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 Begins 6 weeks after fertilization  Continues throughout adolescence  Can continue until 25  Ossification—replacing tissue with bone.

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2  Begins 6 weeks after fertilization  Continues throughout adolescence  Can continue until 25  Ossification—replacing tissue with bone

3  Differentiate into bones  Flat bones form this way


5  Most bones formed this way  Forms from hyaline cartilage models  Cartilage starts to calcify  Osteoblasts cover shaft  Blood vessels penetrate the cartilage  Bone of shaft thickens


7  Women—stop by 18  Men—stop by 20

8  Calcium  Comes from mom pre-birth  Mom loses bone mass while pregnant

9  Vitamin D3  Through vitamins or UV rays  Processed by liver  Allows calcium and phosphate to be absorbed

10  Rickets  Soft and bendable bones in kids  Result of vitamin D deficiency  Bowlegged appearance


12  Vitamins A and C  Scurvy—lack of vitamin C  Decreased osteoblast activity  Weak and brittle bones

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