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Preteaching Vocab. Conflict- a struggle between two forces in a literary work Two types of conflicts are: Turn to pg. 30-31 and write down the two types.

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Presentation on theme: "Preteaching Vocab. Conflict- a struggle between two forces in a literary work Two types of conflicts are: Turn to pg. 30-31 and write down the two types."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preteaching Vocab. Conflict- a struggle between two forces in a literary work Two types of conflicts are: Turn to pg. 30-31 and write down the two types of conflicts. Motivation- a force that moves a character to think or act in a certain way. Describe a motivation that surfaced in the previous short story, “Like Water for Chocolate.”

2 Internal conflict – a struggle that takes place within a character External conflict – a struggle that takes place between a character and some outside force. Motivation from “Like Water for Chocolate” Pedro feels compelled to marry Tita’s sister, Rosaura. This is HIS motivation because he loves Tita and finds this WILL be the ONLY way to remain close to her.

3 “Marriage is a Private Affair” Chinua Achebe

4 Setting: Nigeria

5 Nigeria’s different regions Northern Nigeria is a desert Central Nigeria has mountains and rivers Some regions of Mexico are dry, humid, and desert-like while others tend to receive more precipitation.

6 Nigerian customs When you grow up, you are expected to take care of your parents… Never ever talk back to your parents… Mostly everyone is poor… Separate schools for different sexes – “Courting” type dating system

7 Nigerian customs cont’d. Children’s Day – May 27th Muslim or Christian Intermarriage is a no-no. Staple food: Rice * Fried everything


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