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ET2050 Bases for the Participatory plan Presentation to MC and DG REGIO Valérie BIOT, IGEAT ULB Philippe DOUCET, Géphyres Krakow, December 1, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "ET2050 Bases for the Participatory plan Presentation to MC and DG REGIO Valérie BIOT, IGEAT ULB Philippe DOUCET, Géphyres Krakow, December 1, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 ET2050 Bases for the Participatory plan Presentation to MC and DG REGIO Valérie BIOT, IGEAT ULB Philippe DOUCET, Géphyres Krakow, December 1, 2011

2 VISION Scenarios Scientifically-driven Politically-driven The building process of the scenarios and the Territorial VISION should be cyclical and dynamic allowing the ESPON Monitoring Committee to take active part in the development and testing of the VISION and scenarios Main objective of the the Participatory Plan

3 Subtask 2.1.1: Participatory Plan Four main topics to be covered in the Plan: Actors Actors’ roles Activities Resources / Tools The Participatory Plan in the project application Task 2.1. Resources/activities for interactive participation

4 Actors involved in the process Group 1. ESPON Monitoring Commitee & DG Regio Group 2. Policy makers Group 3. Private sector Group 4. Scientific experts

5 Actors : Policy-makers (1 & 2) MC & DG Regio (Group 1) Other Policy-makers ( Group 2): EU bodies (CoR, European Parliament), DGs of the European Commission EU agencies (EMSA, EEA) International bodies (e.g. OECD, CEMAT) + your suggestions…

6 Actors : Group Private Sector (3) boundary with ‘quasi –public’ interest group is blurred Identification based on basis of Europa transparency register… targeted on actors with information of much relevance for scenarios + your suggestions...

7 Actors: Scientific experts group (4) Scientific experts from ESPON, but also non ESPON experts also non territorial: specialised in relevant thematic/trends or in foresight studies

8 ESPON MC and DGREGIO main roles reviewing and discussing the 2030 and 2050 Scenarios collectively developing the EU 2050 European VISION collectively developing midterm targets and pathways

9 Actors involvement in the participatory process

10 Activities Workshops customised to different audiences “policy oriented” (with policy makers - ESPON seminars) “scientific” (with experts - ESPON seminars), “thematic” (various types of participants) Other activities small group consultations face-to-face interviews on-line activities (on an ongoing / ad hoc basis)

11 Activities: Policy-oriented workshops (1) Participation of policy-makers and policy-analysts: ESPON MC and DG REGIO (“Group 1”) Other Policy Makers (“Group 2”) Timing: either a dedicated MC session and/or ESPON open seminars or back to back to an MC meeting open to other Policy Makers

12 Activities: Scientific-oriented workshops (2) Open to expert participation, mostly ESPON Community Timing: during ESPON seminars (December and June) during the ESPON scientific conference during other scientific conferences

13 Thematic workshops (3) Open to a wide variety of participants: other policy makers and/or private institutions (e.g. EU bodies, other European Commission DGs, National and Regional Adminstrations, NGOs,...) Timing: One ESPON dedicated thematic workshop (provisionally March 2013) Gathering of relevant information during other ESPON workshops (March/October, Brussels) Other ad hoc workshops in collaboration with EU institutions (CoR, EP, etc.)

14 Other activities small group consultations face-to-face interviews permanent on-line activities on the ET 2050 website

15 Communication resources and tools Tailored to specific activities, groups and objectives Aims: providing information in an animated way generate interest and discussion make workshops fruitful

16 Communication resources and tools Main tools: cartography, infography, animations and short videos design and maintenance of website on line surveys directory of participants


18 Example of Innovative inputs: Interactive video simulation TRANSVISIONS (2009) Visit: www.ersilia/2050 (texts in catalan, sorry)

19 Example of Innovative inputs: Interactive video simulation TRANSVISIONS (2009)

20 MC inputs comments on participatory plan and suggestions on potential participants to be involved input on relevant strategic documents to be taken into account for your countries and zones (until mid January 2012)

21 Time schedule: next participatory activities ? June 2012: Aalborg ESPON Seminar Scientific Workshop: Present state of EU territory and discussion on Scenarios (13-14 June 2012) Policy Workshop (MC, DGREGIO): Methods to elaborate the Territorial VISION (12 June 2012)

22 Identity card for activities An identity card will be produce three months before activity, with the following information: type and name of activity place and date (+ timing) participants (actors) objectives process communications tools and ressources following up

23 Next… Definition of the Participation plan for the Inception report (31 December 2011) With detailed schedule of activities 2012 Tentative identity cards for all activities in 2012 Preliminary definition of formats for interaction and group dynamics to be applied in each activity Other aspects: Number and tentative possible participants in small consultation groups Number and tentative of potential stakeholders, experts and scientists to be interviewed personally

24 Thank you ! Please send your suggestions to Valérie BIOT IGEAT – ULB Responsible for ET2050 Participatory activities vbiot @

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