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WORK & RETIREMENT WORK = income, standard of living plus meaning, status, stimulation, outlet for knowledge/creativity ‘ a search for daily meaning as.

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Presentation on theme: "WORK & RETIREMENT WORK = income, standard of living plus meaning, status, stimulation, outlet for knowledge/creativity ‘ a search for daily meaning as."— Presentation transcript:

1 WORK & RETIREMENT WORK = income, standard of living plus meaning, status, stimulation, outlet for knowledge/creativity ‘ a search for daily meaning as well as daily bread, for recognition as well as cash, for astonishment rather than torpor; in short, for a sort of life rather than a Monday through Friday sort of dying.’ (Terkel, 1974)

2 Ageism in the Workplace failing to hire/discharging an older worker early retirement incentives no retraining/development halting salary increases demoralization tactics overlooked for promotions first to be fired  older workers forced into lower wages/salary

3 Work Performance & Age chronological age  poor predictor ! Salthouse & Maurer (1996) Framework negative relationships btwn age and ability expected to lead to low performance are mediated by greater knowledge experience = knowledge = performance stable/increased crystallized intelligence old rely on prior knowledge young must develop new solutions to problems encountered

4 Job Performance Career Development System Factors Knowledge Skills Abilities Other Age

5 old adopt coping strategies retraining works greater job satisfaction loyal, less absenteeism, fewer accidents  increase performance & value of older worker ?? Consequences devalued   negative self-image   lose interest, motivation Work Performance & Age cont’d...

6 Mentoring (1) improve protégé’s chances for advancement (2) promote protégé’s psychological well-being mentoring = fulfillment, teaching, passing on knowledge Kram (1985): 4 Stage Sequence (1) Initiation: selection, development of protégé (2) Cultivation: teaching, development (3) Separation: protégé moves one (4) Redefinition: protégé becomes peer

7 RETIREMENT History (& Future?) of Retirement Policy 19th century - agrarian, work until death turn of century - 70% males 65+ working 20th century - Industrial Revolution need to  workers universal pensions Old Age Security Benefits: (1) Income Security (2) Retirement Pension

8 Retirement Policy cont’d... Pension systems established when: inflation and fertility rate predictable assumed retirement at age 65  project income needed to provide payments BUT  fertility rates in baby boomers people live longer   dependency high unemployment   contributions early retirement   contributions  inflation   payments

9 Decision to Retire? 1960s - “chronological guillotine” early retirement = 2 central issues  health & money also attitude, satisfaction, interests psychologically, choice is important forced retirement (graceful way to retire?) vs. competency-based retirement places w/ forced retirement - patterns much the same as w/ forced retirement solution: flexible or gradual retirement?

10 Phases of Retirement (Atchley, 1985) (1) Remote (2) Near (3) Honeymoon (4) Disenchantment (5) Reorientation (6) Stability (7) Termination

11 Worker-to-Retiree Styles (1) 9-to-5 worker (2) Extension worker (3) Bored worker (1) Mature (2) Armoured (3) Rocking-Chair (4) Angry Adjustment Styles (5) Self-blaming

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