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Welcome to LIB5040 Management of the School Library Media Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to LIB5040 Management of the School Library Media Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to LIB5040 Management of the School Library Media Center

2 LIB5040 Management of the School Library Media Center Agenda Who are we? (Introductions) How are we going to do the work? (Teams) What are we going to do? (Syllabus) Where are we going to work? (AET Zone) What do Media Coordinators do? (Roles) How did we get to where we are today? (History)

3 Who are we? Introductions Select a card that can be used to describe you. Be sure to tell everyone your name.

4 It Takes a Team Revisiting Winnie-the-Pooh

5 HARMONYPRODUCTIONCONNECTIONSTATUS QUO Caring Sensitive Nurturing Harmonizing Feeling- Oriented Logical Structured Organized Systematic Thinking- oriented Spontaneous Creative Playful Enthusiastic Action- oriented Quiet Imaginative Insightful Reflective Sensing - oriented Kortman, S and Eckstein. (2004). Winnie-the-Pooh: a “Honey Jar” for Me and for You. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families. Sage Publications: 12(1), pgs. 64-77.

6 How are we going to do the work? Teams It takes a team No individual is any pure type One character is neither better nor worse than others

7 Relationship Task Process Context Results or Final Product

8 How are we going to do the work? Stages of Team Development Teams evolve over time Teams go through 4 stages of development* ◦ Forming ◦ Storming ◦ Norming ◦ Performing *Tuckman, Bruce. (1965). Developmental sequence in small groups. Psychological bulletin, 63, 384-399.

9 How are we going to do the work? Stages of team Development The length of each stage varies with the team Working through all stages is crucial to development of a productive team.

10 What are we going to do? Syllabus

11 What are we going to do? Resident Expert Topics ◦ Personnel, staffing, licensure standards ◦ Professional library/media associations and other agencies (e.g. public libraries, state, federal) ◦ Professional ethics & issues (e.g. intellectual freedom, patron confidentiality, acceptable use policies) ◦ Technology in the media center ◦ Student Assistants and volunteers

12 Where are we going to work? AET Zone Active Worlds Qwaq

13 Where are we going to work? AET Zone Set up Blog ◦ Go to ◦ Click on Create Your Blog Now button (Orange Arrow near bottom of page) ◦ Follow Steps to create blog ◦ Blog Title:  Last Name LIB5040 Reflections ◦ Blog Location :  LastNameLIB5040 ◦ Post something to your blog ◦ Email me the URL 

14 What do School Library Media Coordinators do? On a piece of paper write what you think are the roles of a media coordinator.

15 What do School Library Media Coordinators do? Find the roles as defined by Empowering Learners

16 What do School Library Media Coordinators do? Building the bigger picture

17 What do School Library Media Coordinators do? Look at the chapter headings in IMPACT Look in Chp 1 of Library 101 What do notice?

18 How did we get to where we are today? Jigsaw activity Break into groups Read assigned sections of Morris Chp1 What are the “major headlines”? Regroup and build a timeline of the “major headlines”

19 How did we get to where we are today? Sections ◦ Era of the School District Library ◦ Genesis of the School Library ◦ Age of Development ◦ Emergence of the Media Center (p.12 – top of p. 17) ◦ Emergence of the Media Center (first paragraph p. 17 – first paragraph p. 21)

20 How did we get to where we are today? Discussion ◦ How did school libraries and our roles as media coordinators change? ◦ What are the influences of the state or federal levels? ◦ What does this mean for you?

21 Assignments - Read Morris Chps. 1-3 - Read Stephens/Franklin Chp. 1 - Read Empowering Learners Chp. 4 - Mini Report – Research article - Begin Resident Expert work

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