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Rules of Jeopardy Each team will choose a spokesperson. –I will only listen to that person. You will have 1 minute to answer the question. –If you are.

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Presentation on theme: "Rules of Jeopardy Each team will choose a spokesperson. –I will only listen to that person. You will have 1 minute to answer the question. –If you are."— Presentation transcript:


2 Rules of Jeopardy Each team will choose a spokesperson. –I will only listen to that person. You will have 1 minute to answer the question. –If you are wrong, you do not lose points, but the question can be “stolen.” –To steal a question, your representative must have the answer written down and be the first to raise his/her hand. The only way to lose points is if you are too loud or are harassing other teams. –You will be given one warning before I subtract points. The teacher has the final say. If you argue, we will stop playing.

3 Jeopardy Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 21 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy Chapter 20 Misc

4 Chapter 18 $100 This is the date on which the French celebrate Bastille Day.

5 Chapter 18 $100 What is July 14th? Study Guide #4

6 Chapter 18 $200 Before naming himself emperor, Napoleon was well- respected because of his success in this.

7 Chapter 18 $200 What is the military? Study Guide #8

8 Chapter 18 $300 These were the Estates in pre- revolutionary France which did not pay the taille.

9 Chapter 18 $300 What are the First and Second Estates? Study Guide #5 * Study Guide #1i – taille is France’s chief tax *

10 Chapter 18 $400 Describe/define the Reign of Terror and name its leader.

11 Chapter 18 $400 What was a time of mass killing of people opposed to the revolutionary republic? Who was Maximilien Robespierre? Study Guide #1g, #6

12 Chapter 18 $500 Name two (2) causes of the French Revolution.

13 Chapter 18 $500 Long-term causes: Economic crisis Poor harvest Estate system (divided population) Short-term causes: Storming of the Bastille Tennis Court Oath Study Guide #2, #3

14 This was the major threat to American national unity during the 19 th century. Chapter 19 $100

15 What is slavery? Chapter 19 $100 Study Guide #16

16 Name two (2) industries in which the Industrial Revolution created jobs. Chapter 19 $200

17 What were railroad construction, coal mining, factories? Chapter 19 $200 Study Guide #12

18 There were two factors that played key roles in the success of the Industrial Revolution in Britain. Name one. Chapter 19 $300

19 What were railroads and the steam engine? Study Guide #14

20 Name two (2) reasons why the Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain. Chapter 19 $400

21 What is: Improved food supply Large labor force Abundant supply of money Chapter 19 $400 Study Guide #11

22 Name four (4) inventors and their inventions from the Industrial Revolutions. Chapter 19 $500

23 Alexander Graham Bell – Telephone Charles Darwin – Natural selection Guglielmo Marconi – Transatlantic radio waves James Watt – Improved steam engine Louis Pasteur – Germ theory of disease Robert Fulton – Steam-powered paddle boat Thomas Edison – Light bulb Chapter 19 $500 Study Guide #19

24 Chapter 20 $100 By 1914, this was the effect that trade unions had on society.

25 What is better working and living conditions? Chapter 20 $100 Study Guide #21

26 Name two (2) reasons why the urban population grew during the Second Industrial Revolution. Chapter 20 $200

27 What is more jobs in the cities, Improved living conditions, and Public works made life easier? Chapter 20 $200 Study Guide #20

28 Name two (2) inventions that the internal combustion engine gave rise to. Chapter 20 $300

29 What were airplanes, automobiles, and improved ocean liners? Chapter 20 $300 Study Guide #23

30 Chapter 20 $400 Describe the working class at this time: about how much of the population did they make up and what kinds of jobs did they work?

31 What is they made up 80% of the population and were peasants, farmers, unskilled laborers? Chapter 20 $400 Study Guide #22c

32 Describe the new elite class at this time: about how much of the population did they make up and what kinds of jobs did they work? Chapter 20 $500

33 They made up about 5% of the population and controlled 30-40% of the wealth. They were the aristocrats, bankers, industrialists, and merchants. Study Guide #22a

34 Chapter 21 $100 This is the country that established the colony of Singapore.

35 Chapter 21 $100 What is Great Britain? Study Guide #27

36 Chapter 21 $200 This was the result of the Spanish-American War in the context of imperialism.

37 Chapter 21 $200 What is the United States gained new territories, like the Philippines? Study Guide #25

38 Chapter 21 $300 These were the only two (2) independent nations in Africa by 1914.

39 Chapter 21 $300 What were Liberia and Ethiopia? Study Guide #29

40 This is what Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin had in common. Chapter 21 $400

41 What is they both fought against Spain for the independence of Latin American nations? Chapter 21 $400 Study Guide #36

42 Explain the Suez Canal: who built it, who was interested in it after completion, and why were they interested? Chapter 21 $500

43 The Suez Canal was built by the French. Upon its completion, the British were interested and eventually drove the French out. The British saw it as their “lifeline to India.” Chapter 21 $500 Study Guide #30

44 Misc. $100 This was the person who ultimately gained India its independence from Britain.

45 Misc. $100 Who is Mohandas Gandhi? Study Guide #34

46 Misc. $200 Name two (2) countries in Southeast Asia which were colonized by the French.

47 Misc. $200 What are Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia? Study Guide #28

48 Misc. $300 Explain the difference between direct rule and indirect rule during the Age of Imperialism.

49 Misc. $300 Direct rule is when the local elites are removed from power and replaced with officials from the mother country. Indirect rule allows these elites to maintain their roles in society. Study Guide #27

50 Misc. $400 This is the difference between romanticism and realism.

51 Misc. $400 Romanticism is the emphasis on using feelings and emotions over reason. Realism was a literary movement stressing ordinary characters and precise descriptions of brutal everyday life. Study Guide #10e, 10f

52 Misc. $500 Describe socialism and name the person who came up with the idea.

53 Misc. $500 Karl Marx came up with the ideas of both socialism and communism. Both incorporated the ideas of equal wealth, government ownership and control of production. Study Guide #10g

54 Final Jeopardy Name 2 positive and 2 negative results of British colonization of India.

55 Final Jeopardy Answer Positive ResultsNegative Results Order and stability New school system Railroads and telegraphs STUDY GUIDE #31 Corrupt tax collection system Destruction of local industries Reduction of food production Disrespect for Indian culture STUDY GUIDE #32

56 Additional Information # 9: Survival of Great Britain and nationalism #15: Emergence of new social classes (middle and working classes) #17: Allowed the industrial middle class to vote #18: A king #26: The belief that Europeans had a moral responsibility to civilize primitive peoples

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