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Teamwork “Let's share our real feather colors….” To use bibliotherapy to help office personnel at Colegio Bolivar understand the need to respect differences.

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Presentation on theme: "Teamwork “Let's share our real feather colors….” To use bibliotherapy to help office personnel at Colegio Bolivar understand the need to respect differences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teamwork “Let's share our real feather colors….” To use bibliotherapy to help office personnel at Colegio Bolivar understand the need to respect differences and accept them as a positive factor to increase creativity and organizational effectiveness.

2 Materials Barbara “BJ” Hateley & Warren H. Schmidt ( 1995). “A peacock in the land of penguins: a tale of diversity and discovery.” San Francisco, Berrett – Koehler Publishers Bogotá – Colombia, Copyright Editorial Norma S.A.

3 Synopsis Barbara “BJ” Hateley through her book “A peacock in the land of penguins: a tale of diversity and discovery” stresses the importance and need of organizations to educate employees towards respect and promotion of differences in people as a factor that increases creativity and organizational productivity, re-defining the Corporate Culture.

4 Synopsis It is a book that helps organizations support the process of change, giving the opportunity to generate among personnel space for discussing tools to manage the actual changes and supporting their leadership responsibility to formulate and execute procedures to consolidate the culture of organizations. It also offers an entertaining tale for open group discussions about the theme.

5 Personnel Profile Operational staff, non- instructional personnel in the central office, finance and community affairs offices and educational section and services offices (Library, Activities, Technology) at Colegio Bolivar School.

6 Length of Time This bibliotherapy unit is designed to take place over four sessions, for a total of an eight hours workshop, two hours per session. The facilitator gives and introductory framework at the first session and then uses a combination of methodologies that include group discussion, presentation of video, group and individual exercises and reading of the text book.

7 Themes – Key concepts Areas of interest Areas of interest Diversity, Creativity and Change Diversity, Creativity and Change Change in our Organization Change in our Organization Our role and working style Our role and working style Strengths and Weaknesses Strengths and Weaknesses Team work and relationships Team work and relationships Organizational assessment & Organizational assessment & Work expectations Work expectations Opportunities & Future Direction Opportunities & Future Direction

8 Introductory Activities Concepts of a Learning Community & Life Culture. 1.Reflection on factors of change and the importance of people as the driving force. A brief with the whole group on: expectations and points of interest within the group.expectations and points of interest within the group. reflect on our networking, exchange of information as an ongoing process.reflect on our networking, exchange of information as an ongoing process. us and change, fear (frustration, resistance, stress) vs. bonding (commitment, enthusiasm, energy)us and change, fear (frustration, resistance, stress) vs. bonding (commitment, enthusiasm, energy) 2.Guidance for the workshop methodology, activities and materials.

9 Introductory Activities Concepts of a Learning Community & Life Culture. 3.Land of Penguins- things that we do differently- skim the book content relating it to organizational conflicts. 4.Employees divided into groups to list characteristics of an Ideal Organization, sharing outcomes and picking one to briefly describe its importance.

10 Discussion questions General Concepts and Definitions 1.What do we really mean when we talk about : diversity, creativity and change? 2.Why should diversity be a key and relevant factor to be discussed and given attention ? 3.How can we become resilient and help other people? 4.What would you like to do to become a “change leader”?

11 Discussion questions Change and Realities of our Organization 5.Which are the changes you identify our organization is going through? 6.Which are the things that are really going well? 7.Could we identify factors that support the above areas/projects? Land of Penguins, lets think about effective and Non effective: 8.Which are the things we would do differently? 9.How could we build bridges? 10.What is the source of Conflict?

12 Discussion questions Leadership, Change and Creativity 11.Which is our role in leading change and promoting creativity in our organization? 12.Personal reflection: How are we doing overall? What could we be doing better or differently? Indicators in Penguin land and a look at our organization: 13. Which can be a land of opportunity? 14.How can we close the gaps between our sections? 15.How do we keep moving forward and get to this land?

13 Discussion questions Personal Challenges 16.Why do we react differently to change? 17.How can we develop our personal creativity? 18.How can we build strong teams, respecting our own diversity? 19.Back to our tale: 20.How do we create an ending where differences don’t matter? 21.Adjustment to change: Identify an ongoing process and list: a)What do we like about it? b)What needs to change?

14 Discussion questions Moving into the Future 22.How can we make the best of our current reality? 23.Circle of Influence, Looking for “ I can DO”: a)How can we become more resourceful? b)How should we continue to look at change? c)Which would be the needs to make it work?

15 Discussion questions Moving into the Future 24.Personal Power: Evaluating our personal styles and differences: a)Which is our stytle, how does the environment have to do with it and which are the challenges that come from us? Special Activity “ Peacock productions”: Show your real feather colors……

16 Follow – up Activities Each attendee will submit their review of the book and relate it to their own reality.Each attendee will submit their review of the book and relate it to their own reality. As group, we will continue to reflect on :As group, we will continue to reflect on : –which should be our next steps? –which are the roles each of our groups will play? As individuals, reflection on: Let's learn to listen - We re the agent of change.As individuals, reflection on: Let's learn to listen - We re the agent of change.

17 A peacock in the Land of Penguins is a tale of diversity and discovery. It throws our attention to a very important theme, which is the diversity in our working force. It relates how we need to learn to manage diversity and value different talents, energy and commitment from each person in our changing world.

18 “We must be the change we want to see in the world” Gandhi

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