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Local Legacy Planning: Inventory of Resources Irene Hogstrom Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "Local Legacy Planning: Inventory of Resources Irene Hogstrom Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Legacy Planning: Inventory of Resources Irene Hogstrom Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission

2 The Local Legacy Act Create inventory of resources Coordinate municipal and county efforts Present information in compatible ways Assess threats to resources using: Population projections Land use patterns Development trends

3 McHenry Resource Inventory Three categories of resources Cultural, Agricultural, Natural What resources must we protect? Where are they located? Progress Made Digital data sources gathered from different providers Resources mapped by category

4 Some Data NIPC land-use inventory Chicago Wilderness Landcover Kishwaukee River



7 Preliminary Results Natural resources Agricultural resources Cultural resources

8 Natural Resources

9 Agricultural Resources

10 Cultural Resources

11 Review of Inventories Critical scrutiny required Paper maps provided for breakout sessions Quality of the inventories Are these inventories correct? Are these inventories complete? Do we need to add items to the inventory? Building on the inventories What resources are already protected? What are not?

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