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File Name Extensions Computer Applications 7th grade.

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Presentation on theme: "File Name Extensions Computer Applications 7th grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 File Name Extensions Computer Applications 7th grade

2 .doc b This tells us the file is a document. b This is the type of file we create with a word processor like Microsoft Word.

3 .xls b This tells us that the file is a spreadsheet. b That is the type of file we create in Excel.

4 .wav b This tells us the file is a sound or audio file. b This is the type of sound file that we are using in our PowerPoint presentations.

5 .avi b This tells us the file is an audio video information file. b This file could be a film clip or a an animation. b It may have sound or not. b This is the only format for videos that we are using in PowerPoint.

6 . jpg b This tells us that the file is an image or picture.

7 .gif b This tells us that the file is a graphic embedded file. b It is an image or picture. b It may or may not be animated.

8 .tif b This tells us that it is a tagged image file. b It is a picture or image.

9 .ppt b This tells us that it is a presentation file. b It is a slide show that we create in PowerPoint.

10 .bmp b This tells us that it is a bitmap file. b Bitmap files are pictures, images, or drawings. b Usually they are created in MSPaint.

11 .html b This tells us that it is hypertext mark up language. b This is the language we use to create web pages.

12 .exe b This tells us that the file is executable. b This type of file opens or starts up a program.

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