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Understand nurse aide skills needed to provide for residents’ nutrition and hydration needs. Unit B Resident Care Skills Essential Standard NA6.0 Understand.

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Presentation on theme: "Understand nurse aide skills needed to provide for residents’ nutrition and hydration needs. Unit B Resident Care Skills Essential Standard NA6.0 Understand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understand nurse aide skills needed to provide for residents’ nutrition and hydration needs. Unit B Resident Care Skills Essential Standard NA6.0 Understand nurse aide skills needed to provide for residents’ nutrition, hydration, and elimination needs. Indicator 6.01 Understand nurse aide skills needed to provide for residents’ nutrition and hydration needs. 6.01Nursing Fundamentals 72431

2 Food is broken down by the gastrointestinal system into small substances called nutrients. Nursing Fundamentals 72432 Nutrients 6.01

3 Nutrients are absorbed into the body for use. Nursing Fundamentals 724336.01 Nutrients

4 Nursing Fundamentals 72434 Nutrients 6.01 Protein Carbohydrates Fats Vitamins Minerals Water

5 Builds and repairs tissue Nursing Fundamentals 72435 Nutrient - Protein 6.01 NUTRIENT

6 Supplies fuel for the body’s energy needsSupplies fuel for the body’s energy needs Supplies fiber necessary for bowel eliminationSupplies fiber necessary for bowel elimination Nursing Fundamentals 72436 Nutrient - Carbohydrates 6.01

7 Source of stored energySource of stored energy Helps body use certain vitaminsHelps body use certain vitamins Conserves body heatConserves body heat Protects organs from injuryProtects organs from injury Holds kidneys placeHolds kidneys place Nursing Fundamentals 72437 Nutrients - Fat 6.01

8 Necessary for carrying out and maintaining specific body functionsNecessary for carrying out and maintaining specific body functions Nursing Fundamentals 72438 Nutrients – Vitamins 6.01

9 Necessary for carrying out and maintaining specific body functionsNecessary for carrying out and maintaining specific body functions Nursing Fundamentals 72439 Nutrients –Minerals 6.01

10 Nursing Fundamentals 724310 Nutrients - Water 6.01 The most essential nutrient for life Without it a person can only live a few days Assist in digestion and absorption of food Helps maintain normal body temperature Largest component of blood plasma

11 No one food contains ALL the NUTRIENTS needed for good health. Nursing Fundamentals 724311 Nutrients 6.01 Soooooooooo... Eating a variety of foods is needed to sustain good health.

12 Nutrition guides typically divide foods into food groups and recommend daily servings of each group for a healthy diet. Nursing Fundamentals 724312 Nutrition Guides 6.01

13 A food group is a collection of foods that share similar nutritional properties or biological classifications. Nursing Fundamentals 724313 Food Group 6.01

14 Nursing Fundamentals 724314 Vegetable Group 6.01 Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. Vary your vegetables.

15 Nursing Fundamentals 724315 Fruits Group 6.01 Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.

16 Nursing Fundamentals 724316 Grains Group 6.01 Make at least half your grains whole grains.

17 Nursing Fundamentals 724317 Protein Group 6.01 Make lean choices. 51+ years old, need 5 ½ ozs. daily for men and 5 ozs. for women.

18 Nursing Fundamentals 724318 Dairy Group 6.01 Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk. Men and women over 51 years old need 3 cups of dairy group each day.

19 Nursing Fundamentals 724319 6.01

20 Two overarching concepts: Nursing Fundamentals 724320 Dietary Guidelines for Americans 6.01 Maintain calorie balance over time to achieve and sustain a healthy weight.

21 A calorie is a unit of energy. Nursing Fundamentals 724321 Calories 6.01

22 Nursing Fundamentals 724322 Calories 6.01 Taken from: How Stuff Works

23 Two overarching concepts: Nursing Fundamentals 724323 Dietary Guidelines for Americans 6.01 Focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods and beverages.

24 Foods that have high nutritional content as well as “energy” Nursing Fundamentals 724324 Nutrient Dense 6.01

25 Calories contained in food that provide “fuel” but few or no nutrients. Nursing Fundamentals 724325 Empty Calories Empty Calories 6.01

26 Factors That Influence Caloric Need AgeAge SexSex Size and activity levelSize and activity level ClimateClimate State of healthState of health Amount of sleep obtainedAmount of sleep obtained Nursing Fundamentals 7243266.01

27 Nursing Fundamentals 724327 Effects of Good Nutrition  Promotes physical and mental health  Provides increased resistance to illness  Produces added energy and vitality  Aids in the healing process  Assists one to feel and sleep better

28 Healthy, shiny looking hairHealthy, shiny looking hair Clean skin and bright eyesClean skin and bright eyes A well-developed, healthy bodyA well-developed, healthy body An alert facial expressionAn alert facial expression An even, pleasant dispositionAn even, pleasant disposition Nursing Fundamentals 724328 Signs of Good Nutrition 6.01

29 Restful sleep patternsRestful sleep patterns Healthy appetiteHealthy appetite Regular elimination habitsRegular elimination habits Appropriate body weightAppropriate body weight Nursing Fundamentals 724329 Signs of Good Nutrition 6.01

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