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Chapter 7 Multimedia on the Internet. Audio on the Internet Music, sound clips, radio, voices Downloading Audio (File Size) Sound Software + Sound Card.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 Multimedia on the Internet. Audio on the Internet Music, sound clips, radio, voices Downloading Audio (File Size) Sound Software + Sound Card."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 Multimedia on the Internet

2 Audio on the Internet Music, sound clips, radio, voices Downloading Audio (File Size) Sound Software + Sound Card Digital sounds Sound Formats:.wav -.wma -.mp3 -.ram Band width Streaming Audio: Real Player, Quick Time, Windows Media Player


4 Video on the Internet Video Conferences Whiteboard applications Live video, taped videos Video Technologies: 1) MBone (Multicast Backbone) 2) Streaming Video 3) Videoconferencing 4) NetCams – Digital Web camera


6 Virtual Reality on the Internet VRML: Virtual Reality Modeling Language Three dimensional objects ASCII Text files, can be downloaded easily Special program, browser, plug-in player Tour period: depends on file size and connection speed Large files Creates views of anything we can imagine


8 Animation on the Web Number of Still images displayed to create animation Animation’s types: - Client Pull: like a slide show - Server Push: multiple media within a single message - GIF files: animated pictures - Shockwave multimedia: Flash, Director player


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