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Succession Planning – Why Bother? BL&A 1 May 30, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Succession Planning – Why Bother? BL&A 1 May 30, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Succession Planning – Why Bother? BL&A 1 May 30, 2015

2 Folk Music lives and thrives in Ontario with the support of stable, vibrant and dynamic community-based folk organizations BL&A 2

3 Succession Planning #It doesn’t happen in isolation #It’s part of a group of ongoing activities #What it is...and isn’t #Who’s responsible for it happening #Why we often don’t have them in place #The steps to putting the plan in place #It’s not cookie cutter – you are unique  The end game BL&A 3

4 Stable, vibrant and dynamic community-based folk organizations consider and embrace.... BL&A Strategic Planning Site Planning Mentoring Program Planning Retention Planning Financial Planning $ Coaching Business Planning Succession Planning Recruitment Planning Fund Raising Sponsorship Volunteer Services It’s not all about the music... 4 Vision Mission Values

5 Stable, vibrant and dynamic community-based folk organizations consider and embrace.... BL&A Strategic Planning Site Planning Mentoring Program Planning Retention Planning Financial Planning $ Coaching Business Planning Succession Planning Recruitment Planning Fund Raising Sponsorship Volunteer Services...It’s a business! 5 Vision Mission Values

6 Stable, vibrant and dynamic community-based folk organizations consider and embrace.... BL&A Mentoring Retention Planning Coaching Succession Planning Recruitment Planning...It’s a business, not a hobby! 6

7 How your Succession Plan Fits BL&A Different Strategies Goals, Objectives 7

8 Mentoring vs Coaching  Mentors in either a formal mentoring program or informal relationship focus on the person, their career and support for individual growth and maturity while the coach is job-focused and performance oriented. h"A mentor is like a sounding board, they can give advice but the partners is free to pick and choose what they do. The context does not have specific performance objectives. A coach is trying to direct a person to some end result, the person may choose how to get there, but the coach is strategically assessing and monitoring the progress and giving advice for effectiveness and efficiency." h"Mentoring is biased in your favor. Coaching is impartial, focused on improvement in behavior." hIn summary, the mentor has a deep personal interest, personally involved—a friend who cares about you and your long term development. The coach develops specific skills for the task, challenges and performance expectations at work. Matt M. Starcevich, Ph.D. CEO Center For Coaching & Mentoring, Inc. BL&A 8

9 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 8 "Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?" asked Alice "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat "I don’t much care where--" said Alice "Then it doesn’t matter which way you go," said the Cat "--so long as I get SOMEWHERE." Alice added as an explanation. "Oh, you’re sure to do that," said the Cat, "if you only walk long enough." BL&A

10 Success through continuous improvement recruitment retention Succession planning Time axis Festival Success Why is Succession Planning Important? Coaching Mentoring 10

11 What is Succession Planning? &Succession Planning is any effort designed to ensure the continued effective performance of an organization, division, department or work group by making provision for the development and replacement of key people over time. &Includes: CEO’s; ED’s; AD’s; office managers; board members; committee chairs; coordinators; crew chiefs...etc. BL&A 11

12 Be Clear... Succession Planning – interpretations:  a : the order in which or the conditions under which one person after another succeeds to a property, dignity, title, or throne Eb : the right of a person or line to succeed ?? BL&A 12

13 To be Clear... &Succession planning is a process for identifying and developing internal people with the potential to fill key leadership positions in the organization. Succession planning increases the availability of experienced and capable people that are prepared to assume these roles as they become available. BL&A 13

14 So why don’t we all have one? Simply put, we fear the unknown, deny the inevitable and hesitate to take action. Frequent reasons for not having Succession Plans:  We didn’t know we needed one rIt’s too hard or too complex and we don’t know where to begin rIt will take too much time or we have plenty of time rWe might get it wrong and make things worse rThe current leadership might feel threatened if we start to talk about how we’re going to replace him or her rThere aren’t enough resources to develop a good plan BL&A 14

15 So who is “WE” – Who is Responsible?  Ultimately the Board of Directors eResponsibility delegated to: Board Committee; CEO; Key Staff/Volunteers eRequires commitment to the activity.... eEstablish a standing committee on Succession... eHelps to have a champion.... BL&A 15

16 Succession Planning – Just Do It! The Steps: BL&A 16

17 Succession Planning – Just Do It! The Steps:  Make a list of the key positions BL&A 17

18 Succession Planning – Just Do It! The Steps:  Make a list of the key positions  Ensure job descriptions (and a task list) are in place for each BL&A 18

19 Succession Planning – Just Do It! The Steps:  Make a list of the key positions  Ensure job descriptions are in place for each  Develop an inventory of skill sets required BL&A 19

20 Succession Planning – Just Do It! The Steps:  Make a list of the key positions  Ensure job descriptions (and a task list) are in place for each  Develop an inventory of skill sets required  Identify current staff or volunteers who have potential BL&A 20

21 Succession Planning – Just Do It! The Steps:  Make a list of the key positions  Ensure job descriptions (and a task list) are in place for each  Develop an inventory of skill sets required  Identify current staff or volunteers who have potential  Document sources of people with the required skills BL&A 21

22 Succession Planning – Just Do It! The Steps:  Make a list of the key positions  Ensure job descriptions (and a task list) are in place for each  Develop an inventory of skill sets required  Identify current staff or volunteers who have potential  Document sources of people with the required skills  List required information (what and where) BL&A 22

23 Succession Planning – Just Do It! The Steps:  Make a list of the key positions  Ensure job descriptions (and a task list) are in place for each  Develop an inventory of skill sets required  Identify current staff or volunteers who have potential  Document sources of people with the required skills  List required information (what and where) BL&A 23

24 You are Unique... Succession Planning requires a clear view of your organization’s unique and specific information, including:  Positions that may need to be filled  Specific job competencies/descriptions  Expected timeframes  Assessment of internal talent and identification of gaps  Creation of “hi-po” group or talent pool  Support for successful candidate  Strategy to source outside candidate if necessary BL&A 24

25 The End Game The ultimate aim is to get the right people, with the right skills, knowledge and attributes, in the right jobs at the right time. BL&A 25

26 Questions and Discussion BL&A 26

27 Thank You! Brian Low Brian Low & Associates 740226 RR3 SR10 Holland Centre, Ontario Canada N0H 1R0 Telephone + Fax: 519.794.3101 Cell: 519.374.5908 Email: BL&A 27

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