 kg At 4 years the average weight is 16.7kg At 5 years the average weight is 18.7kg The average weight gain = 2.7-3.2 kg ( 5 -7 pounds) per year Growth in height also remains steady increase = 6.25-7.5 cm (2.5-3 inches) per year. Elongation of the legs rather than of the trunk

3 The Preschool Years Height: at 3 years the average height is 95 cm (37.25 inches), at 4 years the average height is 103 cm (40.5inches) at 5 years the average height is 110cm(43.25) About half of adult height at 2 year Most organ system can adjust to moderate stress and change: During this period most children are toilet trained Good posture, appropriate exercise, and adequate nutrition and rest are essential for optimal development of the musculoskeletal system.

4 Physical Development  Gross motor behavior: Walking, running, climbing and jumping are well established by age 36 months.  At age 3 the preschool rides a tricycle, walks on tip toe, balances on one foot for a few seconds,and broad jumps.  By age 4 the child skips and hops proficiently on one foot and catch a ball reliably.  By age 5 the child skips on alternate feet, jumps rope, and begins to skate and swim.  Fine motor behavior: Increasing skillful manipulation, such as in drawing and dressing.

5 Fine motor behavior

6 Gross motor behavior


8 Shows preference for using one hand (right or left) Eye muscles strengthen, depth perception and 20/20 vision is achieved by age 4 years Hearing fully developed in the toddler and is necessary for speech development

9 Psychosocial development Sense of initiative (Erikson) Sense of accomplishment Conflict is when they overstep the limits of their abilities = guilt for not behaving appropriately Learning right from wrong = do not know why something is acceptable or not, only through reward and punishment

10 Freud (Oedipal stage, phallic) Comprehend their separateness as persons Learn sex differences Oedipus complex: father is much stronger, wishes his father is dead. Castration for girls punishment Girls (the Electra complex):Penis envy Resolution with same sex identification

11 Cognitive development Readiness for school and scholastic learning Piaget: preoperational phase= 2-7 years –preconceptual = 2-4 –Intuitive = 4-7 –Shift from egocentric thought to social awareness

12 The Preschool Years: All By Myself Cognitive / Psychosocial Development –The main things is shift from totally egocentric thought to social awareness and the ability to consider other viewpoints. –Thinking is often described as magical thinking. –Limited concept of cause and effect and time –Do not understand right from left concept –Fantasy play and symbolism: having one object representing another, a box represents a train.

13 Cognitive Development Increasing use language without comprehending the meaning of words, particularly concept of right and left. Time is still incompletely understood, the child interprets it according to his own frame of reference. Consequently: Time is best explained in relationship to an event such as your mother will visit you after you finish your lunch. Power of words: accept meaning literally as “bad” for something wrong. Better to use thatwas a bad thing to do

14 Important to understand these children through other non verbal approaches. Play is one method because of their rich imagination and unlimited ability to invent and imitate. Play has therapeutic and communicative value

15 Moral & spiritual Development –Preconventional or Premoral level (Kohlberg) –Parents are models for moral behavior –2-4 years children judge whether an action is good or bad depending on whether it results in reward or punishment. –Rely on parental principles for developing their moral judgment –Preschoolers have a concrete concept of a God. They understand simple religion stories and memorize short prayers but their understanding of the meaning of these rituals is limited. –Wrong doing provokes feeling of guilt,and they misinterpret illness as a punishment

16 Development of body image They are aware of the meaning of words such as pretty and ugly, and they reflect the opinions of others regarding their own appearance. By 5 years of age children compare their size with their peers. They have poorly defined body boundaries and little knowledge of their internal anatomy (if the skin is broken all of their blood can leak out.

17 Development of sexuality They are forming strong attachment to the opposite-sex parent while identifying with the same-sex parent. Probably the most powerful mechanisms are childrearing practices and imitations. There is sex-role imitation and dressing up like Mommy is an important activity. Sexual exploration

18 Social development Completed the separation-individuation process Overcome stranger anxiety and fear of separation Still need parental security, reassurance, guidance and approval Hospitalization is difficult- need concrete explanaion – dolls, toys or photographs

19 Social development Language and communication skills –2 years= 300 words –5 years= +2000 words –The number of words in a sentence is equal to a preschool age –By age 4 past tense is expressed –By age 5 future tense is expressed –Language skills set the stage for success in the task of achieving literacy at school

20 Physical activity Physical activity for a minimum of 60 minutes every day Age appropriate activities from moderate to vigorous

21 Play: –Toddler : parallel play (plays next to a friend but does not communicate –3-4 years old: cooperative play: a group of children can cooperate by acting out a scene together or building a tower of blocks –5 years: organized group by assigned roles, playing house





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