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Published bySharleen Wiggins Modified over 8 years ago
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology NEST Roadshow Presentation 2004/2005 Warsaw, 25.01.2005 New and Emerging Science and Technology NEST
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Outline of Presentation Introduction to NEST NEST funding activities ADVENTURE INSIGHT PATHFINDER NEST SUPPORT The NEST Evaluation process Analysis and Feedback from Previous Calls Recommendations to Applicants
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology BRIEF INTRODUCTION AND CURRENT CALLS Reference document: download from
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Focusing and Integrating Community research Strengthening the foundations of the ERA Structuring the ERA GenomicsIST Citizens Nanotechnologies. Aeronautics Food Sustainable dev. Thematic priorities FP6 - Where does NEST fit in? “Wider field of Research” SMEs International co-operation JRC NEST Support to policies
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology NEST objectives Stimulate visionary research at the frontiers of knowledge and at interfaces between disciplines Stimulate anticipatory research to rapidly respond to problems and risks arising from new discoveries Stimulate new “communities of knowledge” in important emerging scientific areas Give researchers freedom to develop and prove their ideas within the broadest possible limits: a science- driven selection of research topics Provide strategic inputs for the development of future European research initiatives
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology What is NEST achieving? Priority-setting: a science-driven approach, with excellence-centered evaluation criteria, leads to very high quality science with good return on investment Proposals and evaluation: the light approach with full transparency is universally appreciated Scientific coverage: very broad coverage of science, involving new communities NEST projects are conducive to risky, creative research
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Key characteristics of NEST funded activities Bottom-up in “any” area of research Research not falling within the Thematic Priorities Emphasis on research style: novelty, ambition, risk, multi-disciplinarity Well focused objectives, which are ambitious but clear, possibly risky, and consistent with the scale of the project
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Two modes Open domain: Focused actions: 235 M € Overall Budget ADVENTURE INSIGHT NEST SUPPORT PATHFINDER
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Implementation Through standard FP6 instruments Specific Targeted Research Project, STREP: To provide funding for research activities. Co-ordination Action, CA: To provide funding for networking and co- ordination. Specific Support Action, SSA: To provide funding for activities in direct support of NEST
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Participation Submission: calls for proposals Proposal = part A (administrative forms) + part B (work description) Partnership: meeting minimum requirements (STREPs, CAs: at least 3 MS/ACC, or 2MS/ACC + 1 AS; SSA: 1 MS/AAC/AS) International Cooperation: participation is open to legal entities from any country, EC funding can be granted to INCO countriesINCO countries
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology 1 deadline only - April 13, 20051 deadline only - April 13, 2005 Electronic submission only - via EPSSElectronic submission only - via EPSS New Pathfinder topic - Measuring the ImpossibleNew Pathfinder topic - Measuring the Impossible No CAs in the NEST open domainNo CAs in the NEST open domain SSAs in NEST SUPPORT and in PATHFINDERSSAs in NEST SUPPORT and in PATHFINDER All reference documents revisedAll reference documents revised Wider funding range for INSIGHTWider funding range for INSIGHT Calls for 2005 What is different from previous calls?
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Call for 2005 Call reference: FP6-2004-NEST-C Call date: 8 December 2004 Budget: 30M€ C-1: 28 M€ ADVENTURE / INSIGHT 5-page OUTLINE STREPs C-2: 2 M€ NEST SUPPORT SSA proposals Deadline: 13 April 2005 (last deadline for FP6 NEST Open Domain !!!!!!) OPEN DOMAIN ADVENTURE, INSIGHT, NEST SUPPORT
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Call for 2005 Call reference: FP6-2004-NEST-Path Call date: 8 December 2004 Budget: 35M€ 30 M€ for FULL STREP proposals 5 M€ for CA and SSA proposals Initiatives: “Synthetic biology”; “What it means to be human”; NEW: “Measuring the Impossible” Deadline: 13 April 2005 PATHFINDER
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Outline of Presentation Introduction to NEST NEST funding activitiesNEST funding activities ADVENTURE ADVENTURE INSIGHT INSIGHT PATHFINDER PATHFINDER NEST SUPPORT NEST SUPPORT The NEST Evaluation process Feedback from Previous Calls Recommendations to Applicants
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology NEST ADVENTURE Reference document: download from
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology ADVENTURE: The mandate “support research in emerging areas of knowledge and on future technologies, in particular in trans-disciplinary fields, which is highly innovative and involves correspondingly high (technical) risks.”
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology ADVENTURE „ If only...“ If only … neural networks had been the result of an ADVENTURE project If only … the Scanning Tunnel Microscope (STM) or atomic force microscope (AFM) had been developed in an ADVENTURE project If only … the first in-vitro demonstration of motor- proteins had been made in an ADVENTURE project If only … PCR had been developed in an ADVENTURE project
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology The “Spirit of ADVENTURE” Exciting, pioneering research with the aim of opening up new avenues for progress in science and technology Freedom for researchers to define new challenges and pursue new ideas Across a wide scope of science and technology, but lying outside or cutting across the FP6 Thematic Priorities With a special interest in novel multi-disciplinarity High risk / high gain, with challenging and tangible objectives
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology What ADVENTURE projects are NOT! Research that falls within the scope of the thematic priorities Research without clearly identifiable novel aspects Open-ended research without tangible and challenging objectives Technology demonstrations Combinations of existing technologies Research of interest to a particular industrial sector without broader applicability Research related to implausible and hypothetical phenomena
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology ADVENTURE Implementation Specific Targeted Research Projects, STREPs Project budget: indicative funding range from 800.000 up to 2.000.000 Euro Funding period: up to 3 years Consortium: At least three independent partners from three member states or associated states - of which at least two member states or associated candidate states
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology ADVENTURE STREPs Evaluation criteria Relevance to NEST objectives [ 4/5] Scientific and Technological Excellence [ 4/5] Potential impact [ 3/5] Quality of the consortium (FULL proposal only) [ 3/5] Quality of management (FULL proposal only) [ 3/5] Mobilisation of resources (FULL proposal only) [ 3/5]
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology e.g. BIODEFENCE - “ Rapid induction of passive immunity against weapons of bioterrorism using transformed GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) organisms” THE OPTICAL NOSE - “ An on-line, non-invasive and total- profiling” instrument for trace gas sensing applications in medical sciences CHIRALTEM - “ Chiral dichroism in the transmission electron microscope” EA-BIOFILMS - “ Electrochemical control of biofilm-forming micro- organisms” ADVENTURE STREPs nest/pdf/nest_project_factsheets2003a.pdf
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology NEST INSIGHT Reference document: download from
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology INSIGHT: The mandate “support research to assess rapidly new discoveries or newly-observed phenomena, which may indicate emerging risks or problems of high importance to European society, and identify appropriate responses to them.”
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology INSIGHT „ If only...“ If only … the hormonal activity of certain chemicals had been proven by an INSIGHT project (Endocrine Disruptors) If only … the link between Creutzfeldt-Jakob and BSE (discovery of prions) had been proven by an INSIGHT project If only … the Ozone depletion in the Atmosphere by Perfluorated Compounds had been shown by an INSIGHT project
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology INSIGHT projects Should be research projects! Should have an anticipatory function Should address possible risks associated with new phenomena; high potential risk; significant scientific uncertainties Project outputs should be aimed at decision making May need to challenge orthodoxy
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology What INSIGHT projects are NOT! Policy evaluation studies Technology foresight studies or technology assessment studies Research that legitimately falls within the scope of the thematic priorities Research addressing topics in on-going “risk debates”, which are “open-ended” or projects without plausible or convincing evidence to their real or potential existence
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology INSIGHT STREPs Evaluation criteria Relevance to NEST objectives [ 4/5] Scientific and technological excellence [ 4/5] Potential impact [ 3/5] Quality of the consortium (FULL proposal only) [ 3/5] Quality of management (FULL proposal only) [ 3/5] Mobilisation of resources (FULL proposal only) [ 3/5]
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology INSIGHT: Implementation STREPs for the support of research Budget: indicative funding range from 800.000 up to 2.000.000 Euro Funding period: up to 3 years Consortium: At least three independent partners from three member states or associated states - of which at least two member states or associated candidate states
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology INSIGHT STREPs e.g. PERFORCE: Perfluorinated organic compounds in the European environment PORGROW: Policy options for responding to the growing challenge from obesity nest/pdf/nest_project_factsheets2003a.pdf
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology NEST SUPPORT Reference document: download from
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology NEST SUPPORT: The mandate attracting good proposals shaping and refining modalities establishing future actions … to assist in the development and exploitation of NEST activities
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology NEST Support: The specific areas 1. Promotion of interaction with the research community 2.Engagement of the research community in the process of identifying future research opportunities 3.Analysis of methodological and technical issues associated with the NEST research domain
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology NEST Support Implementation Specific Support Actions - SSAs To support the implementation of NEST May cover information and communication, conferences, seminars, expert groups, operational support…. Typical duration up to 2 years Grant to the budget up to 100% Scale ~ 50 - 300k Euro Consortium: minimum of one partner from a Member State or Associated State (but generally more)
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology NEST SUPPORT SSAs e.g. NEST-IDEA: NEST Information on Development of Emerging Activities ATBEST: Assessment tools for Breakthrough and Emerging S&T NETIAM: New and Emerging Teams in Industrial and Applied Mathematics nest/pdf/nest_project_factsheets2003a.pdf
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology NEST PATHFINDER Reference document: download from
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology PATHFINDER: Mandate “support research on specific topics that are identified during the course of implementation of FP6 on the basis of their urgency and potential for future societal, industrial or economic relevance.”
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology PATHFINDER: Implementation Selection of topics – Collection of ideas - bottom-up – Consultation with the scientific community – Definition of work programme Call for proposals – STREP, CA, SSA Evaluation and selection –5 to 10 STREPs –CA for co-ordination and dissemination –SSAs to assist in strategic development of the topics
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Co-ordination of existing and future research projects. Networking of disciplines, expertise and European activities in fields relevant to the topic Promote a wider understanding of the implications of the topic across the various relevant disciplines Intellectual and material infrastructure requirements in the fields of the topic Perspectives and strategies for innovation and industrial translation, including intellectual property If applicable: Societal acceptance, including ethical, safety and regulatory aspects PATHFINDER Co-ordination Actions
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology To assist in the mapping and development of the definition of the topic in question, assessing future development prospects and trends in the field. PATHFINDER Support Actions
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Pre-proposal check service For PATHFINDER only ! Pre-proposal check service (up to 4 weeks prior) Pre-proposal Forms: Guide for Proposers Requested: project summary + partnership Ideas and partnership should be pretty clear and stable Responses from NEST are simply for guidance regarding suitability of scope and eligibility (not a discussion forum!) Responses from NEST do not commit the Commission either way Final decision on proposals made by evaluators Pre-proposals (PATHFINDER) and OUTLINE Proposals (ADVENTURE, INSIGHT) are different things !
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology PATHFINDER STREPs Evaluation criteria Relevance to NEST objectives [ 4/5] Scientific and Technological Excellence [ 4/5] Potential impact [ 3/5] Quality of the consortium [ 3/5] Quality of management [ 3/5] Mobilisation of resources [ 3/5]
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology PATHFINDER topic identification process Started by an internal analysis of : –NEST-OPEN projects received to date. –Ideas received through the NEST Ideas in-box. –Recent and current high level scientific discussion meetings and European Networking activities. –European Science Foundation activities. –Current activities of other research programmes in and outside the EU. –Scientific foresight activities. –The experience of the NEST programme to date.
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Follow up with specialised workshop and consultation with experts in each field Workshops allow to refine ideas and find areas of opportunity For existing topics, an analysis is made of the proposals received, including possible gaps and areas of weakness Refinement of Ideas
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Ongoing Pathfinder topics - 2004 Call Tackling complexity in science –Explore inter-disciplinary approaches and techniques to deal with complex problems in diverse areas of science Synthetic biology –Develop engineering, device-oriented approaches to working with sub-cellular building blocks What it means to be human –Towards an integrated understanding of the human mind, by uniting diverse but relevant disciplines
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology NEW Pathfinder topics - Call for 2005 Synthetic biology –Develop engineering, device-oriented approaches to working with cellular/sub-cellular building blocks What it means to be human –Towards an integrated understanding of the human mind, by uniting diverse but relevant disciplines Measuring the impossible –Scientific basis for measurement of phenomena that are intrinsically multidisciplinary and mediated by human interpretation and perception
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology PATHFINDER initiative on Synthetic Biology
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology The “design-based engineering” of systems based on biological functional rules aimed at obtaining new functionalities NOT present in nature Main Objective
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Be the technological counterpart to systems biology and foster a novel breakthrough in the ongoing biology revolution Bring a true engineering approach to biology, which views subcellular biology as a system of interacting modules Ensure that European industry is benefiting from its tremendous potential and impact (materials synthesis, energy production, sensing, …) Why this initiative?
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Project Characteristics (1) Address different subcellular modules and processes (genetic circuits, metabolic pathways, signal transduction, ….) Designed modules and/or systems involve a high level of internal complexity and show logical or complex dynamical behaviour
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Project Characteristics (2) Aim for tangible outcomes, demonstrating engineering control over biological processes Interdisciplinary partnerships involving adequate expertise in core engineering disciplines Have clear long-term applications in mind although mainly focused on proof-of-principle
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology EUROBIOSYN (New modular production platform) NETSENSOR (Correction of signal transduction pathways) NEONUCLEI (Synthetic nuclei) HYBLIB (Human monoclonal antibody production) Examples (1 st Call)
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology What research will be pursued ? E.g. Engineered functional building blocks, components or interfaces: e.g. sub-cellular modules, biosynthetic pathways, molecular machinery, molecular motors, transport modules, etc. Hierarchical interactions between different sub-cellular building blocks could be included. Control, regulatory, and communication systems: e.g. robust genetic regulatory circuits, feedback mechanisms within components and modules to regulate their behaviour or communication, etc. Amenability to standardisation is an important feature.
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology What research will NOT be pursued ? Research whose main focus is computational, combinatorial or biomimetic chemistry Research on functional genomics and proteomics, single-component genetic engineering and classical biotechnology or metabolic engineering Classical protein-engineering or chemistry Research on structural biology and systems biology mainly aimed at the generation of basic knowledge Research on tissue engineering, artificial organs and bionics implants, Artificial Life
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Conclusions 1 st Call: i) only 15 proposals received, ii) no Coordination Action(s), iii) 50% of proposals not regarded as within the scope of the Call A topic as novel as „Synthetic biology“ needs time to develop ! Refinement of reference document for 2 nd Call Expert Group to be established: to develop a broader strategy for the area
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology PATHFINDER initiative on “What it means to be human”
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology What features make human cognitive abilities unique? What are the origins of these features? Why are humans so different? Main Objective
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology –Today, a more integrated understanding of the human mind/brain and its specific features should allow to open up new scientific opportunities –It provides a way to bring together cognitive sciences and related disciplinary areas that can all contribute to explore the opportunities at the interface Why this initiative?
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology focus on higher cognitive faculties, (thinking, reasoning, using language) and individual cognitive development (in the context of social and cultural factors) take a comparative and evolutionary perspective be highly interdisciplinary In all cases however, the research must address the key question: why are humans different? Project Characteristics
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology 20 submissions 18 STREPs / 7 funded ~11 Mio. € 2 CAs STREPs on: Neural origin of language and communication (NEUROCOM) Genetic basis for human cognitive abilities (PKB140404) Origins of referential communication (REFCOM) Evolution, development and control of imitation Neurocognitive basis for spatial memory and orientation Evolution and development of sign use Development of concepts 1 st Call
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Scientific areas involved e.g. Neurocom Psychologists, linguists, ethnologists, cognitive scientists and neuroscientists will compare the neural basis of language and communication abilities in adult humans, babies and monkeys by using brain imaging techniques REFCOM Behaviourists, psychologists, cognitive scientists investigate the diverse mechanisms that result in referential communication by comparing communicative skills of humans, primates, monkeys, dolphins, parrots and dogs PKB140404 Neuroscientists and geneticists will identify and characterise “human cognition” genes and pinpoint genes associated with higher cognitive functions in humans
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Conclusions Very successful call with many interesting projects integrating different fields of science Projects of very high quality with the participation of highly renown institutions and scientists Call will be re-opened to complete the portfolio of projects underway so far An Expert Group will be set up to explore the potential and the strategic development of this topic in Europe But: A topic as complex as „What it means to be human“ needs time to develop !
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology PATHFINDER initiative on Measuring the Impossible
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Main Objectives To give an impulse to more fundamental advances that will underpin future measurement methods and techniques To stimulate a significant advance in the scientific basis for rigorous measurements of phenomena that are: –intrinsically multidisciplinary –mediated by human interpretation and perception.
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Background –NEST workprogramme (Dec 2003) –Confirmed by the Ideas in box (30% related to quantification of “’human factors”) –Two workshops with external experts to explore candidate areas (April 29, May 28) –Further exploration, refinement and focusing via broader consultation (October 20, 2004)
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Why this initiative ? …becomes a general concern for science, business and public authorities … Science - strong cross-over between physical, biological and social sciences Business - products and services appeal to consumers according to parameters of quality, beauty, comfort which are mediated by human perception Public authorities - provide citizens with support and services whose performance is measured according to parameters of life quality, security or well being
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology What research will be pursued ? Projects with the highest “added-value” and long term impact in terms of advancing the science of measurement. Challenging objectives where significant steps can be taken towards answering them during the duration of the project Interdisciplinary approaches, e.g., by involving metrology, material sciences, biology, psychophysics, psychology, cognitive neuroscience, sociology, ergonomics, …
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Measurement of the individual disease probability (policy, legal and ethical issues associated) Measurement how chemical processes occur at detailed molecular level (better detection of fraudulent products, tracing illicit drugs) Definition of measurement systems that are required to match human or animal senses. Measurement the quality of services (as perceived by subscribers) is no less important than the service itself Possible Examples (?)
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Measurement of attributes like comfort, feel of fabric or its texture Happiness economics – the application of econometric techniques to the arena of human emotion Measurement of intangible assets (intellectual capital of enterprises) …. Possible Examples (?)
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology What research will NOT be pursued ? Development of improved measuring instrumentation, calibration of devices, inter-comparisons, primary measurements standards Development of new infrastructures, major equipment or facilities for investigation Research of pure philosophical/theoretical nature/or tackling this issue in isolation of possible real-life problems and applications Research associated with Marketing or other areas that could be used to manipulate the customers Research resulting in incremental development Research intended to be kept confidential Research of limited interdisciplinarity or covered by other FP6 activities (Thematic Priorities, other PATHFINDER initiatives)
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Fundamental scientific advances supported by interdisciplinary research and novel investigative methods for the measurement of intrinsically multidimensional phenomena, and which are mediated by human interpretation and perception. Specific Target Research Projects (STREPs)
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology “Hard and soft sciences interdisciplinarity should be developed and the distances and similarities between them urgently discussed”. (EURAB April 2004) Measuring the Impossible is a very interdisciplinary topic and a fantastic opportunity to create excellence
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology INSTRUMENTS AND EVALUATION Reference document: download from
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Instruments Overview
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Evaluation of OUTLINE STREPs OUTLINE proposals Remote referees, individual assessments OUTLINE stage panel Prepare full proposal in ~ 2 months NO Anonymous
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Evaluation of FULL STREPs FULL proposals Remote referees, individual assessments FULL stage panel Negotiation and contract NO Non anonymous
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Evaluation of CAs and SSAs Proposals Remote referees, individual assessments Panel Negotiation and contract NO Non anonymous
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology NEST Evaluation Key Elements (1) NEST has developed a panel-based, peer-review style process – which differs from “standard” FP6 Evaluation criteria are specific to the activity: they are excellence-centered Transparent feedback to proposers, recognising the legitimacy of differences of opinion between peer- reviewers Efficiency for proposers and reviewers is paramount Following EC guidelines of fairness and quality
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology NEST Evaluation Key Elements (2) The total Pool of Evaluators covers all areas of S/T Final decisions are made by the NEST panel: ~ 40 high-level scientists with a broad perspective and a good appreciation of multi-disciplinary issues Their decisions are based on assessments from ~ 300 specialised remote referees, typ. 4 to 6 per proposal
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology NEST evaluation Key Elements (3) Feedback to proposers consists of the Evaluation Summary Report, ESR The ESR implements NEST’s commitment to transparency: it shows everything that is written about the proposal: –Final marks awarded by the panel –A panel comment reflecting the panel’s opinion –All comments from each individual referee
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Analysis of Previous NEST Calls See also
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Organisation type (1)
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Organisation type (2)
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Country participation
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Funding in MEuro
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Funding/GDP (Euro)
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Feedback and lessons from Previous Calls See also
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Feedback from previous calls All indications are that NEST – an “experiment” in FP6 – is successful and delivers on its mandate The new approaches have been broadly vindicated –Science-driven portfolio –ADVENTURE, INSIGHT and PATHFINDER packages –Evaluation procedure The main difficulty is the limited budget
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Feedback from previous calls The science-driven approach leads to very high quality science by excellent groups The “peer review” style evaluation and the transparent feedback to proposers have been well-received The 2-stage procedure with the “5-page OUTLINE proposal” is efficient for all concerned
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Feedback from previous calls “New” communities are brought into the European research programme: –Mathematics, after a slow start –The PATHFINDER communities Social and cognitive sciences remains an area with low success rate: increase awareness The potential of the INSIGHT concept is not realised: the parameters have been redefined
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology MESSAGES FOR PROPOSERS Reference document: download from
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Messages for Proposers (I) NEST proposals should “lie outside or cut across” the Thematic Priorities Many proposers appears insufficiently aware of the basic principles behind NEST: –ADVENTURE: novelty, ambition, risk, impact –INSIGHT: risks arising from novel phenomena –Support actions must help in implementation of NEST INSIGHT and ADVENTURE are different things. A project must be designed for the one or the other
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology 5-page OUTLINE proposals are not about describing an idea for an area of work. They should contain a concise description: –What exactly is the novelty of the proposal –What are you planning to do and how? –What may one expect as a result of the project? –What would be the impact on science and technology A degree of quantification might be useful Messages for Proposers (II)
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Innovations in social sciences and economics are very welcome in NEST as long as they conform to the requirements set in the reference documents Proposals on mathematics are welcome providing that the new techniques are coupled with the development of knowledge in other scientific and technological spheres Messages for Proposers (III)
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Final advice Please read the NEST reference documents Please specify one single Activity Code: ADVENTURE, INSIGHT, NEST SUPPORT, PATHFINDER The Electronic Proposal Submission System, EPSS is now mandatory PLEASE DON’T SUBMIT LAST MINUTE “A deadline is what it says!” Your NEST NCP (National Contact Point) will help you the NEST NCP informs, advices and supports potential applicants in the preparation, submission and follow-up of NEST project proposals
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology Information Sources NEST Web-site: NEST documents: Info on contracts: NEST helpdesk: Evaluators: CORDIS:
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