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Review the Animal Kingdom 4 Major Characteristics? Multicellular Eukaryotic Heterotrophs Cells lack cell walls.

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Presentation on theme: "Review the Animal Kingdom 4 Major Characteristics? Multicellular Eukaryotic Heterotrophs Cells lack cell walls."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review the Animal Kingdom 4 Major Characteristics? Multicellular Eukaryotic Heterotrophs Cells lack cell walls

2 7 Essential Functions? Feeding Respiration Circulation Excretion Response Movement Reproduction

3 Trends in Animal Evolution Cell specialization and levels of organization? Early development? Body symmetry? Cephalization? Coelom?

4 Brain Encased Skull jaws Bony Skeleton Lungs Amniotic Egg Hard Shells Fur & Milk Glands


6 Water flow Collar Cell Spicule Pore cell Pore Epidermal cell Archaeocyte Osculum Central cavity Pores The Anatomy of a Sponge

7 Examples: hydra, coral, sea anemone Examples: jellyfish, portuguese man of war Cnidarians have two body forms Polyp - stationary, vase-shaped Medusa - swimming, cup-shaped

8 Ecology of Sponges 1.Ideal habitats for marine animals such as snails, sea stars, sea cucumbers, and shrimp 2.Mutually beneficial relationships with bacteria, algae and plant-like protists

9 Ecology of Cnidarians A. Source of new drugs/chemicals  sunscreen 855 B. Provide habitats for marine organisms C. Source of food for other organisms (like sea turtles) D. Symbiotic relationships with other organisms

10 3 Groups of Worms? Flatworms Roundworms Segmented Worms What do all 3 groups have in common? –Bilateral symmetry, cephalization, sexual reproduction, true organs,

11 Flatworm adaptation? Simplest animals to have bilateral symmetry and cephalization.

12 Roundworm Adaptation? First animals to have a one way digestive system with mouth and anus First animals to have a fluid filled body cavity called a pseudocoelom- “false body cavity”

13 Segmented Worm Adaptation? First animals to have true circulatory system and coelom – body cavity.

14 Examples of Mollusks?

15 Major Advancement? Well developed nervous system

16 4 parts to body? 1. Foot- 2. Mantle (covering) – 3. Shell – 4. Visceral mass – muscular and modified in each group: used for crawling, burrowing, or may form tentacles for capturing prey thin layer that covers most of the body and secretes the shell made of calcium carbonate – for protection area where internal organs are located.

17 Classification of Mollusks? Classified into three common groups based on shell presence and type and foot modification 1. Gastropods 2. Bivalves 3. Cephalopods

18 Echinoderms’ Adaptations Water Vascular System Radial symmetry Spiny Skin

19 Types of Echinoderms Sea Stars Brittle Stars Sea Urchins Sand Dollars Sea Cucumbers

20 Name characteristics of the arthropod phyla: Jointed appendages Body segments Exoskeleton Bilateral symmetry Reproduce sexually

21 5 classes of arthropods Arachnids Centipedes Millipedes Crustaceans Insects

22 Why are insects so successful? The ability to fly Rapid reproduction Waterproof exoskeleton Variety of food sources Small size

23 A dramatic life form change from larvae to adult stages Metamorphosis

24 Animal Behaviors II. Innate Behavior – behavior that doesn’t depend on learning experience Examples: babies cry, whales swim, Frogs jump.

25 Innate behaviors


27 III. Learned behavior – behavior that is learned from experience or observation ex: language in humans, reading, a dog learning tricks, using tools

28 Learned Behaviors

29 I. Survival Behaviors A.Obtaining Food: Hunting, Scavenging, Gathering B.Predator/Prey Relationships – Predators hunt/ Prey have behaviors to avoid being eaten


31 1.Camouflage – Prey blends in to avoid being eaten 2.Defense - tools/behaviors – ex: porcupine quills, skunk’s odor 3.Warning Coloration – bright colors/patterns warns predators of toxins or poisons


33 IV. Seasonal behavior – behaviors that animals exhibit during certain times of the year A.Migration – long distance travel to find food, water, safe nesting ground B.Hibernation – period of inactivity and decreased body temperature – survive on stored body fat C.Estivation – reduced activity in summer – common in desert animals


35 V. Communication – When animals signal other animals A.Purpose: courtship (trying to find a mate), defending territory, warning other members of species of danger, where to find food

36 B. Types of Communication: 1.Pheremones – chemical communication – usually smells. Ex: dog urinates to mark territory 2.Hearing – sound communication. Ex: whales click, birds sing, dogs bark and howl 3.Sight – visual communication. Ex: body language in humans, color displays of birds, lizards open a flap of colored skin on the neck 4.Touch – physical communication. Ex: bees touch antennae, primates groom

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