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HMIS ADHS, HQ, Mumbai.

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1 HMIS ADHS, HQ, Mumbai

2 Important Softwares Subject Software HMIS DHIS 2 - State Specific
HMIS Portal – GOI MCTS MCTS – GOI Drug Inventory E-Aushadhi – State Specific

3 Same Facility Master for both Software
HMIS Software DHIS2 State Specific – All Programmes Designed as per Bureau requirement Data Entry for all Institutions (SC/PHC/Hospitals/Other) Reports GOI Reports for uploading All types of reports & Programme Specific reports HMIS National Portal GOI FBR – Mandatory Only report uploading (facility reports generated from DHIS2) GOI Evaluation as per National Portal Data Same Facility Master for both Software

4 DHIS2 FBR SC PHC Hospitals/Corp./Dist.level reports
State Software GOI & State Requirement Users -Facility/Dist/Circle/Bureaus Data entry Sets & Reports FBR SC Manual Report 1st of every month DHIS2 PHC 3-5th of every month Online/Offline Data Entry SC & PHC Hospitals/Corp./Dist.level reports 3-5th of every month Online Data Entry Hospitals/Corp/Mcl District level data entry DMO/NPCB

5 Downloading Report for GOI Portal & Save
DHIS2 Facility Level Data entry Complete Validation Check & Report Correction Downloading Report for GOI Portal & Save State Specific reports can also be downloaded

6 GOI Portal Block Level Block Reporting Status Data Quality Check
Validation Errors, Outliers & Critical Data Block Forwarding Facility wise reports

7 Validation Errors, Outliers & Critical Data
GOI Portal District Level District Stock Entry District Forwarding (i.e. District Final) Dist. Reporting Status District Compilation Data Quality Check Validation Errors, Outliers & Critical Data

8 Validation Committee Meetings - District / Block / PHC /SC level
Sr. No. District Sub-centres PHC Taluka Total Inst. No. Held % 1 Thane 491 391 80 78 100 13 2 Raigad 288 287 52 15 3 Ratnagiri 378 67 9 Thane circle 1157 1056 91 197 37 4 Nashik 577  568 98 103 103  15  1000 5 Dhule 232 231 41 40 6 Nandurbar 290 290  58 58  7 Jalgaon 442  431 77 77  8 A'nagar 555 554  96 96  14 14  Nashik circle 2096  2074 99 375 374  54 54  Pune 539 512 95 10 Solapur 427 11 Pune circle 966 939 97 173 24

9 Sub-centres PHC Taluka
Sr. No. District Sub-centres PHC Taluka Total Inst. No. Held % 11 Satara 400 388 97 71 69 9 82 1 100 12 Kolhapur 413 405 98 73 68 93 13 Sangli 320 311 59 58 10 14 Sindhudurg 248 236 95 38 8 Kolhapur circle 1381 1340 241 233 41 39 4 15 Aurangabad 279  279 50 50  16 Jalna 213 40 17 Parbhani 214 207 31 18 Hingoli 132 132  24 24  5 Aurangabad circle 838 831  145 145  31  19 Latur 252 46 20 Osmanabad 206 202 42 21 Beed 280 257 92 22 Nanded 377 371 65 Latur circle 1115 1082 203 45

10 Sub-centres PHC Taluka
Sr. No. District Sub-centres PHC Taluka Total Inst. No. Held % 23 Akola 178 174 98 30 100 7 1 24 Washim 153 144 94 25 6 Amravati 332 56 14 26 Yavatmal 435 431 99 63 61 97 16 27 Buldhana 280 270 96 52 13 Akola circle 1378 1351 226 224 5 28 Nagpur 316  316 49 49  13  29 Wardha 181 175 8 Bhandara 193 33 31 Gondia 238 39 32 Chandrapur 339 58 15 Gadchiroli 376 352 45 12 Nagpur circle 1643 1613  251 251  63  State Total 10580 10286  1811 1800  353 349  33 

11 Validation Committee Meetings - Hospitals
Sr. No District RH SDH WH DH/CS Total Inst. No. Held % 1 Thane 14 10 71 5 4 80 100 3 2 Raigad Ratnagiri 8 Thane circle 32 28 88 11 91 Nashik 23 Dhule 6 Nandurbar 11  7 Jalgaon 17 15 A'nagar  22 96 Nashik circle 79  76 13 13  9 Pune 20 Solapur Pune circle 33

12 Sr. No. District RH SDH WH DH/CS Total Inst. No. Held % 11 Satara 15 13 87 2 100 1 12 Kolhapur 16 4 Sangli 14 Sindhudurg 7 3 Kolhapur circle 51 49 96 Aurangabad 10 10  Jalna 8 17 Parbhani 6 18 Hingoli Aurangabad circle 27  27  2  4 19 Latur 20 Osmanabad 21 Beed 22 Nanded Latur circle 39

13 Sr. No. District RH SDH WH DH/CS Total Inst. No. Held % 23 Akola 5 100 1 24 Washim 7 25 Amravati 9 4 26 Yavatmal 13 3 27 Buldhana 12 10  83 2  2 Akola circle 46 44 96 10 28 Nagpur 29 Wardha 6 30 Bhandara 31 Gondia 32 Chandrapur 11 33 Gadchiroli  9 Nagpur circle 51 41  80 50 State Total 358 337  94 82  79 11   32 97

14 2014-2015 April 2014 Facility Based Reporting Defaulter Facilities




18 (21/05/2014)

19 HMIS National Portal

20 Data Elements Showing Increase
Year wise Comparison Data Elements Showing Increase % Total number of pregnant women Registered for ANC 2,177,106 2,159,123 0.83 % 1st Trimester registration to Total ANC Registrations 60.9 59.9 1.0 % Pregnant Woman received 3 ANC check ups to Total ANC Registrations 80.5 74.1 8.6 % Pregnant women given 100 IFA to Total ANC Registration 75.8 58.8 17.0 % SBA attended home deliveries to Total Reported Home Deliveries 75.5 28.4 % Women discharged in less than 48 hours of delivery to Total Reported Deliveries at public institutions 37.7 35.3 2.4 % C-section deliveries (Public + Pvt.) to reported institutional (Public + Pvt.) deliveries 14.9 14.8 0.7 % Newborns having weight less than 2.5 kg to Newborns weighed at birth 16.5 16 0.5 % cases of Pregnant women with Obstetric Complications and attended to reported deliveries 9.3 6.7 2.6 % Complicated Pregnancies treated with IV antihypertensive/Magsulph injection to Total  Women with Obstetric Complications attended 14.6 12 % Post Partum Sterlisations to Total Female Sterilisations 14.5 13.8 % IUCD insertions in public plus private institutions to all family planning methods ( IUCD plus permanent) 42.4 39.2 3.2 % Infants 0 to 11 months old who received Measles vaccine to reported live births 115.5 103.6 11.9

21 Data Elements Showing Decrease
Year wise Comparison Data Elements Showing Decrease % % Pregnant women received TT2 or Booster to Total ANC Registration 80 83 -3 % Pregnant women having severe anaemia (Hb<7) treated at institution to women having hb level<11 2.6 5.6 -3.0 % Institutional Deliveries to total ANC registration 71.9 81.9 -10.0 % C-sections conducted at public facilities to Deliveries conducted at public facilities 11.2 13.3 -2.1 % Women receiving post partum check-up within 48 hours of delivery to Total Reported Deliveries 60 61.8 -1.8 % Women getting Post Partum Checkup between 48 hours and 14 days to Total Deliveries 26.6 33.2 -6.6 % Newborns weighed at birth to live birth 94.2 97.2 % Newborns breast fed within 1 hour of birth to Total live birth 87.1 91.3 -4.2 % newborns visited within 24hrs of home delivery to total reported home deliveries 64.3 73.9 -9.6 % Male Sterlisation (Vasectomies) to Total sterilisation 3.3 3.4 -0.1 % AYUSH services provided to Total Patient Services ( Ayush, Dental, Adolscent Counselling) 76.9 85.1 -8.2

22 Districts Indicating Increase Districts Indicating Decrease
Total Number of Pregnant Women Registered for ANC Districts Indicating Increase Aurangabad 26.27 Pune 21.92 Bhandara 18.79 Chandrapur 11.88 Districts Indicating Decrease Nashik -9.93 Ratnagiri -10.65 Amravati -12.80 Brihan Mumbai -17.70 Raigad -19.64

23 Total Number of Pregnant Women Registered for ANC


25 % Newborns having weight less than 2.5 kg to Newborns weighed at birth

26 % Institutional Deliveries to total ANC registration
Facility Based reporting - Verification

27 FP Quality Indicator (Critical Data - GOI)
– Deaths following Sterilization Operations

28 AEFI - Abscess (Critical Data - GOI) Reporting Error

29 AEFI – Deaths (Critical Data - GOI)

30 Childhood Diseases (Critical Data - GOI)

31 Outliers - 2013-2014 S.N. Outlier Month State Defaulter district 1
Death Causes not known May 340 Washim-237 2 AEFI abcess August 2830 Nashik 3 No. of wet mount tests conducted September 1209 Pune-276, Mumbai- 459, Hingoli-387 4 Diphtheria 67 Gadchiroli-33, Yavatmal-28 5 No. of mothers paid JSY incentive for Home deliveries November 4367 Amravati-194, Dhule-199, Nandurbar-479, Nashik-444, Thane- 2331 6 Gynecology- Hysterectomy surgeries 4374 Bid- 3633, Parbhani-194 7 NSV At Private facilities December 225 Buldhana-88, Yavatmal-46 8 Vit A Dose 5 February 310,391 Ahmednagar-25314 9 Vit A Dose 9 314,784 Ahmednagar-24744 10 Measles 1163 Hingoli-520

32 Outliers - 2013-2014 S.N. Outlier Month State Defaulter district 11
No. of children provided free glasses February 7001 Amravati-257, Aurangabad-269, Bhandar-321, Bid-456, Gadchiroli-539, Gondiya-560, Thane-1238, Washim- 1260 12 HIV tests Female Non ANC Positive 2746 Bid-1661, Thane-589 13 HIV tests Female ANC Positive 2714 Bid-1923, Jalgaon-129, Yavatmal-121 14 No. of MTPs conducted at Public Insti. upto 12 weeks of pregnancy March 6751 Ahmednagar-157, Mumbai-2866, Klhapur-201, Nagpur- 137, Nashik-273, Pune- 609, Sindhudurg-180 15 No. of complications foll. sterilization MALE 10 Jalgaon-8 16 No. of complications foll. sterilization FEMALE 35 Jalgaon-16, Yavatmal-11 17 Tetanus others 8 Raigad-7 18 Measles 1138 Raigad-105, Nandd-80, Jalna-295, 19 In-Patient Head Count at midnight 557,985 Amravati-77310, Bhandara-20665, Mumbai-88278

33 FBR Performance March 2013 (Reporting %)



36 IPD - Public Facilities – March 14
DH SDH CHC PHC No of Facilities 61 82 380 1811 Facilities with NIL Performance 10 (9 Cor+1WH Osm) 27 252 Overall Average 1426 544 387 52 Maximum 5380 2123 1358 4359 Minimum 162 133 2 1 Facilities Below Average 18 53 321 1113



39 DHIS2 and GOI HMIS Portal
IMR & MMR Analysis DHIS2 and GOI HMIS Portal Indicators Maharashtra India DHIS GOI Portal Std. Surveys Still Birth Rate (Comparison) 14.8 14.83 - Still Birth Rate (Actual) 14.58 14.61 Maternal Mortality Ratio 106 75.8 87 (SRS ) 178 Infant Mortality Rate 16.93 6.1 25 (SRS 2013) 42

40 Observations – MMR & IMR
Objective – To study the trend in Portal data Steep decline from April 2013 to Feb 2014. Sharpest decline – Oct.13 onwards Coincides with shifting to FBR in the State Decline due to low FBR line listing deaths GOI indicated lower Mortality Reporting

41 Line Listing Deaths Reporting % - March 14.
More than 50% Wardha 83 Gondia 81 Hingoli 71 Chandrapur Raigad 69 Akola 64 Satara 61 Sindhudurg Solapur 50 Less than 20% Yavatmal 19 Buldhana 18 Latur 16 Parbhani 15 Aurangabad 12 Thane 10 Jalna 7 Mumbai

42 What is to be achieved ? Strengthening HMIS at all level
Supervision by MO/THO/RCHO/Dist.& Circle level officials Data Quality improvement Timely monitoring / correction of Critical Data elements Finalization of facility / block / district reports in the same reporting month Emphasis on GOI HMIS Portal data for analysis

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