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Basic Botany.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Botany."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Botany

2 Terminology Botany: the science of plants
Taxonomy: classification of plants

3 Terminology Dicotyledons: flowering plants that contain two seed leaves Monocotyledons: flowering plants that possess one seed leaf


5 Terminology Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Cultivar

6 Cornus florida - flowering dogwood cultivar - Fragrant cloud
Terminology Binomial nomenclature: all plants are given two names. These make up the scientific name and include the genus and species. Cornus florida - flowering dogwood cultivar - Fragrant cloud

7 Dicentra spectabilis : red bell flower
Terminology Problems Dicentra spectabilis : red bell flower Common Bleeding Heart

8 Plant Parts Plant parts fall into two categories: a) vegetative
b) sexual reproduction

9 Duration: the length of time an individual plant exists.
Vegetative Morphology Duration: the length of time an individual plant exists. Annual: A plant lives for one growing season and then dies. Winter annuals survive the winter, summer annuals survive the summer. Biennial: A plant the requires two growing seasons to complete its life cycle. Herbaceous perennial: A nonwoody plant that lives for several years. It’s shoots die back every winter. Woody perennial: A tree or shrub

10 Vegetative Morphology
Stem Xylem Phloem Cambium

11 Rhizome: below ground growth
Vegetative Morphology Modified Stem Stolon: above ground growth Rhizome: below ground growth

12 Vegetative Morphology

13 Flower Vegetative Morphology
Sepals - small, green, leaflike structures on the base of the flower Petals - highly colored parts of the flower Stamen - male reproductive parts Pistil - female reproductive parts

14 Flower Vegetative Morphology
Perfect flower - has a stamen, pistil, petal and sepals. Incomplete flower - missing one of the four parts Complete flower - has a stamen and pistil Imperfect flower - has either a stamen (staminate) or a pistil (pistillate)

15 Flower Vegetative Morphology
Dioecious - have staminate (male) and pistillate (female) on separate plants ie, hollies. Monoecious - have male and female flowers on the same plant ie, squash and cucumbers.

16 Leaf Morphology Venation refers to the pattern in which the veins are distributed in the blade Parallel or Net-veined Net-veined can be either pinnate or palmate

17 Identifiable Leaf Morphology
Shape of the leaf blade and the type of margin is important in plant identification.

18 Identifiable Leaf Morphology
Acute - ending in an acute angle Acuminate - tapering to a long, narrow point Truncate - having a relatively square base Obtuse - tapering to a round edge

19 Identifiable Leaf Morphology
Entire - smooth edge Serrate - having small teeth pointed toward the apex Lobed - incisions extending less than 1/2 way to midrib Dentate - teeth pointed outward Cleft - incision deeper than1/2 way to midrib

20 Identifiable Leaf Morphology
The various ways leaves are arranged along the stem can also be used to identify plants.

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