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Data Sharing Partnerships May 15, 2015. There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Sharing Partnerships May 15, 2015. There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Sharing Partnerships May 15, 2015

2 There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know. Donald Rumsfeld 2 Knowing about the Unknowns

3 Enhancing Awareness Data Verification and Analysis Sharing Data Back 3 Knowledge Flow Traditional Methods *11 Call boxes Maintenance reports Troop T CCTV RWIS Weather reports Emerging Methods CCTV analytics Mobile CCTV and UAVs AVL Weather sensors Social media Connected vehicles Data applications Traditional Methods CAD ATMS ENS Knowledge Center Emerging Methods Alerting tools NextGen ATMS Predictive analytics Traditional Methods Travel advisories HAR DMS Emerging Methods Social media Connected vehicles Data applications

4 4 Traffic Incident Management Timeline

5 5 Data Application Tools

6 Waze is a free navigation app for your GPS equipped smartphone EUrVhw 400K downloads in PA Spoken turn-by-turn directions and street names Real time traffic reports Integrated destination search: Google, Foursquare, Bing Gaming elements and integrated social networking 6 Waze

7 Data sharing partnership No cost Waze users report crashes on average 30 seconds after they occur 7 Waze Connected Citizens Program Cities Rio de Janeiro, Boston, LA Metro, LA City, Barcelona, Sydney, Jakarta, Rio, Budapest, Tel Aviv, San Jose, Puebla, Vitoria, Monterrey, Petropolis, Mexico City State DOTs Iowa, Oregon, Florida, Utah, Kentucky, Washington DC, Tennessee Other Partners Latvia, Catalonia, Lithuania, SeeClickFix, Estonia, St.Mary’s County MD

8 Safety Security 8 Concerns

9 Begin discussions – February 2015 Commission approved and no- cost agreement signed – April 2015 Press release – May 2015 XML data feed to Waze – May 2015 Live map feed to TOC – under development Understanding/ testing/ filtering of data – May to August 2015 Data evaluation/ comparison – May to August 2015 Alerting tool - Summer/Fall 2015 Integration into the NextGen ATMS – TBD Integration as a data feed Third party access to traffic data Implementation Steps 9

10 Incident Reporting 10

11 11 Major Event Reporting

12 Emails to 12 Plan X Reporting

13 13 Special Events Parade route on live map Inbox message Closures in app

14 Shows traffic incidents & alerts in a predefined area Highlights Major Events, Road Closures & Irregular Traffic Events Calculate real- time ETA between pre- defined origin & destination TOC Live Map 14

15 Confidence score User level Number of reports 15 Confidence Scoring

16 16 Alerts Integration

17 17 Data Sharing

18 Performance Measures Events created before receiving Waze notification Number of events detected by Waze first Events created with Waze as first notifier Events already created, but original Waze timestamp occurred first Determine effect of filtering or network delays False alarms Confidence level correlation Event closure comparison When did we close event When was Waze alert removed from feed 18

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