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SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 1Snowmass, CO – June 2015 SPEDAS Developers Workshop GEM – Snowmass, CO June 17, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 1Snowmass, CO – June 2015 SPEDAS Developers Workshop GEM – Snowmass, CO June 17, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 1Snowmass, CO – June 2015 SPEDAS Developers Workshop GEM – Snowmass, CO June 17, 2015

2 SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 2Snowmass, CO – June 2015 Part I, 1:30PM : SPEDAS developers workshop Opening remarks Jim Lewis, Vassilis Angelopoulos Current state of SPEDAS New features in upcoming SPEDAS 1.1 release Plugin and mission data set presentations: IUGONETJim Lewis on behalf of Yoshimasa Tanaka BARREL Alexa Halford NOAARob Redmon Walk-ons? Discussion, Q&A All Part II, 3:30PM: TDAS demo and tutorial Opening remarksJim Lewis, Vassilis Angelopoulos TDAS user tutorial and demo Patrick Cruce Discussion, Q&A, installation clinicAll Agenda

3 SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 3Snowmass, CO – June 2015 What is SPEDAS? Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software (SPEDAS) -Grass-roots data analysis software for Space Physics Community -SPEDAS is an outgrowth of THEMIS / ARTEMIS that supports multiple missions -Standardizes retrieval of data from distributed repositories -Science processing and graphics contain powerful set of legacy routines. -The THEMIS mission is served through the TDAS plugin The SPEDAS framework: -Contains a GUI for ease of use (available through IDL VM freeware) -Command line provides full access to IDL (paid license only) -Works with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. -Is based on IDL, benefiting from platform independence and software maintenance services.

4 SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 4Snowmass, CO – June 2015 To Load CDAWeb Data: -Select ‘Load Data using CDAWeb’ under the File menu - Select Mission Group (i.e., TWINS, Cluster, RBSP, etc.) - Select the Instrument Type - Click ‘Find Datasets’ - Select variable or dataset to download - Click ‘Get CDAWeb Data’ Loading CDAWeb Data

5 SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 5Snowmass, CO – June 2015 SPEDAS Mini Language reduce d Simple scripting language has been written in IDL. This language allows access to some data analysis functionality in the IDL virtual machine and eases manipulations of time series (tplot) data This language allows composition of statements and functions with order of operations to give significant flexibility in statement construction Examples: 1: Position to RE: calc,'"tha_pos_re" = "tha_state_pos"/6374.4’ 2: Natural log of total esa density: calc,'"tha_density_log" =ln("tha_peir_density"+"tha_psif_density“) 3: Average magnetic pressure: calc,'Pb_avg = mean(0.01*total("tha_fgs_dsl"^2,2)/25.132741)‘ Additional examples can be found in general/examples/

6 SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 6Snowmass, CO – June 2015 Analysis->Calculate panel

7 SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 7Snowmass, CO – June 2015 Magnetic Field Models The GUI is now able to: - Model the field at the spacecraft position - Trace field from position to the ionosphere and equator

8 SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 8Snowmass, CO – June 2015 Data Analysis Active Data Common Functions Available Data

9 SPEDAS Software Slide − 9 Snowmass, CO – June 2015 Load Data panel (IUGONET plugin tab)

10 SPEDAS Software Slide − 10 Snowmass, CO – June 2015 Configuration settings panel (THEMIS plugin tab)

11 SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 11Snowmass, CO – June 2015 THEMIS and RBSP Plots With a few clicks of the button the user can load, analyze, and plot data. Interactive Capabilities

12 SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 12Snowmass, CO – June 2015 IUGONET, OMNI, Field Data Yoshimasa Tanaka

13 SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 13Snowmass, CO – June 2015 THEMIS ASI / SuperDarn Radar erg-sc_crib_thmasi_sd_sample Tomo Hori

14 SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 14Snowmass, CO – June 2015 SPEDAS: Version 1.00 released in August 2014 - Version 1.1 to start QA soon, release expected 3Q 2015 - Dependencies on THEMIS code have been removed - New plugins: Akebono, MMS, POES, more on the way… New tools for writing plugins: spd_download: Alternative to file_retrieve, supports URLS with HTTPS, embedded usernames and passwords Netcdf2tplot: Similar to cdf2tplot, loads data from NetCDF files spd_cotrans: Similar to thm_cotrans, but without the THEMIS dependencies. What’s new!

15 SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 15Snowmass, CO – June 2015 SPEDAS GUI: -More “hooks” for plugins to add features to the GUI -Plugins can add items to the Data Analysis panel -Plugins can add items to the “Tools” Menu (for more complex tasks) -Plugins can add to the “About…” panel (credits, “rules of the road”, etc. -Each plugin supplies an ASCII configuration file, connecting SPEDAS GUI features to the corresponding plugin procedures and functions to call What’s new!

16 SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 16Snowmass, CO – June 2015 Plugin Data Analysis Menu Any plugin can add items to this menu. These routines operate on already-loaded data to produce new variables. Shown here: a superposed epoch analysis tool, and some THEMIS specific coordinate transforms, both from the TDAS plugin.

17 SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 17Snowmass, CO – June 2015 THEMIS superposed epoch tool

18 SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 18Snowmass, CO – June 2015 Plugin Configuration File, THEMIS

19 SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 19Snowmass, CO – June 2015 Plugin Configuration File, THEMIS

20 SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 20Snowmass, CO – June 2015 Plugin release and distribution: -SPEDAS 1.00 introduced the idea of “executable releases”, which run in the IDL Virtual Machine environment, require no additional downloads from Exelis, and can be used without an IDL license. -The downside is that the SPEDAS team had to compile the SPEDAS framework and all the plugins to build the release, but there was no way for users to apply incremental updates (for example, if a plugin was updated or if they wanted to add a new plugin). -With SPEDAS 1.1, executable releases can have plugins added or updated by the user, without having to recompile everything. Plugin authors can distribute an IDL plugin.sav file with their compiled routines, and by placing this in the appropriate directory, it will be detected and integrated at runtime. What’s new!

21 SPEDAS SoftwareSlide − 21Snowmass, CO – June 2015 is now live! SPEDAS and plugin downloads Documentation wiki Mailing list Blog We welcome plugin developers to contribute content and participate in discussions on the SPEDAS site! (Registration required for wiki and blog edit privileges; please contact Jim Lewis ( to gain access)

22 SPEDAS Software Slide − 22 Snowmass, CO – June 2015 SPEDAS Wiki Introduction: - You Tube Channel - SPEDAS video - Introductory Examples - Screen shots

23 SPEDAS Software Slide − 23 Snowmass, CO – June 2015 SPEDAS Downloads Select: 1.2 Downloads From Main Page

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