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S ALAD S HOPPE Products: 5 pc. (300 g) red tomatoes 2. (150 g) small cucumbers 8-10 pc. (800 g) peppers 2-3 heads (150 g) onions.

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Presentation on theme: "S ALAD S HOPPE Products: 5 pc. (300 g) red tomatoes 2. (150 g) small cucumbers 8-10 pc. (800 g) peppers 2-3 heads (150 g) onions."— Presentation transcript:


2 S ALAD S HOPPE Products: 5 pc. (300 g) red tomatoes 2. (150 g) small cucumbers 8-10 pc. (800 g) peppers 2-3 heads (150 g) onions

3 1 cup (200 g) crumbled cheese 3 tablespoons (30 ml) vegetable oil 1/2 bunch parsley vinegar salt

4 P REPARATION : 1.Papers baked, peel, cleaned of seeds and cut into small pieces. Add the diced tomatoes, cucumbers and onions. 2.mixed stir gently, season to taste with vinegar and salt and pour the oil.

5 3. shaped like a pile and sprinkle with cheese and finely chopped parsley.

6 T ARATOR Products: 300 grams of yogurt 200 g cucumbers 1 tbsp oil 1 clove of garlic 120 ml of water, salt, nuts, fennel

7 P REPARATION 1. Yogurt is well shaken. Dilute with cold water. To diluted milk is added cucumbers, cut into small cubes and cooking oil. 2. Add chopped dill and chopped (pressed) garlic. Add salt to taste.

8 3. Mixture mix well and place in refrigerator. 4. TARATOR When serving sprinkle with nuts if desired.

9 P UREE Products: 400 g drained yogurt 4 cloves garlic 250 g of cheese 100g melted butter

10 P REPARATION 1.In the drained yogurt Grate cheese and chopped garlic. 2. Pour melted butter while stirring continuously, add salt.

11 3. Served at the bell or cut into two halves pepper, or cut in half and hollowed out inside a red tomato, or cut in half and carved fresh or pickled cucumber.

12 B ANITSA WITH CHEESE Products: 1 pastry for pie 300 grams. cheese 3 eggs 3 tablespoons yogurt

13 2s.l. flour 1 oil 50 g butter 1k.l. baking soda

14 P REPARATION 1.The cheese is crushed, add the eggs, yogurt soda, stir and put the flour, stir again. 2.the roots are divided by 2 raised, sprinkle with oil and stuffing. Top - end up with top crust.

15 3.With sharp knife Cut triangles, pour in melted butter and bake at 200 degrees until browned.

16 K APAMA - LUXURY Products: 4 pcs. pork chops ham 2. chicken fillet steaks 2. steak, chicken ham 200 g fresh mushrooms 5-6 units. pork ribs

17 1-2 units. raw smoked sausage 100 grams of smoked processed cheese 1 cup white wine ground cumin, ground black pepper, 1-2 grains allspice 1 pc. dried peppers 1 cup water

18 PREPARATION : 1.All meat flavored with spices - cumin, salt, pepper. The bottom of the clay casseroles arrange ribs and any kind of meat. 2.The be sliced ​​ mushrooms, pieces of melted cheese and so consistently all products.

19 Top put a dried pepper to taste, allspice and pour wine and water. Optional top and bits of cheese can. 3. Replace lid and possibly sealed with dough. Casseroles is placed in a tray and put in a cold oven. Bake at medium heat for about 2 hours.

20 R OSE JAM Products : color Rose - 150 g Sugar - 1 kg Water - 500 ml Citric acid - 1 1/2 tsp

21 P REPARATION 1.colours of rose should be well cleaned of stamens and petals of yellow. 2.Prepare thin syrup of sugar and water to which when it starts to thicken, add the pink color, citric acid, diluted with a little lukewarm water.

22 3. While still hot it spilled in the jars and close them, then store them in a dark place.

23 P REPARATION OF YOGURT Products : milk - 3 2 L, 4 - jar yogurt in 1-2 tablespoons jar, whole milk, real milk

24 P REPARATION 1. Boil the milk and cool to 41-43 degrees. A 800 ml jar put 1 level tsp leaven of thick and nice yogurt. Most yogurts that are sold in stores are not suitable for this purpose. 2. If the inoculum is store-bought milk, place 1 tablespoon

25 3. The jars were capped and wrapped in something nice wool or Vatel warmer. Importantly milk is very warm. 4. Thus, aged a few hours, then transferred to a refrigerator.

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