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February 13, 2013 Understanding the BDI-2 Developmental Skill Sequence.

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2 February 13, 2013 Understanding the BDI-2 Developmental Skill Sequence

3 Introductions/Celebrations

4 She flies through the air with the greatest of ease… If you can teach PreK ESE, you can do ANYTHING!! !

5 She flies through the air with the greatest of ease… It’s Bobbi Meisel from Hunter’s Creek

6 Julianna Born 12/27 Mom is Norma Rivera PreK ESE Teacher Windy Ridge

7 In the Spotlight! Diana James Lawton Chiles

8 The Shape Train The shape train’s coming ‘round the bend, all aboard we go And on this train there is a, all aboard we go With a here and a there, here a, there a, everywhere a, The shape train comes around the bend, all aboard we go.

9 In the Spotlight! Barbara Case Sunrise

10 This time it is Sam. His sister is selling girl scout cookies so he decided to bring in a small notebook and pencil to take orders from classmates.

11 Sebastian wants to be a FedEx truck driver when he grows up. His truck says “Fdtit” (the d is reversed). He told me it says “FedEx Truck”.

12 KJ made a toy truck. In the first few photos he independently spelled/wrote “toy”. After that he added other letters and wanted me to read (tell him) what they said.

13 In the Spotlight! Jaime Pollack/Vista Lakes Lorraine Morrison/MetroWest

14 Building Relationships with Children Special Ways to End the Day

15 Rules Respect the speaker (limit sidebar conversations) Participate What is said here, stays here What is learned here, leaves here The chime will be our attention signal.

16 BDI-2 Exit Testing is COMING…. This is PreK ESE’s accountability measure for the state. We want to show the state that PreK ESE is beneficial! We MUST administer the test with fidelity and accuracy.

17 Learning Goal Teachers will understand how to administer the BDI-2 exit test with fidelity and accuracy.

18 Scale 4 I can explain to my principal and my students’ parents the developmental skills sequence of the BDI-2 and what steps I take to ensure that I administer it with fidelity and accuracy. 3 I understand the developmental skill sequence on the BDI-2 and can administer all the items on the screening test with fidelity and accuracy. 2 I understand the developmental skills sequence on the BDI-2 but am not sure if I am administering the low functioning items with fidelity and accuracy. 1 I don’t know what you mean by “developmental skills sequence” on the BDI-2.

19 Reviewing Progress Monitoring Results THANK YOU for completing the progress monitoring! we We now know what we need to work on. you You should now know what you need to work on. your students You should now know what your students need to work on.

20 BDI-2: A Developmental Skills Assessment

21 BDI-2 Gross Motor GM 13 Sits without support GM 15 Moves 3 or more feet by crawling GM 21 Walks without support for 10 feet.

22 BDI-2 Personal Social ST 25 Discriminates between familiar and unfamiliar people.  Child scores a 1 or a 0. ST 27 The child greets familiar adults spontaneously.  Same child scores a 2. Items build sequentially upon one another, THIS SCORING DOES NOT SEEM CONSISTENT

23 BDI-2 Screening Test ST 37 Discriminates between socially acceptable and unacceptable behavior.  Child scores a 2. ST 52 Uses words to relate information about other people, their actions, or their experiences.  Same child scores a 0. Skills assessed may be reflected across domains, THIS SCORING DOES NOT SEEM CONSISTENT

24 Administering low items to older students When you have a child whose chronological age is higher than their developmental age, you have to “back up” on the test to find your basal. Doing so often gets you into “baby skills” or “infant skills”. The way a 5 year old performs a skill will look different than the way a 2 year old performs a skill. Keep in mind what the item is measuring and how the child you are testing might show that skill.

25 BDI-2 Self-Concept and Social Role (full test) SR 5 Is aware of his or her feet. (Starting Point 2 years) Observation or Interview? How would a child that is older demonstrate this skill?

26 Taking a Closer Look ST 25 Discriminates between familiar and unfamiliar people. (Starting Point 18 months through 23 months) Structured or Interview? How does the child act around you vs. how they act around their parent? How does the child act around new people at the school?

27 Taking a Closer Look ST 3 The child takes strained food from a spoon and swallows it. (Starting Point 12 months through 17 months) Observation or Interview? Does the child eat on his own?

28 ST 28: Initiates social contact with peers in play. Brooke is 4 years old and nonverbal. During free centers, she typically goes to house keeping where the other children are. She does not yet ask anybody to play with her but will play beside them. She often tries to give other children a toy she does not want and snatches the toys she does want. Look in your yellow Screening Test Manual p. 29 and decide how to score.

29 ST 23: Shows a desire for social attention. Ethan in 5 years old and has a medical diagnosis of ASD. He is nonverbal and operates on his own agenda. He plays functionally with cause/effect toys. Ethan frequently hits his mother and laughs. Look in your yellow Screening Test Manual p. 24 and decide how to score.

30 ST 45 The child identifies family members or pets when named. Stacy is a 4 year old child with a diagnosis of Rett syndrome. She does not talk. You have never met her parent and they have not returned the parent survey you sent home. In class, if you ask Stacy “where’s Miss G?”, she will consistently turn and look for your paraprofessional. Look in your yellow Screening Test Manual p. 46 and decide how to score.

31 ST 52 uses words to relate information about other people, their actions, or their experiences. Brandon does not talk much but can use 3 word sentences. When Brooke takes his toy in centers, he cries. If you ask him what is wrong, he tells you “She took toy!”. Look in your yellow Screening Test Manual p. 54 and decide how to score.

32 To ensure fidelity in administration: Score consistently, understand that the items build upon one another. Take into consideration what the item is asking and how the child you are testing might show that skill. YOU HAVE TO READ THE MANUAL!!!

33 BDI-2 Progress Monitoring Results We got our results back- now what? 1.Review summary sheet to see what errors (if any) you have made in administration. 2.Ask questions NOW before exiting starts. 3.Look at your class as a whole- what items do they ALL need to work on?

34 Link your progress monitoring results to what you know about good teaching How can you work on the skills your children are lacking within your existing routines and activities? Find the commonly missed items from your students’ screening tests Maximize teachable moments Use the information from your BDI-2 progress monitoring screeners to guide your instruction.

35 5-3-1 Find and read your blue activity page. Discuss the commonly missed item with your group. Quickly brainstorm ways you could work on this skill. Write down at least 5 different ideas. Circle your top 3 ideas. Be prepared to share 1 favorite idea with the group. Write your name on the back of the card.

36 Reflect on Our Learning

37 Learning Goal Teachers will understand how to administer the BDI-2 exit test with fidelity and accuracy.

38 Scale 4 I can explain to my principal and my students’ parents the developmental skills sequence of the BDI-2 and what steps I take to ensure that I administer it with fidelity and accuracy. 3 I understand the developmental skill sequence on the BDI-2 and can administer all the items on the screening test with fidelity and accuracy. 2 I understand the developmental skills sequence on the BDI-2 but am not sure if I am administering the low functioning items with fidelity and accuracy. 1 I don’t know what you mean by “developmental skills sequence” on the BDI-2.

39 Celebrate Your Learning

40 Florida ESE Parent Survey The Florida ESE Parent Survey is administered every year in order to collect data addressing Indicator 8 of the State Performance Plan (SPP). The survey is open to all parents of children with an individual educational plan (IEP) receiving ESE services from preschool age through grade 12.

41 Florida ESE Parent Survey  Encourage parents to complete the Florida ESE Parent Survey which is related to Indicator 8 of the State Performance Plan  The survey is online from February 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013.

42 Florida ESE Parent Survey Last year only 52 parents of children in the PreK ESE program completed the survey State goal was 52% Overall satisfaction was 46%

43 Looking to the Future By 2015 all children in going to kindergarten must have an identified communication system in place We will be working with the OCPS Assistive Technology Team to make sure a plan is in place and appropriate professional development is available

44 Reminders… Date you can begin BDI-2 exit testing: March 4, 2013 BDI-2 Training for teachers new to PreK ESE is March 6 Next Meeting: March 13, 2013 Complete and send February FTE 2013 Janice will be out of the office February 22-March 1

45 Contact us if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Janice Penn Stephanie Thomas Component # 2100027

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