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Published byCandice Hood Modified over 8 years ago
NWTCMedical Terminology1 Chapter 11 The Urinary System
NWTCMedical Terminology2 Maintaining Homeostasis Constantly filtering blood to remove urea and other waste products Maintaining the proper balance of water, salts, and other substances by removing or reabsorbing them as needed Excreting the waste products via the urine Function
NWTCMedical Terminology3 Anatomy & Physiology Urinary System 2 kidneys 2 ureters 1 urethra 1 bladder
NWTCMedical Terminology4 Anatomy & Physiology Urine is formed in the kidneys Ureters carry the urine to the bladder Bladder is a temporary reservoir for the urine Urine is excreted through the urethra
NWTCMedical Terminology5 Anatomy & Physiology Maintain the chemical composition of the blood by selective secretion of solutes Maintain blood pH, thus contributing to acid base balance Excretion of nitrogenous waste products of protein metabolism, mainly urea, uric acid, and creatinine Degrade insulin Metabolize Vitamin D to its active form Production of renin, erythropoietin, and prostaglandins Maintain plasma volume by varying the excretion of water Function of the Kidneys
NWTCMedical Terminology6 Anatomy & Physiology Renal Pertaining to the kidney Ureteral Pertaining to the ureter Cyst(o) Bladder, cyst or fluid filled sac Urethral Pertaining to the urethra
NWTCMedical Terminology7 Anatomy & Physiology Kidney is encased in a fibrous capsule Fibrous capsule provides protection The notch or depression on the inner border where the renal artery, renal vein, lymphatics, and nerves enter or leave the kidney Hilum Pyel(o) Renal pelvis Funnel shaped structure located in the center of each kidney
NWTCMedical Terminology8 Anatomy & Physiology Nephr(o) Kidney Nephron Functional unit of kidney comprised of a glomerulus and tubules. Glomerulus is a cluster of blood vessels surrounded by Bowman's capsule
NWTCMedical Terminology9 Anatomy & Physiology Glomerulus Filter for the blood Bowman’s capsule collects the substances that filter through the glomerular walls and passes them through a long twisting tube. The renal tubule is a long twisting tubule that consists of a proximal tubule, a loop of Henle, and a distal tubule that opens into a collecting duct. The function of the nephron is to filter blood and reabsorption of the substances that the body conserves.
NWTCMedical Terminology10 Anatomy & Physiology Waste products and some of remaining water in the tubules after reabsorption combine to become urine This urine passes through the collecting duct to the renal pelvis From renal pelvis urine passes through the ureters to the bladder Bladder – collapsible muscular bag that serves as a reservoir for urine
NWTCMedical Terminology11 Anatomy & Physiology Healthy bladder can hold 500 ml ( 1 pint) or more Micturition, voiding, urination – expelling urine form the bladder Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) calculates the volume of fluid filtered by the glomeruli
NWTCMedical Terminology12 Diagnostic Tests & Procedures Physical Assessment – KUB Abdominal inspection Auscultation Palpation Percussion
NWTCMedical Terminology13 Diagnostic Tests & Procedures Laboratory tests – Urinalysis Color Specific gravity Chemicals pH, urea, ammonia, creatinine, salts, sugar, albumin, ketones, blood
NWTCMedical Terminology14 Diagnostic Tests & Procedures Gylcosuria Sugar in the urine Hematuria Blood in the urine Proteinuria Protein in the urine Albuminuria Albumin in the urine Ketonuria Ketones in the urine
NWTCMedical Terminology15 Diagnostic Tests & Procedures Microscopic study Body cells Crystals Bacteria Pyuria Pus in the urine Pus – necrotic white blood cells
NWTCMedical Terminology16 Diagnostic Tests & Procedures Urine culture Identify pathogenic bacteria present Urine sensitivity Antibiotic sensitivity test
NWTCMedical Terminology17 Diagnostic Tests & Procedures Voided specimen Clean catch specimen Catheterized specimen 24 hour urine collection Urine Calcium Creatinine
NWTCMedical Terminology18 Diagnostic Tests & Procedures Blood tests Serum creatinine test Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
NWTCMedical Terminology19 Diagnostic Tests & Procedures Urinary Catheterization Catheter through urethra Temporary or permanent drainage of urine Urethral Ureteral Suprapubic Nephrostomy
NWTCMedical Terminology20 Diagnostic Tests & Procedures Urodynamic studies Cystometrography Measure bladder capacity in relation to changing urine pressure Electromyography Evaluate the strength of the muscles used in voiding
NWTCMedical Terminology21 Diagnostic Tests & Procedures Urinary Radiography KUB X-ray (kidneys, ureters, bladder) Intravenous pyelography (IVP) Cystography Urethrography Cystourethrography Voiding cystourethrogram
NWTCMedical Terminology22 Diagnostic Tests & Procedures Renal angiography Renal arteriogram Kidney scan (renography) Nephrosonography Nephrotomography
NWTCMedical Terminology23 Diagnostic Tests & Procedures Visual examination of the bladder Cystoscopy Urethroscopy Cystourethroscopy Nephroscopy
NWTCMedical Terminology24 Pathologies Uropathy Any disease of the urinary tract Renovascular disorders Affecting Blood vessels of the kidneys Dysuria Difficult or painful urination Polyuria Excretion of an abnormally large amount of urine
NWTCMedical Terminology25 Pathologies Anuria Absence of urination olig(o) Few Oliguria Diminished capacity to form urine
NWTCMedical Terminology26 Pathologies Urination Patterns Urgency Frequency Hesitancy Urinary retention Incomplete emptying of the bladder Urinary reflex Abnormal backward or return flow of urine from the bladder into the ureters
NWTCMedical Terminology27 Pathologies Continence Ability to control bladder or bowel function Urinary incontinence Inability to control urination Enuresis Inability to control urination (bedwetting) Nocturia Excessive urination at night
NWTCMedical Terminology28 Pathologies Nephromegaly Enlarged kidney (unilateral, bilateral) Uremia Accumulation of toxic products in the blood
NWTCMedical Terminology29 Pathologies Acute renal failure Oliguria Rapid accumulation of nitrogenous wastes in the blood Caused by Nephritis Interference with renal blood flow Conditions that disrupt urinary output Reversible when cause is identified and treated
NWTCMedical Terminology30 Pathologies Chronic renal failure Condition in which the kidney gradually ceases to remove metabolic wastes and excessive water from the blood. Uremia is a major characteristic. May lead to the need for dialysis Kidney impairment is not reversible once the disease progress to the end stage.
NWTCMedical Terminology31 Pathologies Nephrotoxic Substance that is toxic or destructive to the kidney cells Nephrolysis Destruction of the kidney or freeing the kidney from adhesions Nephromalacia Abnormal softening of the kidney
NWTCMedical Terminology32 Pathologies Urethrorrhagia Urethral hemorrhage Urethrorrhea Discharge from the urethra
NWTCMedical Terminology33 Pathologies Urinary Tract Infection Infection of one or more structures of the urinary system Urinary frequency Discomfort during urination Backache Fever Blood or pus in urine
NWTCMedical Terminology34 Pathologies Septicemia Systemic infection in which pathogens are present in the circulating blood, having spread from an infection in another part of the body such as the urinary tract Urethritis Pyelonephritis
NWTCMedical Terminology35 Pathologies Cystitis Inflammation of the bladder Ureteritis Inflammation of a ureter Ureteropathy Any disease of the ureter Ureteropyelonephritis Inflammation of ureter, renal pelvis and the kidney
NWTCMedical Terminology36 Pathologies Pyelonephritis Inflammation of the kidney and renal pelvis Polycystic kidney disease Renal disorder in which the kidneys are enlarged and contain many cysts. Also called polycystic renal disease.
NWTCMedical Terminology37 Pathologies Nephritis Inflammation and abnormal kidney function Glomerulonephritis Glomeruli within the kidneys are inflamed Nephrotic syndrome Abnormal condition of the kidney characterized by marked proteinuria and edema Diabetic nephropathy Disease of the kidneys resulting from diabetes mellitus
NWTCMedical Terminology38 Pathologies Obstructive nephropathies Conditions that interfere with the flow of urine Prolapsed adjacent structures Tumors Stones Narrowing of ureters or urethra Dysfunctions of the bladder Hydronephrosis Hydroureter
NWTCMedical Terminology39 Pathologies Uterine prolapse Loss of support that anchors the uterus, can result in pressure on the bladder Urethrocele Herniation of the urethra Cystocele Herniation of the bladder
NWTCMedical Terminology40 Pathologies Benign prostatic hyperplasia Enlargement of the prostate Nonmalignant Noninflammatory Common in men over 50 years of age
NWTCMedical Terminology41 Pathologies Urinary stones are named according to their location and can vary greatly in size Nephrolithiasis Kidney stone Ureterolithiasis Presence of stones in the ureter
NWTCMedical Terminology42 Pathologies Ureteral or urethral stricture Narrowing of the lumen of the ureter or urethra Ureteral stenosis Urethral stenosis Ureteralvesical junction Pertains to ureter and bladder
NWTCMedical Terminology43 Pathologies Renovascular disease Problems of the blood vessels of the kidney Nephrosclerosis Hardening of the small arteries of the kidney Stenosis of the renal artery Partial or complete blocking of one or both renal arteries Thrombosis of the renal vein Blood clot in the renal vein
NWTCMedical Terminology44 Pathologies Genitourinary and Urogenital Pertains to the genitals as well as the urinary organs Many genitourinary infections are sexually transmitted diseases gon(o) Genitals or reproduction Gonorrhea Infection known for its discharge
NWTCMedical Terminology45 Pathologies Gonococcus is the bacterium that causes, Gonorrhea Inflammation of the urethra Urethritis
NWTCMedical Terminology46 Surgical & Therapeutic Interventions Kidney Dialysis When kidneys fail, dialysis removes waste products from the body Hemodialysis Blood is filtered Peritoneal dialysis Solution is introduced and drained from the peritoneal cavity
NWTCMedical Terminology47 Surgical & Therapeutic Interventions Renal transplant Kidney is received from a suitable donor Nephrectomy Surgical excision of a kidney Immunosuppressive therapy
NWTCMedical Terminology48 Surgical & Therapeutic Interventions Renal carcinoma Cancer of the kidney Cystectomy Surgical excision of the bladder Urinary diversion Ureterostomy Nephrostomy Transureteroureterostomy
NWTCMedical Terminology49 Surgical & Therapeutic Interventions Lithotripsy Crushing of a stone Litholysis Dissolving a kidney stone Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) Ultrasonic energy form a source outside the body to break up a stone
NWTCMedical Terminology50 Surgical & Therapeutic Interventions Nephrolithotomy Removal of kidney stones by cutting through the body of the kidney Pyelolithotomy Removal of a stone from the renal pelvis Ureterolithotomy Removal of stone from the ureter Cystolithotomy Removal of stone form the bladder
NWTCMedical Terminology51 Surgical & Therapeutic Interventions Percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty Treatment for renal artery stenosis Anticoagulant therapy Treatment for renal vein thrombosis Catheter dilation Treatment for stricture of the ureter or urethra
NWTCMedical Terminology52 Surgical & Therapeutic Interventions Ureterectomy Partial or complete surgical excision of the ureter Ureteroplasty Surgical repair of a ureter Cystoplasty Surgical repair of the bladder
NWTCMedical Terminology53 Surgical & Therapeutic Interventions Cystostomy Formation of a new opening in the bladder Cystotomy Incision of the bladder Urethrotomy Surgical incision of the urethra
NWTCMedical Terminology54 Surgical & Therapeutic Interventions TURP Transurethral resection of the prostate instrument passes through the urethra to get to the prostate gland where pieces of the prostate gland are removed through a special instrument
NWTCMedical Terminology55 Surgical & Therapeutic Interventions Nephroptosis: gradual downward displacement of the kidney. Also called floating, hypermobile, or wandering kidney. Nephropexy Surgical fixation of the kidney
NWTCMedical Terminology56 Surgical & Therapeutic Interventions Urinary incontinence Inability to control urination Treatment varies by the many causes Urinary retention May require catheterization or medications
NWTCMedical Terminology57 Surgical & Therapeutic Interventions Treatment for Urinary Tract Infection Antibiotics Analgesics Increased intake of fluids Diuretics Cause polyuria or diuresis Urethrospasm Antispasmodic medication to prevent muscle spasms
NWTCMedical Terminology58 Chapter 11 The Urinary System Class Exercises
NWTCMedical Terminology59 What does it Mean? Bacteri(o) bacteria dipl(o) double glomerul(o) glomerulus gylcos(o) sugar gon(o) genital or reproduction
NWTCMedical Terminology60 True or False Kidney Function Degrade insulin True Excrete waste products of metabolism True Help maintain the chemical composition of the blood True
NWTCMedical Terminology61 True or False Kidney Function Maintain blood pH True Manufacture Vitamin K False Produce erythropoietin True Vary excretion of water True
NWTCMedical Terminology62 What does it Mean? Nephr(o) kidney nos(o) disease pyel(o) renal pelvis ren(o) kidney -rrhagia hemorrhage
NWTCMedical Terminology63 What does it Mean? -rrhaphy suture -rrhexis rupture staphyl(o) grape-like cluster strept(o) twisted ureter(o) ureter
NWTCMedical Terminology64 What does it Mean? Urethr(o) urethra urin(o) urine glycosuria the presence of sugar in the urine cystostomy formation of an opening into the urinary bladder
NWTCMedical Terminology65 What does it Mean? Ureterolithiasis presence of stones in the ureter cystorrhexis rupture of the bladder ketonuria excretion of ketones in the urine nosocomial pertaining to or originating in a hospital renal pertaining to the kidney
NWTCMedical Terminology66 What does it Mean? Pyelitis inflammation of the renal pelvis lithotripsy crushing of calculus within urinary system or gall bladder followed by washing out cystoscopy visual examination of the bladder with an instrument that is inserted through the urethra
NWTCMedical Terminology67 Spelling Ureteroskopy ureteroscopy urethrosel urethrocele urethrorhagia urethrorrhagia dialisis dialysis pyonefrosis pyonephrosis
NWTCMedical Terminology68 Spelling Nefrostomy nephrostomy pieloplasty pyeloplasty nefron nephron
NWTCMedical Terminology69 Matching 1. Inflammation of a ureter 2. Instrument used to visualize the bladder 3. Incision of the urinary bladder 4. Surgical repair of the renal pelvis 5. Suture of the lip A. Cheilorrhaphy B. Ureteritis C. Cystoscope D. Pyeloplasty E. Cystotomy
NWTCMedical Terminology70 Matching 1. Enlargement of the kidney 2. Absence of urine 3. Hemorrhage from the urethera 4. Herniation of the bladder 5. Ultrasonic scanning of the kidney A. Anuria B. Urethrorrhagia C. Cystocele D. Nephrosonography E. Nephromegaly
NWTCMedical Terminology71 Define the Term Cystoscopy examination of the interior of the bladder glomerulopathy any disease of the filtering part of the kidney cardionephric pertaining to the kidney and heart lithotripsy crushing of calculus within the urinary system
NWTCMedical Terminology72 Define the Term Cystoscope instrument used to view the interior of the bladder polyp growth protruding from mucous membrane Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP) the record obtained when a contrast medium is injected into a vein and x-rays are taken to observe kidney function.
NWTCMedical Terminology73 Define the Term Ureteropyelitis inflammation of a ureter and the renal pelvis streptococcal pharyngitis infection of the throat caused by streptococci urethrocele herniation of the urethra polyuria excessive urination
NWTCMedical Terminology74 Define the Term Anuria absence of urine nephrorrhaphy suture of the kidney urography radiography of the urinary system albuminuria presence of albumin in the urine glycosuria excretion of sugar in the urine
NWTCMedical Terminology75 Define the Term Cystorrhexis rupture of the bladder nephrosonography ultrasound of the kidney nephrolysis destruction of kidney tissue dysuria difficult urination cystitis inflammation of the bladder
NWTCMedical Terminology76 Define the Term Pyuria pus in the urine cystostomy formation of a new opening into the bladder nephritis inflammation of the kidney nephrolith kidney stone
NWTCMedical Terminology77 Define the Term Glomerulonephritis inflammation of kidney which involves the clump of capillaries that act as filters staphyloccoci cocci that grow in grape like clusters streptococci cocci that grow in twisted chains nephrocele herniation of the kidney
NWTCMedical Terminology78 Define the Term Diuresis increased urination uremia accumulation of waste products in the blood nephrectomy removal of a kidney ureteritis inflammation of a ureter
NWTCMedical Terminology79 Matching 1. A kidney stone 2. Surgical fixation of a floating kidney 3. Herniation of ureter 4. Surgical transplantation of a ureter to a different place in the bladder 5. Sugar in the urine 6. Formation of a new opening into the bladder A. Cystostomy B. Glycosuria C. Ureterocystostomy D. Uretorocele E. Renal calculus F. Nephropexy
NWTCMedical Terminology80 What does it Mean? Hematuria blood in the urine ureterolith a stone in the ureter pyeloplasty surgical repair of the renal pelvis nosocomial originating in the hospital dysuria difficult urination
NWTCMedical Terminology81 What does it Mean? Unilateral nephromegaly enlargement of one kidney urethrorrhagia hemorrhage from the urethra nephrorrhaphy suture of the kidney polycystic kidney disease the presence of many fluid filled sacs throughout the kidney
NWTCMedical Terminology82 What does it Do? Urethra carries urine from the bladder ureters carries urine to the bladder bladder reservoir for urine kidneys filters blood and excretes waste on the form of urine
NWTCMedical Terminology83 What does it Mean? Cystitis inflammation of the bladder nephrolysis destruction of kidney tissue nephropexy surgical fixation of a floating kidney anuria absence of urine incision of the bladder cystotomy
NWTCMedical Terminology84 What does it Mean? Spherical bacteria cocci rod shaped bacteria bacilli resection of the bladder cystectomy excision of a renal calculus from the pelvis of the kidney pyelolithotomy
NWTCMedical Terminology85 What does it Mean? Cystoplegia paralysis of the bladder toxemia presence of microorganisms or their toxins in the blood nephrolithiasis a condition marked by the presence of renal calculi
NWTCMedical Terminology86 Case Study Last week, my neighbor Mrs. O. was complaining of back pain, blood in her urine, and painful urination. She went to see the physician who specializes in urinary problems. The physician ordered a urine test. It was found that she had albumin in her urine. The physician then ordered a ultrasonic scanning of the kidney. She was diagnosed with kidney stones and an enlarged left kidney.
NWTCMedical Terminology87 Case Study The physician spoke with Mrs. O. and decided she needed to have the kidney stones surgically crushed. Mrs.. O. had to have a tube inserted into her bladder to drain urine. Mrs. O. is now home and happy to be with her family.
NWTCMedical Terminology88 Case Study Dorsodynia hematuria dysuria Urologist urinalysis albuminuria
NWTCMedical Terminology89 Case Study nephrosonography nephrolithiasis unilateral nephromegaly Lithotripsy catheter
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