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Ing. Ondřej Ševeček | GOPAS a.s. | MCM: Directory Services | MVP: Enterprise Security | | |

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Presentation on theme: "Ing. Ondřej Ševeček | GOPAS a.s. | MCM: Directory Services | MVP: Enterprise Security | | |"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ing. Ondřej Ševeček | GOPAS a.s. | MCM: Directory Services | MVP: Enterprise Security | | |

2 Active Directory Replication Issues and Troubleshooting

3 Central Database  LDAP – Lightweight Directory Access Protocol  database query language, similar to SQL  TCP/UDP 389, SSL TCP 636  Global Catalog (GC) – TCP/UDP 3268, SSL TCP 3269  D/COM Dynamic TCP – Replication  D/COM Dynamic TCP – NSPI  Kerberos  UDP/TCP 88  Windows NT 4.0 SAM  SMB/CIFS TCP 445 (or NetBIOS)  password resets, SAM queries  SMB/DCOM Dynamic TCP  NTLM pass-through  Kerberos PAC validation

4 Design Considerations  Distributed system  DCs disconnected for very long times  several months  Multimaster replication  with some FSMO roles

5 Design Considerations  Example: Caribean cruises, DC/IS/Exchange on board with tens of workstations and users, some staff hired during journey. No or bad satelite connectivity only. DCs synced after ship is berthed at main office.  Challenge: Must work independently for long time periods. Different independent cruise- liners/DCs can accomodate changes to user accounts, email addresses, Exchange settings. Cannot afford lost of any one.

6 Database  Microsoft JET engine  JET Blue  common with Microsoft Exchange  used by DHCP, WINS, COM+, WMI, CA, CS, RDS Broker  %WINDIR%\NTDS\NTDS.DIT  ESENTUTL  Opened by LSASS.EXE

7 Installed services LSASS Security Accounts Manager TCP 445 SMB + Named Pipes Kerberos Key Distribution Center UDP, TCP 88 Kerberos Active Directory Domain Services UDP, TCP 389 LDAP NTDS.DIT D/COM Dynamic TCP

8 Installed services LSASS SAM KDC NTDS TCP 445 SMB + Named Pipes UDP, TCP 88 Kerberos UDP, TCP 389,... LDAP NT4.0 NTLM Pass-through PAC validation Windows 2000+ LDAP/ADSI Client NTDS Replication FIM/DRS API Client Connect to domain D/COM Dynamic TCP

9 Uninstallation  DCPROMO  requires working replication connectivity with other DCs  DCPROMO /forceremoval  does not access network at all  can run in DS Restore Mode

10 NTDSUTIL Metadata Cleanup  Connection  Connect to server srv2.idtt.local  Quit  Select operation target  List sites  Select site 0  List domains in site  Select domain 0  List servers in site  Select server 0  Quit  Remove selected server

11 Metadata Cleanup

12 Active Directory Replication Issues and Troubleshooting

13 Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC)  runs 5 minutes after boot  Repl topology update delay (secs)  runs every 15 minutes periodically  Repl topology update period (secs)

14 Intrasite Replication Topology DC1 DC2 DC4 DC3

15 Originating Updates and Notifications DC1 DC2 DC4 DC3 15 sec 3 sec

16 Notification and Replication DC1DC2 I have got some changes Kerberos Authenticated DCOMTCPRandom Give me your replica Kerberos Authenticated DCOMTCPRandom

17 Intrasite Replication – 3 Hops max. DC1 DC4 DC3 DC5 DC6 DC7 DC2

18 Intersite Replication (no Bridgeheads) DC1 DC2 DC3 DC5 DC6 DC7 DC4

19 Intersite Replication (no Bridgeheads) DC1 DC2 DC3 DC5 DC6 DC7 DC4 15 sec 3 sec schedule

20 Intersite Replication with a Bridgehead DC1 DC2 DC3 DC5 DC6 DC7 DC4 15 sec 3 sec schedule

21 Intrasite Replication  Uses notifications by default (originating/received)  300/30 sec on Windows 2000  15/3 sec on Windows 2003  Occurs every hour as scheduled  nTDSSiteSettings  At this frequency KCC detects unavailable partners  HKLM\System\CCS\Services\NTDS\Parameters  Replicator notify pause after modify (secs)  Replicator notify pause between DSAs (secs)

22 Intrasite Replication DC1 DC2 notification random TCP download changes random TCP 15 sec download changes random TCP schedule

23 Intersite Replication DC1 DC2 download changes random TCP schedule

24 Intersite Replication  Does not use notifications by default  siteLink: options = USE_NOTIFY (1)  Compression used  siteLink: options = DISABLE_COMPRESSION (4)  Bridge all site links

25 Site Link Design

26 Site Link Design (Better?) London Olomouc Roma Cyprus Paris Berlin

27 Site Link Design (Worse?) Olomouc Roma Cyprus Paris Berlin London

28 Static TCP for Replication  HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services  NTDS\Parameters  TCP/IP Port = DWORD  Replication + NSPI  Netlogon\Parameters  DCTcpipPort = DWORD  LSASS (Pass-through)  NTFRS\Parameters  RPC TCP/IP Port Assignment = DWORD  DFSRDIAG StaticRPC /port:xxx /Member:dc1

29 Urgent Replication (Notification)  Intrasite only  intersite also if notification enabled  Do not wait for delay (15/3 sec)  In the case of  account lockout  password and lockout policy  RID FSMO owner change  DC password or trust account password change

30 Immediate Replication (Notification)  Password changes  from DCs to PDC  Regardless of site boundaries  PDC downloads only the single user object  all changed attributes but only single object  From DC/PDC further with normal replication

31 Example Replication Traffic  Atomic replication of a single object with a one byte attribute change  Notification + replication  intersite compressed  Overall 7536 B  30 packets ~10 round trips  50 ms round trip means 500 ms transfer time  consumption at 120 kbps  Useful data ~80 B

32 Bridge All Site Links On Olomouc London Prague Paris Roma Cyprus B BA  site links are transitive  can be disabled on IP transport A A A A

33 Bridge All Site Links Off Olomouc London Prague Paris Roma Cyprus A A  site links are not transitive  Cyprus partition is cut off A A A B B

34 GC Replication Olomouc London Prague Paris Roma Cyprus A A A A A  one-way: from the source NC into the nearest GC  two-way: GCs between themselves B GC

35 Roma London GC Replication Olomouc Prague Paris Cyprus A A A A B A B  one-way: from the source NC into the nearest GC  two-way: GCs between themselves GC

36 Subnetting in AD (Apps) 10.10.x.x / 16 / 29 DC1 DC2 DC3DC4 DC5 Exchange

37 Subnetting in AD (Recovery) 10.10.x.x / 16 Recovery Site / 32 DC1 DC2 DC3DC4 DC5

38 Rebuilding After Failure

39  Inter-site  IntersiteFailuresAllowed  MaxFailureTimeForIntersiteLink (secs)  Intra-site (immediate neighbors)  CriticalLinkFailuresAllowed  MaxFailureTimeForCriticalLink  Intra-site (optimalization for non-critical)  NonCriticalLinkFailuresAllowed  MaxFailureTimeForNonCriticalLink

40 Active Directory Replication Issues and Troubleshooting

41 Modification operations  Create new object  Modify attributes  change/delete value  change distinguishedName = rename  Rename container  all subobjects renamed as well

42 Replication Metadata  REPADMIN /ShowObjMeta  all attributes  when  originating DC

43 Replication conflicts  The later action wins  if no one is later then random (USN)  Attribute modified on two DCs “simultaneously”  only one change wins  Linked multivalue attribute modified  merged (on 2003+ forest level)  Object/container deleted and object modified  deleted  Object moved into a deleted container  CN=lost and found  Two objects with the same sAMAccountName, cn or userPrincipalName created  object renamed, logins duplicit

44 Linked Multi-values

45 DC1 Replication Kamil10:00 Helen11:00 DC2 DC19:00 11:05

46 DC1 Replication Basics Kamil10:00 Helen11:00 DC2 DC111:30 Kamil10:00 Helen11:00 11:30

47 DC1 Replication Basics Kamil10:00 Helen11:00 DC2 DC111:30 Kamil10:00 Helen11:00 Judith12:00 12:05

48 DC1 Replication Basics Kamil10:00 Helen11:00 DC2 DC112:30 Kamil10:00 Helen11:00 Judith12:00 Judith12:00 12:30

49 DC1 Replication Basics Kamil10:00 Helen11:00 DC2 DC112:30 Kamil10:00 Helen11:00 Judith12:00 Judith12:00 DC1 DC3 Marie11:00 Me 12:30

50 DC1 Replication Basics Kamil10:00 Helen11:00 DC2 DC112:30 Kamil10:00 Helen11:00 Judith12:00 Judith12:00 DC1 DC3 DC110:30 DC27:00 Kamil10:00 DC1 Marie11:00 Me 12:30

51 DC1 Replication Basics Kamil10:00 Helen11:00 DC2 DC112:30 Kamil10:00 Helen11:00 Judith12:00 Judith12:00 DC1 DC3 DC110:30 DC27:00 Kamil10:00 DC1 Marie11:00 Me 13:30

52 DC1 Replication Basics Kamil10:00 Helen11:00 DC2 DC112:30 Kamil10:00 Helen11:00 Judith12:00 Judith12:00 DC1 DC3 DC112:30 DC213:30 Kamil10:00 DC1 Marie11:00 Me 13:30

53 DC1 Replication Basics Kamil10:00 Helen11:00 Kamil10:00 Helen11:00 Judith12:00 Judith12:00 DC1 DC3 DC112:30 DC213:30 Marie11:00 DC2 14:15

54 USN  Each object modification increments USN for that object and for the whole DC  Each DC remembers USNs of its replication partners  repadmin /showutdvec

55 USN 2 USN 5001 3 USN 3001 1 USN 1001 25001 33001 11001 33001 11001 25001

56 USN 2 USN 5001 3 USN 3001 1 USN 1003 25001 33001 1 3 11001 25001 Kamil1002 John1003 1001

57 USN 2 USN 5001 3 USN 3001 1 USN 1003 25001 33001 1 3 11001 25001 Kamil1002 John1003 Notify Give me 1002, 3 1001

58 USN 2 USN 5003 3 USN 3001 1 USN 1003 25001 33001 11003 33001 11001 25001 Kamil5002 John5003 Kamil1002 John1003

59 USN 2 USN 5004 3 USN 3001 1 USN 1003 25001 33001 11003 33001 11001 25001 Kamil5002 John5003 Maria5004 Kamil1002 John1003

60 USN 2 USN 5004 3 USN 3004 1 USN 1003 25001 33001 11003 33001 11003 25004 Kamil3002 John3003 Kamil5002 John5003 Maria5004 Maria3004 Kamil1002 John1003

61 2 1 1 1 1 USN 2 USN 5004 3 USN 3004 1 USN 1003 25001 33001 11003 33001 11003 25004 Kamil John Kamil 1002 John1003 Kamil John Maria Kamil John 5002 5003 5004 2 1 1 Kamil John Kamil John Maria 3002 3003 3004

62 2 1 1 1 1 USN 2 USN 5004 3 USN 3004 1 USN 1003 25001 33004 11003 33001 11003 25004 Kamil John Kamil 1002 John1003 Kamil John Maria Kamil John 5002 5003 5004 2 1 1 Kamil John Kamil John Maria 3002 3003 3004 Maria2

63 Active Directory Replication Issues and Troubleshooting

64 The Three Problems  Single DC offline for a long time  not so long as tombstone!  authentication problem  Tombstone lifetime  two separate DC zones  not a “business” consistency problem  USN rollback  restore from snapshot, image, manual backup  total inconsistency!

65 DC Offline for Long Time DC1 DC2 DC3 DC2PWD21 DC3PWD31 PWD21 Month 0 OLD PWD- PWD31 OLD PWD- MyPWD11

66 DC Offline for Long Time DC1 DC2 DC3 DC2PWD21 DC3PWD31 PWD22 Month 1 OLD PWD21 PWD32 OLD PWD31 MyPWD11

67 DC Offline for Long Time DC1 DC2 DC3 DC2PWD21 DC3PWD31 PWD23 Month 2 OLD PWD22 PWD33 OLD PWD32 MyPWD11

68 PWD 21 DC Offline for Long Time DC1 DC2 DC3 DC2PWD21 DC3PWD31 PWD23 Month 3 OLD PWD22 PWD33 OLD PWD32 Kerberos KDC TGS Ticket MyPWD11

69 PWD 23 DC Offline for Long Time DC1 DC2 DC3 DC2PWD21 DC3PWD31 PWD23 Month 3 OLD PWD22 PWD33 OLD PWD32 KDC Disabled TGS Ticket Kerberos KDC MyPWD11

70 DC Isolated for Long Time DC1 DC2 DC3 MyPWD13 Month 3 Kerberos KDC DC1PWD11 DC1PWD11 KDC Disabled PWD 13 TGT Ticket

71 DC Isolated for Long Time DC1 DC2 DC3 Month 3 DC1PWD14 DC1PWD14 NETDOM RESETPWD PWD 14 TGT Ticket MyPWD14 KDC Disabled

72 Lingering Objects  When DC didn’t replicate during the tombstoneLifetime, it halts replication  Can be restored by Allow Replication with Divergent and Corrupt Partner  HKLM\System\CCS\Services\NTDS\Parameters  turn on, replicate, turn off

73 DC4 DC3 DC2 DC1 Objects and Tombstones Frank Stan Tania Frank Stan Tania Frank Stan Tania Frank Stan Tania

74 DC4 DC3 DC2 DC1 Objects and Tombstones Frank Stan Tania Frank Stan Tania Frank Stan Tania Frank Stan Tania

75 DC4 DC3 DC2 DC1 Objects and Tombstones Frank Stan Tania Frank Stan Tania Frank Stan Tania Frank Stan Tania

76 DC4 DC3 DC2 DC1 Objects and Tombstones Frank Stan Tania Frank Stan Tania Frank Stan Tania Frank Stan Tania

77 DC4 DC3 DC2 DC1 Garbage Collection 1/day Frank Tania Frank Stan Tania Frank Stan Tania Frank Tania

78 DC4 DC3 DC2 DC1 Garbage Collection 1/day Frank Tania Frank Tania Frank Tania Frank Tania

79 DC4 DC3 DC2 DC1 Lingering Objects Frank Stan Tania Frank Stan Tania Frank Stan Tania Frank Stan Tania

80 DC4 DC3 DC2 DC1 Lingering Objects Frank Stan Tania Frank Stan Tania Frank Stan Tania Frank Stan Tania

81 DC4 DC3 DC2 DC1 Lingering Objects Frank Tania Frank Stan Frank Tania Frank Stan Tania

82 DC4 DC3 DC2 DC1 Lingering Objects Frank Tania Frank Stan Frank Tania Frank Stan Tania

83 Possible Problems  Inconsistent distributed database  Proliferation of partial objects  after modification of some attributes  Allow Replication with Divergent and Corrupt Partner  blocks replication after tombstone lifetime  Strict Replication Consistency  detects partial objects if replication allowed

84 Lingering Objects

85  Strict Replication Consistency  HKLM\System\CCS\Services\NTDS\Parameters  1 – do not replicate  0 – request full copy from source  By default only on new Windows 2003+ installations

86 Automatic Repair Philosphy?  Business logic says “deleted already”  should we investigate?  Metadata cleanup?  we may need some data from the vesel  Remove lingering objects

87 Removing Lingering Objects  REPADMIN /RemoveLingeringObjects target sourceGUID DN /advisory_mode  sourceGUID – healthy DC’s GUID (without {})  target – suspected DC’s name with lingering objects  DN – naming context DN  /advisory_mode  just logs the found objects (on the ill DC)

88 Lingering Object found/deleted

89 Correct Registry Settings  Long term normal operation  Strict consistency = 1  Allow divergent partner = 0  Temporary repair operation  Strict consistency = 1  Allow divergent partner = 1

90 USN Rollback  May or may not be detected  Cannot be repaired  not always lingering objects!  DC must be denoted/repromoted  unplug network  DCPROMO /forceremoval  NTDSUTIL Roles  NTDSUTIL Metadata Cleanup

91 USN Rollback 1001 DC1 2 USN 5001 1 33001 Snapshot 1001

92 USN Rollback Kamil1002 John1003 Judith1004 Helen1005 1001 DC1 Eva1006 2 USN 5001 1 33001 Snapshot 1001

93 USN Rollback Kamil1002 John1003 Judith1004 Helen1005 1001 DC1 Eva1006 2 USN 5001 11006 33001 Snapshot Kamil1002 John1003 Judith1004 Helen1005 Eva1006

94 Restore 1001 DC1 2 USN 5001 11006 33001 Restore Kamil1002 John1003 Judith1004 Helen1005 Eva1006

95 USN Rollback (Detectable) 1001 DC1 2 USN 5001 11006 33001 Restore Kamil1002 John1003 Judith1004 Helen1005 Eva1006

96 USN Rollback (Detectable) 1001 DC1 2 USN 5001 11006 33001 Restore Kamil1002 John1003 Judith1004 Helen1005 Eva1006 Frank1002 Stan1003

97 USN Rollback (Detectable)




101 USN Rollback (Non-detect.) Frank1002 Stan1003 1001 DC1 2 USN 5001 11006 33001 Tania1004 Mark1005 Martin1006 Victor1007 Leo1008 Restore Kamil1002 John1003 Judith1004 Helen1005 Eva1006

102 USN Rollback (Non-detect.) Frank1002 Stan1003 1001 DC1 2 USN 5001 11008 33001 Tania1004 Mark1005 Martin1006 Victor1007 Leo1008 Restore Victor1007 Leo1008 Kamil1002 John1003 Judith1004 Helen1005 Eva1006

103 Restoring VM Snapshots  Restore offline  HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NTDS  Database Restored from Backup = DWORD = 1  Restart NTDS service  changes InvocationID of the database instance

104 Ing. Ondřej Ševeček | GOPAS a.s. | MCM: Directory Services | MVP: Enterprise Security | | |

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