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Nuclear Power By: T-DOG, Kyle Moser com/ps/ gHitCountType=None &sort=Relevance&inP S=true&prodId=GVRL.hsdenergysources&u.

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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear Power By: T-DOG, Kyle Moser com/ps/ gHitCountType=None &sort=Relevance&inP S=true&prodId=GVRL.hsdenergysources&u."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nuclear Power By: T-DOG, Kyle Moser http://go.galegroup. com/ps/ gHitCountType=None &sort=Relevance&inP S=true&prodId=GVRL.hsdenergysources&u serGroupName=land1 8748&tabID=T003&se archId=R1&resultList Type=RESULT_LIST&c ontentSegment=&sea rchType=BasicSearch Form&currentPositio n=2&contentSet=GAL E|CX3451200022&&d ocId=GALE|CX345120 0022&docType=GALE

2 Since all it gives off is steam there is no air pollution. Nuclear power plants produce a big amount of energy to supply to cities. PROS: Nuclear power also is good because it is inexpensive. GroupName=land18748&tabID=T003&searchId=R1&resultListType=RESULT_LIST&contentSegment=&searchType=BasicSearchForm& currentPosition=2&contentSet=GALE|CX3451200022&&docId=GALE|CX3451200022&docType=GALE

3 Cons: 1. A safe way to dispose of Uranium. 2. There is always that risk of a major accident. It would take a lot of money to repair, and the human casualties are uncertain. 3. It is expensive for the nuclear waste. image from rue&prodId=GVRL.hsdenergysources&userGroupName=land18748&tabID=T003&searchId=R1&r esultListType=RESULT_LIST&contentSegment=&searchType=BasicSearchForm&currentPosition= 2&contentSet=GALE|CX3451200022&&docId=GALE|CX3451200022&docType=GALE

4 Source of Energy It is released from the nucleus of an atom. It happens either by Fission (spliting the atom apart) or Fusion (combining two atoms to form a larger atom). The fuel most commonly used is Uranium. -basics

5 Nuclear fission boils the water that it is in to create steam that turns a turbine to create energy. How nuclear power works: pName=land18748&tabID=T003&searchId=R1&resultListType=RESULT_LIST&contentSegment=&searchType=BasicSearchForm&currentPos ition=2&contentSet=GALE|CX3451200022&&docId=GALE|CX3451200022&docType=GALE

6 Other Nuclear Power information: Three Mile Island (TMI) is the closest power plant near us. The plant is located on the Susquehanna river. In 1935 President Dwight D. Eisenhower holds a speech called "Atoms of Peace". In his speech he talked about Nuclear atoms should be used for peaceful uses and not harmful uses. Nuclear power gives off no emissions.

7 Nuclear Energy Video =a6978dd9-59e3-4b53-9750-bb0285ef80dd

8 Sources of Information ge=nuclear_home-basics sgHitCountType=None&sort=Relevance&in PS=true&prodId=GVRL.hsdenergysources& userGroupName=land18748&tabID=T003& searchId=R4&resultListType=RESULT_LIST &contentSegment=&searchType=BasicSea rchForm&currentPosition=2&contentSet= GALE|CX3451200022&&docId=GALE|CX34 51200022&docType=GALE Nuclear Power book By Tom and Gena Metcalf

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