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2 CEVI (Interactive Rendering Center) is a research center linked to the Language and Information Systems department in the Universitat Jaume I. Research.

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3 CEVI (Interactive Rendering Center) is a research center linked to the Language and Information Systems department in the Universitat Jaume I. Research lines: – Interactive 3D Visualisation – Augmented and Virtual Reality – Exploitation of Geographic Information CeVI, Centro de Visualización Interactiva

4 Interactive 3D visualisation Geometric modelling Trees and plants rendering Poligonal meshes – level of detail Animated meshes

5 Augmented and Virtual Reality Large format stereoscopic projection. Visualisation of videos, animations and interactive environments Augmented reality systems. Incorporating virtual information to images from the real world.

6 Modern systems to execute, analyze and store geographic information: SDI, servers maps and satellite images, and so on. Geographic information

7 GAMETOOLS. Advanced tools for developing highly realistic computer games (IST-2-004363) –UJI: Geometric modules Research projects experience

8 VISUALCAD – Developing a method to optimize objects modelled in CAD systems for real-time rendering (FIT-350101-2004-15). BRAINSTORM. –UJI: Authomatic Simplification Research projects experience

9 AWARE. EU Program “Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES)” 2005-2008 –UJI: Building “geo-services” to connect water researchers to data and services (models) Research projects experience

10 Improving game technology in Virtual Reality and Web Content. 2004- 2007 (TIN2004-07451-C03-03) Advanced Interfaces for augmented light fields. 2005-2008 (TIN2005- 08863-C03-03) Geometric modelling for computer games 2004-2007 (P1·1B2004-22) Construction of a view-dependent multiresolution model 2005-2007 (P1·1B2005-17) Research projects experience

11 Creation of 3D content: interactive catalogs, 3D environment fly- throughs, virtual communities. Virtual environments for applications on demand. Projective systems with virtual interaction devices. Exploitation of Geographic Information. Systems based on the use of satellite images and digital mapping. Integration into Web, mobile applications and data servers. Training courses in application of interactive rendering technologies. Participation in proposals and management of research projects in the field of information society. Applications

12 Interactive Visualisation –Technology based on game engines –Integrating applications in web context –Multiuser Interactive Environments. Applications

13 Real Estate, construction and design Industry Government Entertainment industry Environmental programs Application Areas

14 Cevisama 2006 Application Areas Real estate, construction and design areas

15 MACER 2006 Application Areas Industry

16 Virtual Market 2005 Application Areas Real estate, construction and design

17 Antara 2007 Application Areas Real estate, construction and design

18 Environmental Programs 2007 Application Areas

19 UJI 2007 Application Areas Government and Institutions

20 Contact: Open for further collaboration! Escuela Superior de Tecnología y Ciencias Experimentales Universitat Jaume I Campus de Riu Sec 12071 Castellón de la Plana – España Tel. +34 964 728 321 FAX +34 964 728 435 e-mail:

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