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NotesNotes. What is Mass? How much stuff (matter) an object has.

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Presentation on theme: "NotesNotes. What is Mass? How much stuff (matter) an object has."— Presentation transcript:

1 NotesNotes

2 What is Mass? How much stuff (matter) an object has

3 What is Volume? Amount of space an object takes up

4 Density is… Distribution of a quantity over a certain amount of space Mass per unit Volume

5 Mass Volume Important Density =

6 Story Time

7 Archimedes

8 Story of the King’s Crown King of Syracuse sent a huge nugget of gold to be made into a crown

9 Story of the King’s Crown King thought the crown was mixed with silver

10 Story of the King’s Crown The blacksmith could have stolen some of the gold and mixed the rest with silver

11 Asked Archimedes to figure out if all the gold given to the blacksmith was in the crown. Story of the King’s Crown

12 Archimedes weighed the crown and the gold and got their masses. They has the same mass.

13 Story of the King’s Crown

14 Let’s just say the crown was 800 grams So… Mass = 800g

15 Story of the King’s Crown 800 g Volume Density (Crown) =

16 Story of the King’s Crown So the Masses match up… Do the Volumes?…

17 Story of the King’s Crown Archimedes had to take a bath to think about this problem…


19 He filled the tub up the whole way, to the brim! Then he got in… Story of the King’s Crown

20 Water fell out of the tub!! But he noticed something about the amount of water that sloshed out… Story of the King’s Crown

21 The Volume of water that fell out = Volume of his body! Story of the King’s Crown V (Water) = V (Archimedes)

22 B4 After

23 Therefore…

24 Story of the King’s Crown Archi measured the Crown’s Volume to be 48 cm 3 So…

25 Story of the King’s Crown 800 g 48 cm 3 Density (Crown) =

26 Story of the King’s Crown Density (Crown) = 16.6 g/cm 3 Density (Gold) = 19.3 g/cm 3 Not the same!

27 Story of the King’s Crown It was mixed with Ag (Density = 10.3 g/cm 3 ) The blacksmith was ripping him off!!

28 Story of the King’s Crown The King had the blacksmith BEHEADED immediately.

29 Story of the King’s Crown Archimedes is credited with the Density relationship

30 Mass Volume Important Density =

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