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The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/121.

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Presentation on theme: "The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/121."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/121

2 FAIR @ Darmstadt Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/122

3 Facility for Antiproton & Ion Research Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/123 Dense Bulk Plasmas (Ion-beam bunch compression & petawatt-laser) Dense Bulk Plasmas (Ion-beam bunch compression & petawatt-laser) Materials Science & Radiation Biology (Ion & antiproton beams) Materials Science & Radiation Biology (Ion & antiproton beams) Accelerator Physics UNILAC SIS18 SIS100/300p-Linac HESR CR & RESR NESR Cryring Rare-Isotope Production Target Anti-Proton Production Target 100 m QCD-Phase Diagram (HI beams 2 to 45 GeV/u) QCD-Phase Diagram (HI beams 2 to 45 GeV/u) Hadron Physics (Stored and cooled 14 GeV/c anti-protons) Hadron Physics (Stored and cooled 14 GeV/c anti-protons) Nuclear Structure & Astrophysics (Rare-isotope beams) Nuclear Structure & Astrophysics (Rare-isotope beams) Fundamental Symmetries & Ultra-High EM Fields (Antiprotons & highly stripped ions) Fundamental Symmetries & Ultra-High EM Fields (Antiprotons & highly stripped ions)

4 Fast acceleration High gradient, variable frequency Ferrite & MA loaded cavities Compact & cost effective accelerators Fast cycling superconducting magnets dB/dt ~ 4T/s Precision beams Electron & stochastic cooling XHV @ high beam intensities Extremely high vacuum ~10 -13 mbar Accelerator Challenges Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/124

5 FAIR Experiments Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/125 CBM PANDA NuSTAR Super- FRS APPA

6 Brain Twister I No free quarks observed. They are confined in pairs or triplets in strongly interacting particles (hadrons). Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/126 ud u Proton (p) 938 MeV/c 2 ud d Neutron (n) 939 MeV/c 2 u d π- 140 MeV/c 2 BaryonsMesons

7 Narrow Hadronic States Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/127 PANDA @ FAIR

8 Brain Twister II Normal (heavy) matter consists of pointlike, nearly massless quarks.  99% of the mass of the visible universe is, strictly speaking, energy! Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/128

9 Anti-Proton Annihilation @ DA Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/129 PANDA

10 Gluonic excitations Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1210

11 Search for Heavy Glueballs “Charmed” glueballs – flavour blind decays charmed final states! – only a few charmed mesons around 3 - 4 MeV/c 2 less mixing! Exotic glueballs (oddballs), no mixing! – m(2 +- ) = 4140(50)(200) MeV – m(0 +- ) = 4740(70)(230) MeV – decay modes , , J/, J/ – Narrow widths predicted Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1211 Morningstar & Peardon, PRD60(1999)34509 Morningstar & Peardon, PRD56(1997)4043

12 PANDA & CBM: Hadrons in Nuclei Partial restoration of chiral symmetry in nuclear matter  Light current quarks sensitive to quark condensate Charmonium states  S ensitive to gluon condensate  Significant mass shifts expected for  c, ’, (3770): 40, 100, 140 MeV/c 2 resp. D mesons: the QCD analogue of an H-atom  Chiral symmetry to be studied on a single light quark  Theoretical calculations disagree in size and sign of mass shift (50 MeV/c 2 attractive vs. 160 MeV/c 2 repulsive) Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1212 Vacuum Nuclear medium  K 25 MeV 100 MeV K+K+ KK   Hayaski, PLB 487 (2000) 96 Morath, Lee, Weise, priv. Comm. DD 50 MeV D D+D+

13 Compressed Baryonic Matter Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1213 SIS100/300 CBM @ FAIR

14 High Baryon Density @ CBM Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1214

15 Probes of Dense Phase No data so far  FAIR Range

16 NuSTAR Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1216 NuSTAR Super-FRS Secondary Beams:  Broad range of radioactive ion beams ≤ 2 GeV/u  RI- Intensities up to 10 000 over present Primary HI Beams: 40 Ar 18+ 2x10 12 /s @ 1 – 2 GeV/u 238 U 28+: 5x10 11 /s @ 1 – 2 GeV/u 40 Ar 18+ 2x10 10 /s @ 1 – 45 GeV/u 238 U 92+: 1x10 10 /s @ 1 – 35 GeV/u 100 x 1000 times current intensity

17 GSI FRS  FAIR Super-FRS Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1217 1000 7500 Super-FRS FRS

18 NuSTAR Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1218

19 APPA: Parity-Violation Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1219 Mixing coefficient for states with opposite parities: Energy levels of He-like uranium 2E1 (PNC) To “compete” with spontaneous decay channels one needs to induce a two- photon PNC transition by polarised light with intensity 10 20 W/cm 2  NNNN eeee  eeee NNNN Select case with small splitting!

20 Large EM Fields Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1220 Sub-fs pulses Lasers (adapted from Mourou, Tajima, Bulanov, RMP 78, 2006) Heavy ions Large EM fields, zs pulses Equivalent to I ≥ 10 28 W/cm 2

21 Plasmas Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1221 Particles / cm -3 Temperature [eV] Jupiter Laser Heating Sun Surface Magnetic Fusion solid state density PHELIX Sun Core Inertial Fusion Energy XFEL SIS 18 Ion Beam Heating SIS 100 Strongly coupled plasmas Ideal plasmas FLASH

22 ESA @ GSI & FAIR Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1222 Durante & Cucinotta, Nature Rev. Cancer (2008)

23 Staging Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1223 Start Version Phase A (SIS100) Phase B (SIS300) Modularised Start Version Module 0Module 1Module 2Module 3Module 4Module 5 SIS100Exp. halls CBM & APPA Super-FRS NuSTAR Antiproton Facility PANDA & options NuSTAR LEB, NESR, FLAIR NuSTAR & APPA RESR PANDA, NuSTAR & APPA 2017/18

24 Modularised Start Version Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1224 APPA CBM/HADES NuSTAR PANDA Experiments M1: APPA M1: CBM/HADES M2: NuSTAR M3: PANDA M0 M1 M2 M3

25 Costs MSV Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1225 Accelerators and personnel (including Super-FRS)502 M€ Civil construction (excluding site related costs)400 M€ FAIR contribution to experimental end stations *78 M€ FAIR GmbH personnel & running until 2018 (>8 years)47 M€ Grand Total MSV, Modules 0 - 31027 M€ in 2005 € (inflation escalation until 2018: ca. +50%) * Total experimental end stations (excluding Super-FRS): ca. 210 M€ (2005) = 315 M€ (2018)

26 Funding Modules 0-3 Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1226 All numbers in 2005 € (escalation until 2018 ca. +50%) Spain expected to join soon (with 11.87 M€) China and the UK are potential Associate FAIR Members and will contribute to the experiments (6.6 M€)

27 Timelines Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1227 201220112013 201620152014 6 Submission building permits Site preparation Civil construction contracts Building of accelerator & detector components Completion of civil construction work Installation & commissioning of accelerators and detectors Data taking 7 10 8 2017 20182019 12 6 7 8 9 11 12 10 11 9

28 Civil Construction Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1228

29 Start Clearing 6/12/2011 Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1229

30 Test Drilling 31/8/2011 Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1230

31 Thank you very much Günther RosnerMESON2012, Krakow, 4/6/1231

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