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Main challenges in implementation of Priority Area 1: To reduce nutrient inputs to the sea to acceptable levels State of play of PA1: -5 flagships running.

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Presentation on theme: "Main challenges in implementation of Priority Area 1: To reduce nutrient inputs to the sea to acceptable levels State of play of PA1: -5 flagships running."— Presentation transcript:

1 Main challenges in implementation of Priority Area 1: To reduce nutrient inputs to the sea to acceptable levels State of play of PA1: -5 flagships running or waiting for financing -Second meeting on 8th March in Helsinki -Need of more cooperation with HELCOM

2 Challenges in PA1 implementation Idetifying projects to get „flagship” status Need for common approach/advise with the role of PACs and flagships Conclusions towards Strategy revision in 2011/ Developing measures for PA1 Improving macroregional dimension In scope of the work of PA needed more political support and cross-sectoral involvement ( involvement of other EU policies e.g. Agriculture and Fisheries)

3 Priority Area 1 Flagship Projects 4 flagship projects with leaders FP 1.1 Phosphates in detergents –Lead: Swedish Chemicals Agency –Supporting phosphates removal through information material to policy-makers, companies and the general public FP 1.2 Cleaner waste water –Lead:Swedish Environmental Protection Agency –Working Group on UWWTP efficiency around the Baltic Sea

4 Priority Area 1 Flagship Projects FP 1.4 Putting best practices in agriculture into work (BalticDEAL) –Lead: Federation of Swedish Farmers –Reducing nutrient losses from the agriculture to the Baltic Sea without creating loss of competitiveness or production –Financed: BSR Programme 2007-2013 FP 1.5 Assessment of regional nutrient pollution load and identification of priority projects to reduce nutrient inputs from Belarus to the Baltic Sea –Lead: Ministry of Environment of Finland –Focusing on cooperation with Belarus – targeting concrete investments and measures

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