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Application Fundamentals Microsoft Dynamics TM AX 4.0 Michael Fruergaard Pontoppidan Partner Productivity – Microsoft Dynamics AX TM Microsoft Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "Application Fundamentals Microsoft Dynamics TM AX 4.0 Michael Fruergaard Pontoppidan Partner Productivity – Microsoft Dynamics AX TM Microsoft Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Application Fundamentals Microsoft Dynamics TM AX 4.0 Michael Fruergaard Pontoppidan Partner Productivity – Microsoft Dynamics AX TM Microsoft Corporation SCREENCAST

2 Agenda Dialog Usage Data Persistance Progress Indication Runbase Batch

3 Dialog Dynamic forms Build at runtime No form element in the AOT 3 tier consideration Automatically marshaled to client tier

4 Dialog What can you do with the Dialog class  Set a caption  Add fields  Add groups  Add menu item buttons  Add text  Add windows (images) What you can’t do  Add datasources

5 Dialog vs Box Use Dialog  Data input is required Use Box  Flow control  Warnings  Nagging

6 Usage Data Persistance Also known as  SysLastValue  User Data  Last choice Allows you to  Persist a bag of data  Retrieve it again  Delete it

7 Key Data Usage Data Persistance Implement SysSaveable  Pack  Unpack  InitParmDefault  LastValueDataAreaId  LastValueUserId  LastValueType  LastValueElementName  LastValueDesign “DAT” “Admin” ElementType::Class “MyClass” “”

8 Usage Data Persistance Pass your object to xSysLastValue Accepts object to allow Forms and Reports to use the framework

9 Operation Progress Show progress Make the UI responsive Show ”Time remaining” estimate Allow multiple bars ~Client server neutral

10 Operation Progress Example Examples: Forms/Tutorial_Progress

11 Operation Progress Best practices Only set total, if you - Know it - Have fast access to it Partition in as many steps as possible Make steps similar size (timewise) When having multiple bars - Use the first to show overall progress

12 Agenda Dialog Usage Data Persistance Progress Indication Runbase Batch

13 Runbase The Operation Framework in Dynamics AX Allows you to  Prompt the user for input  Persist the users input  Show progress  Run the operation  Send the operation to Batch for asynchronous execution

14 Runbase General rules No parameters in new() Parm... methods Construct method / Static New method(s) Main method

15 Runbase Dialog Using dialog Using a form Remember to call super()!

16 Dialog system with any form Following is needed in your form:  Tab control (if form is “batch able”)  Group control named DialogStartGrp  Button group control RightButtonGrp closeOk() must look like this:

17 Runbase Dialog Values Setting Getting Remember to call super()!

18 Runbase Usage data persistance pattern ClassDeclaration Pack Unpack

19 Runbase Run run() method validate() method Duplicate the Tutorial_RunbaseBatch class when creating new

20 Runbase Operation Progress Runbase has a progress member

21 Runbase Batch Inherit from RunbaseBatch Batch button on dialog canGoBatch() must return true (default) canGoBatchJournal() must return ? (default false) runsImpersonated must return ? (default false)

22 Runbase Property Methods NameDefault CanGoBatchFalse (True for RunbaseBatch) CanSwapBetweenCSTrue CanReuseBatchFalse ShowClearButtonFalse (Req. DialogClear) ShowDefaultButtonFalse (Req. PutToDialog) ShowIndexFieldsTrue (Req. QueryRun) ShowQueryValuesFalse (Req. QueryRun)

23 main() calls prompt() make dialog "on server" back to main() pack dialog make dialog on client unpack server dialog unpack client dialog run dialogpack dialog Client Server Runbase prompt in 2.5

24 main() calls prompt() Is class calledFrom and is canSwapBetweenCS() true make dialog "on server" unpack server class pack class make runbase on client prompt() pack class unpack client class back to main() pack dialog No make dialog on client unpack server dialog unpack client dialog run dialogpack dialog Yes Client Server Runbase prompt in 2.5 SP2

25 © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

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