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Published byJoy Newman Modified over 9 years ago
28 August 2015
Introduce new logisticians to property management tools and procedures Provide an update on the recent changes in ORMS
$1.2 million
Aircraft$117 Million Vehicles$ 25 Million Computers$ 5 Million Other Property$ 25 Million
Implements CAP’s property management and accountability policy Incorporates guidance from OMB Circulars, DoD Manual 4160.21M and the Cooperative Agreement between CAP and USAF Includes input from NHQ CAP, CAP-USAF, volunteer advisors and field units Currently under revision
All property no matter what the source becomes CAP property once acquired Commanders and property management officers are responsible for management, control, maintenance and disposal What is a property management officer ?? – “any member holding a position of logistics, supply or communications officer.” Regions or wings may supplement CAPR 174-1
Property Freezes Three levels of property freeze -- each progressively more restrictive Reflects less than adequate control over assigned resources Improper housekeeping Unsatisfactory inventory results Unauthorized sale or disposal Pattern of misuse or noncompliance CAP–USAF or CAP may impose freezes
– Property Management Data Base Contains all types of CAP property Rolled out in January 2010 Improved accountability at all levels Increased accessibility by members Improved recordkeeping Reduced paperwork Incorporates ROS and assessments
Property Classification … expendable and non-expendable Determines how it will be tracked in ORMS Directs the method of disposal
What is non-expendable property? Is complete in itself Is durable in nature Has a continuing use Is not consumed through use Is not a component of another item Has an expected service life of at least 1 year Has an initial unit acquisition cost of more than $500 Must meet all criteria above
Non-expendable property tracking in ORMS All non-expendable property is entered in ORMS regardless of source Non-expendable items are allocated to a specific unit It may be issued to individuals Acquisition cost must be entered into ORMS Must have a property tag and number
There is no requirement to track property with an acquisition cost of less than $500
Two categories of non-expendable property Equipment…Property with an acquisition cost of $5,000 or greater and a useful life of more than 1 year Supplies
What is expendable property? 1.Not non-expendable 2.Normally intended for limited use 3.May be consumed during use 4.Not entered into ORMS 5.Does not require a property tag
Tracked expendable property? 1.Property with initial cost of <$500 2.Property with an acquisition cost >$500 3.and depreciated to below $500 ROS decision at wing/CC level A few excepted property items
Acquisition Purchased Donated Found on base (FOB) State or local funded/owned Historical property
Purchased Property Appropriated funds Corporate (unit) funds State or local govt funds Consult CAPR 70-1 CAP Acquisition Regulation for policy on funds expenditure
Donated Property AA variety of sources CCAPR 173-1 Financial Procedures and Accounting and CAPR 173-4 Fund Raising and Donations BBe Careful CConsult with appropriate level legal officer AAnnotate as “Donated” in the source field
Found on Base (FoB) Non-expendable property for which the funding source is unknown Managed like DoD excess and disposed of through DRMO Annotate as “FOB” in the source field Should rarely be used….but often overused
State-funded/owned property Track all state/local govt funded or owned property in ORMS Disposal will be in accordance with instructions provided at time the property was accepted Annotate as “State Funded” in ORMS
Property Tags and PCN Property tags are placed on all non-expendable property Each item in ORMS must have a property tag number May use on expendable property but do not assign a property tag number Property control number (PCN) is unique to each item and will not change over the life of the property
Five functions of property control Transfer Assignment Issuance Inventory Retirement
Transfer Property transfer occurs between units Transfer non-expendable property using transfer function of ORMS Transferred property must be accepted within 10 working days of transfer initiation Use CAP Form 111 for transfer/receipt of expendable property
Transfer Ensure that property (i.e., aircraft. vehicles, communications or other equipment and supplies) is assigned with applicable tables of allowance in mind. Property should be transferred in ORMS to the unit where the property is actually located and is being used. This practice is optional for aircraft
Transfer When property is used temporarily at a location or in an activity other than that of assignment, it need not be transferred in ORMS (i.e., encampments, mission training exercises, weekend activities, etc.).
Assign Property is assigned to another piece of property like an aircraft, vehicle or kit Assigned property doesn’t have be unassigned to be transferred Property with items assigned cannot be retired until other items have been unassigned
Issue Property is issued to individuals Issue non-expendable property using transfer function of ORMS Recipient acknowledges receipt through ORMS within 7 days
Issue When accepting property, members agree to reimburse CAP for the depreciated value of the property if lost or damaged. When ORMS is not available, use the CAP Form 37 to initially issue property When issuing property to individuals under the age of 18, ORMS will generate a property receipt to be signed by the individual’s parent or guardian
Issue Individuals under the age of 18 years are not permitted to hold logistics, supply, transportation or communications duty positions that include ORMS permissions to transfer, issue or assign property
Issue When returning property individuals should receive a CAPF 37, Individual Issue Receipt, indicating turn-in. Members should hold this receipt until ORMS has been updated to reflect turn in. Members may verify their own issued property list by accessing ORMS
Annual Physical Inventory Property inventory is mandated by the Circulars Ensure property is safeguarded and managed Conduct annual inventory between 1 October and 31 December Failure to complete the inventory during this period may result in a property freeze Complete all pending issues, transfers and retirements before beginning the inventory
Annual Physical Inventory Use the ORMS inventory worksheet to perform the inventory Verify presence, condition and accuracy of data for each item Ensure that each non-expendable item is properly tagged Remote functional checks can be used to verify condition and presence of off-site equipment
Annual Physical Inventory All non-expendable property issued to individuals must be made available for a property manager to validate Inventory is not complete until all issued items have been validated and accepted in ORMS Commanders determine how best to inventory property that cannot be transported
Changeover Inventory Upon assignment of a new commander or property management officer ORMS provides changeover inventory guidance Inventory of individually issued property is not required If an annual inventory was completed recently and both individuals agree, a changeover inventory is optional
Property on loan to other agencies Document on the CAPF 37 Scan and upload a signed copy of the Form 37 into ORMS Physically check during annual inventory and re-validate every 60 days Include name of organization, address, phone number, name of point of contact and expected property return date
Property out for repair Annotate in ORMS master record in “Maintenance” Include name of repair facility, address, point of contact, date sent out for repair, tracking number and estimated date of return Update location and condition when returned
Unit Deactivation Commanders accountable for reclaiming all property from deactivating units Prior to deactivation but no later than 30 days post deactivation ORMS automatically assigns property to the 000 unit for 30 days to allow the wing to transfer it to a desired location After 30 days it moves to 001
Property Recovery Commanders shall make a reasonable effort to recover property from members who terminate Document recovery efforts in writing and load to ORMS Send demand letters by certified mail….consult legal officer first Document unsuccessful recovery efforts in Report of Survey (ROS)
Report of Survey One way to remove property from inventory Report loss or damage to commander or property management officer Individual receiving the report changes the condition to “missing/damaged” in ORMS Automatically initiates an ROS Commander appoints an impartial investigating officer
Report of Survey The report of survey summarizes circumstances concerning loss, damage or destruction of CAP-owned property and documents an adjustment to the property inventory. It also documents a charge of financial liability assessed against an individual or unit, or provides relief from financial liability.
Report of Survey Delay for other agency investigations Investigating officer records results of investigation Upload supporting documents in ORMS Investigating officer makes recommendations to prevent recurrence of conditions that caused the loss or damage Wing commanders recommend assessments if property is not tracked expendable Region commanders, make the assessment
Assessment policy Intended to reduce property loss/damage by holding members accountable No assessments for acts of God or events over which the member or unit had no control Individuals and/or units may be assessed
Type I Incident Member or unit failed to use care that a reasonable person would use under similar circumstances Region commanders shall assess the lesser of the cost to repair or replace or $500
Type II Incident More serious than Type I Incident marked by an unreasonably high degree of risk to others or to property Conscious or willful disregard for others or property or Intentional violation of CAP or Government regulations Region commanders shall assess the lesser of the cost to repair or replace or $5000
Type III Incident Most serious of all Incident results from willful or intentional misconduct with a reckless disregard for the consequences Region commanders shall assess the lesser of the cost to repair or replace or $5000 National Commander may increase the assessment to full value to repair or replace
Assessment Procedures Wing CC recommends to Region CC Region CC reviews the Online Mishap Report and all other documentation in addition to the Wing CC recommendation Two or more members can be found equally culpable and can be assessed accordingly CAP/NC monitors for fairness and consistency
Assessment Procedures Member has the right to appeal File appeal in writing to National Commander through NHQ/LG National Commander’s decision is final Member has one year to make payment in full There is an installment option Proof of payment maintained in ORMS Property remains on the books until paid in full
Assessment procedures If their payment is late or if not made in full within the installment plan period members who have been assessed will be flagged in the National database and will not be permitted to renew their membership
Tracked Expendable Assessment Procedures Wing CC makes the determination Region CC is the appeal authority
Disposal Retirement is the preferred method of removing property from inventory Property must have zero value or be unserviceable Upon retirement initiation, ORMS notifies individuals responsible for approval Wing CC has approval authority for property purchased with corporate funds
Disposal Contact lending agency for disposal instructions for property provided by state or local govt. Refer to CAPR 173-4 for requirement for disposal of donated property Acquisition source determines the disposal method
Approved Methods of Disposal Property found on base will be disposed like Federal excess property and goes to DRMO Disposal of all Federally-funded equipment will be in accordance with CAP-USAF instructions Non-expendable supplies, not obtained from DoD excess, that have exceeded their useful life, do not have to be returned to DRMO. Must be disposed of IAW local environmental rules
Sale of Federally-Sourced Property CAP-USAF may direct that equipment be sold Normally sold through a sealed bid process or through an NHQ approved broker Retain all documentation regarding the bid process and successful bidder’s contact information
Donation to non-profit organizations Property must be from non-govt sources or purchased with corporate funds Contact NHQ/GC to re-donate property Upload all documentation regarding donation to ORMS
Demilitarization Comm gear must be sanitized to prevent compromise of keys, codes and freqs Deprogram programmable gear Remove all frequencies Mark equipment with “All CAP frequency information and /or frequency determining elements removed.” Include date and signature.
Screening Federal-Excess Property Sourced through GSA OR DRMO Reviewing property at DRMO for availability is called “screening” Forward requests to acquire this property to NHQ/LGS for coordination with CAP-USAF Wings may appoint up to 4 screeners Regions may appoint 1 per region
Federal-Excess Property Submit written requests for screeners through the CAP-USAF LR/LG Re-accomplish screener list annually or whenever a screener changes Scan and load the letter into ORMS Screening can be done online or in person--- online is the preferred method Get CAP-USAF LR/LG approval to pick up
Federal-Excess Property Property request should contain the Table of Allowances (TA) item number and justification If not listed in TA prepare justification for each item requested NHQ/LGS must approve non-TA items from Federal sources Annotate property tag number on DD Form 1348-1, scan and load into ORMS
Federal-Excess Property Mark expendable property obtained from DoD excess with letters “DRMO” Use the online Form 111 or locally generated spreadsheet to document receipt and transfer of expendable property There is no requirement to load expendable property into ORMS or affix property tags All FOB, DoD- or Federal-excess property must be returned to DRMO
Disposal of Federal-Excess Property Initiate retirement in ORMS CAP-USAF will provide turn-in instructions and document number Enter document number on the electronic turn- in document Scan and upload turn-in documents When signed turn-in document is loaded in ORMS NHQ is notified to retire property
Acquisition Purchase, donation lease, license or no-cost arrangement require wing CC approval Load all associated documentation into ORMS CAP units using DoD facilities must have a USACE license/written agreement authorizing the use and describing the terms of use Region CCs forward request and renewals to NHQ/GC for review
Acquisition No matter what the terms, lease, nominal fee or no charge, it is best to have some form of written agreement documenting permission and terms of use Sign no agreements with “hold harmless” or “indemnification” clauses CAP has comprehensive liability insurance to cover members, but no fire insurance or extended coverage for the facility
Acquisition Ensure property is free of hazardous substances Real Property Module is now available in ORMS Real property survey and contributed facilities and utilities are now incorporated into ORMS
Disposal Real property acquired by CAP becomes corporate property and may not be sold, transferred or disposed of without written permission of the CAP National Board Coordinate approval through NHQ/GC Proceeds from sale of real property normally goes to NHQ/FM
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