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To Kill a Mockingbird By: Harper Lee. SETTING Imaginary district of Maycomb County in southern Alabama. Story begins in the summer of 1933 and ends on.

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Presentation on theme: "To Kill a Mockingbird By: Harper Lee. SETTING Imaginary district of Maycomb County in southern Alabama. Story begins in the summer of 1933 and ends on."— Presentation transcript:

1 To Kill a Mockingbird By: Harper Lee

2 SETTING Imaginary district of Maycomb County in southern Alabama. Story begins in the summer of 1933 and ends on Halloween night, 1935. Country is in the grips of the Great Depression

3 Jim Crow Laws htm htm htm htm

4 POINT OF VIEW Lee uses Scout Finch as a first-person narrator. Lee uses Scout Finch as a first-person narrator.

5 THEMES Prejudices People who do not conform to accepted "codes of behavior" are persecuted and sometimes killed. People who do not conform to accepted "codes of behavior" are persecuted and sometimes killed. Most white people in Maycomb believe that prejudice against blacks must be strictly upheld if southern society is to be preserved. Most white people in Maycomb believe that prejudice against blacks must be strictly upheld if southern society is to be preserved. Sexism is a form of prejudice. Scout is often admonished to "act like a lady." Sexism is a form of prejudice. Scout is often admonished to "act like a lady."

6 LOSS OF INNOCENCE In the beginning of the novel, Scout is innocent and inexperienced. Her world is delimitated by the boundaries of her immediate neighborhood. In the course of the novel, Scout outgrows childish superstitions, learns to understand people from their point of view, and realizes how terrible and tragic the results of prejudice are. The trial of Tom Robinson has a tremendous effect on Scout's life. The verdict leads her to questions the nature of justice and the wisdom of those who administer it.

7 UNDERSTANDING Atticus teaches Jem and Scout the importance of seeing life from another person's point of view. The children learn to respect the behavior of very different people, such as Mrs. Dubose and Boo Radley. Understanding is seen as the key to peaceful and coexistence between antagonistic parties and as the means to achieve a greater equality among white and black people.

8 EDUCATION ~ The classroom is seen as a microcosm of Maycomb society. ~ The classroom is seen as a microcosm of Maycomb society. ~ The author is obviously critical of an educational system that largely ignores the needs and abilities of the students. ~ The author is obviously critical of an educational system that largely ignores the needs and abilities of the students.

9 RELIGION ~ Religious fundamentalists often interpret the Bible in an extremely narrow, almost literal way. ~ Religious fundamentalists often interpret the Bible in an extremely narrow, almost literal way. ~ Miss Maudie's directness and honesty are contrasted sharply with the hypocrisy of the missionary tea ladies. ~ Miss Maudie's directness and honesty are contrasted sharply with the hypocrisy of the missionary tea ladies.

10 A TIME OF COURAGE ~ Jem demonstrates physical courage when he accepts a dare to touch the Radley house. Later he returns there to retrieve his trousers. ~ Jem demonstrates physical courage when he accepts a dare to touch the Radley house. Later he returns there to retrieve his trousers. ~ Atticus shoots a rabid dog with a single shot. ~ Atticus shoots a rabid dog with a single shot. ~ Scout demonstrates a high moral courage when she restrains herself from retaliating against children who insult her and her family. ~ Scout demonstrates a high moral courage when she restrains herself from retaliating against children who insult her and her family. ~ Atticus defends Tom Robinson to the best of his abilities, refusing to be intimidated or compromised, even though he knows that Tom has almost no chance of being acquitted. ~ Atticus defends Tom Robinson to the best of his abilities, refusing to be intimidated or compromised, even though he knows that Tom has almost no chance of being acquitted.

11 LITERARY TERMS Diction-the style of speaking and writing as reflected in the author's choice and use of words Diction-the style of speaking and writing as reflected in the author's choice and use of words Dialect-the characteristic speech of a region or social group Dialect-the characteristic speech of a region or social group Irony-contrast between appearance and reality Irony-contrast between appearance and reality Foreshadowing-a clue or suggestion of a coming event used to create suspense and heighten the reader's interest Foreshadowing-a clue or suggestion of a coming event used to create suspense and heighten the reader's interest Atmosphere-mood Atmosphere-mood Symbols-any object, person, or place that represents something else Symbols-any object, person, or place that represents something else Humor-what makes people laugh Humor-what makes people laugh

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