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Nutrient Management Research Conducted by Market Directions for the Conservation Technology Information Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrient Management Research Conducted by Market Directions for the Conservation Technology Information Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrient Management Research Conducted by Market Directions for the Conservation Technology Information Center

2 Crop Nutrient Management Goal Increase the adoption of crop nutrient management practices Establish a baseline Set the goal

3 Grower Focus Groups Focus groups –Davenport, IA –Greenville, MS –Lubbock, TX –Goodland, KS One-on-one interviews –Washington, Arkansas, Penn., S. Carolina, Maryland, Indiana

4 Focus Group Comments Livestock producers think “feed ration” Precision farming (VRT) adoption is slow, economics believed Education needed to increase understanding of plan components

5 Grower Phone Research National survey –250+ acres of primary crop Corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton –Regional NortheastE Corn Belt N Great Plains SoutheastW Corn Belt S Great Plains DeltaNorthwest

6 What types, if any, of Crop Nutrient Management do you practice? Source: Marketing Directions, Winter 1997-98

7 What types, if any, of Crop Nutrient Management do you practice? Source: Marketing Directions, Winter 1997-98

8 What are the economic benefits, if any, of Crop Nutrient Management? Source: Marketing Directions, Winter 1997-98

9 What are the economic benefits, if any, of Crop Nutrient Management? Source: Marketing Directions, Winter 1997-98

10 What are the environmental benefits, if any, of Crop Nutrient Management? Source: Marketing Directions, Winter 1997-98

11 What are the environmental benefits, if any, of crop nutrient management? Source: Marketing Directions, Winter 1997-98

12 Barriers, if any, to more widespread adoption of crop nutrient management. Source: Marketing Directions, Winter 1997-98

13 Barriers, if any, to more widespread adoption of crop nutrient management. Source: Marketing Directions, Winter 1997-98

14 When did you last soil test? Source: Marketing Directions, Winter 1997-98

15 Do you reduce nitrogen applied to fields planted the season before with legumes? Of those who use legumes; Shown: Yes Source: Marketing Directions, Winter 1997-98

16 Do you reduce the amount of fertilizer on the area you use manure? Of those who use manure; Shown: Yes Source: Marketing Directions, Winter 1997-98

17 How much do the following influence your adoption of crop nutrient management? 1=no influence; 7=great deal of influence

18 Source: Marketing Directions, Winter 1997-98 How much do the following influence your adoption of crop nutrient management? 1=no influence; 7=great deal of influence

19 Influencer Research National phone survey –Ag Retailers –Conservation Districts –Extension Agents –Independent Crop Consultants –NRCS Regional (matches producer survey)

20 How often do you recommend Crop Nutrient Management? Source: Marketing Directions, Winter 1997-98

21 Why do you ( routinely/frequently/occasionally/never ) recommend crop nutrient management? Source: Marketing Directions, Winter 1997-98

22 Why do you routinely recommend Crop Nutrient Management? Source: Marketing Directions, Winter 1997-98

23 How comfortable are you recommending Crop Nutrient Management? 1=very uncomfortable; 7=very comfortable Source: Marketing Directions, Winter 1997-98

24 What would increase your comfort level with Crop Nutrient Management? Source: Marketing Directions, Winter 1997-98

25 Where do you get information about Crop Nutrient Management? Source: Marketing Directions, Winter 1997-98

26 Where do you get information about Crop Nutrient Management?

27 What do growers perceive as barriers to more widespread use of Crop Nutrient Mgmt? Source: Marketing Directions, Winter 1997-98

28 What do growers perceive as barriers to more widespread use of Crop Nutrient Mgmt?

29 Barriers to adoption: Grower vs. influencer perceptions Source: Marketing Directions, Winter 1997-98

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