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Plot: Conflict Conflict is a struggle between opposing forces in a story. Without conflict, there can be no plot. It is a part of the plot that keeps the.

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Presentation on theme: "Plot: Conflict Conflict is a struggle between opposing forces in a story. Without conflict, there can be no plot. It is a part of the plot that keeps the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plot: Conflict Conflict is a struggle between opposing forces in a story. Without conflict, there can be no plot. It is a part of the plot that keeps the story moving. Slideshow adapted from a presentation on

2 Plot: Types of Conflict Character vs Nature Character vs Society Character vs SelfCharacter vs Character

3 EXTERNAL CONFLICT This is also known as External Struggle. It is outside of the character. This is the struggle between a character and another person, group of people or nature.

4 Plot: Character vs. Character Conflict This type of conflict finds the main character in conflict with another character, human or not human. Ex: Edward vs. Jake. Aragorn vs. an orc v=bwJJkeOTT6Y

5 Plot: Character vs. nature Conflict This type of conflict finds a character in conflict with the forces of nature. Ex: Josh fought the storm the entire time he was at sea. v=w_1VnGp8Lls

6 Plot: Character vs. Society Conflict This type of conflict has the character in conflict with a larger group: a community, society, culture, etc. Ex: Pete liked wearing his t-shirt that displayed messages the school didn’t allow. It was not considered acceptable by society. v=H69szHCElcE

7 INTERNAL CONFLICT This is also known as Internal Struggle. This is a struggle that goes on inside the character.

8 In this type of conflict, the character experiences some kind of inner conflict. Ex.: Jenna didn’t know if she should tell her best friend that she had toilet paper stuck to the back of her jeans. Plot: Character vs. Self Conflict v=DLvIFRNbqOs

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