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Training on durable solutions Roel Debruyne, Training & Operations Manager.

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2 Training on durable solutions Roel Debruyne, Training & Operations Manager

3 Agenda Introduction Local displacement situation Protecting displaced people Coffee & Tea Durable solutions Lunch break Do the test: Local IDPs and the Durable Solution criteria Conclusion and key messages

4 Somalia Return Consortium  9 international agencies and NGOs  Voluntary, safe and dignified returns, before the rainy seasons  A common minimum standard of return assistance Transport, food, non-food items or cash support for 3 months, basic shelter, livelihood support  Standardized return procedures: Intention Survey → Go & See Visit → Registration → Return/Initial Reintegration Assistance → Post-return Monitoring  Beneficiary complaints mechanisms (mobile phones/ toll free feedback system)

5 Return Consortium Achievements 2014 IDP Returnees (HHs) by Area of Displacement IDP Returnees (HHs) by Area of Return

6 Return Consortium Achievements 2014 RC Specific objectives 1. To facilitate Informed and Voluntary Decision of 20,000 HHs from displaced communities about voluntary return to South Central Somalia. 2. To support a Sustainable and Durable Reintegration of 16,535 returnee HHs in their villages of origin. 3. To adapt the Return Programme through M&E inputs in order to mitigate shocks affecting the returnee and receiving communities. Achievements 10,070 HHs involved in Intention Surveys and 3,000 HHs involved in Go & See visit restitution. 3,184 HHs (approx. 12,500 individuals) supported with return assistance up to date. Impact study on IDP Voluntary Return conducted and SOP revision on-going. Cumulative figures

7 Refugee repatriation Start 8 December 2014, official opening of the border Kenya-Somalia Tripartite Agreement, November 2013 10,000 refugees have signed up for voluntary repatriation from Dadaab to Somalia Way-stations in Kismayo, Baidoa and Luuq 20 families, 100 individuals in first convoy

8 People on the move Freedom of movement Migrants Nomads Forced displacement Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) Refugees Returnees Refugees vs. IDPs?

9 Assessing displacement What do we need to know? Where do they live? From where? How many? How do they live? What do they do? Can they go back? …

10 Legal framework International law Human rights treaties and humanitarian law Kampala Convention IDP Guiding Principles Domestic, statutory law IDP Policy framework, incl. eviction guidelines Customary law, xeer Islamic law, sharia

11 Durable solutions A durable solution is achieved when internally displaced persons no longer have any specific assistance and protection needs that are linked to their displacement and can enjoy their human rights without discrimination on account of their displacement.

12 Key principles for durable solutions A gradual, long-term and complex process, with multiple actors Primary responsibility with national authorities Informed and voluntary decision No forced return to unsafe areas No discrimination related to their displacement IDPs participate in planning and management Host communities must not be neglected

13 Durable Solution criteria Safety, security and freedom of movement Housing, land and property rights Employment and livelihoods Adequate standard of living, including access to adequate basic services Participation in public affairs Personal documentation Access to justice and effective remedies for displacement- related violations Family reunification

14 Test Name the 3 durable solutions for internally displaced persons (IDPs)

15 True or false? IDPs have the right to vote, just as host community members.  True  False True or false? The government can decide which IDPs can return home.  True  False True or false? Armed groups have to protect the civilian population in the areas they control.  True  False True or false? IDPs should be included in the planning of a return process.  True  False


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