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Patterns of Life. Things to Find Out: How was Russian society organized? How did religion support the social system? What daily activities shaped peasant.

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Presentation on theme: "Patterns of Life. Things to Find Out: How was Russian society organized? How did religion support the social system? What daily activities shaped peasant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patterns of Life

2 Things to Find Out: How was Russian society organized? How did religion support the social system? What daily activities shaped peasant life? – You should be able to answer these questions using your notes – We will wrap-up/review with these questions at the end of class.

3 Peasant Life in Russia “The peasants are oppressed by work from morning till night, and are all ill from overwork…They fade early, age early, die early, and die in filth and stench. Their children grow up and it’s the same story and so it goes on for hundreds of years, millions of people living worse than animals—in constant dread, and all for a mere crust of bread.” – Anton Chekhov Read this quote and think about the words in Red. How do they describe the life the peasants were forced to lead?


5 Russian Society Enlightenment ideas only affected the Russian noble class Autocratic rule of the czars prevented real reform from happening Classes: – Small group of nobles – Small middle class with little power – Extremely large group of serfs and peasants OWNED BY THE NOBLES Had no real rights or privileges in society

6 Czar and Nobles Middle Class Peasants (Serfs)

7 Russian Society Serfs – Were bought and sold by nobles – Basically treated like slaves – Often worked on farms that were not productive – Had to pay high rents to the landlords – Desperately poor and struggling to live and exist – Serfs were flogged or beaten at will Nobles – Wealthy families that traveled from St. Petersburg to Moscow During the winter months – Summer months they traveled to their country estates – Had serfs at all of their houses – Serfs made all the food, furniture and basically everything that people needed

8 Russian Orthodox Church The church supported the political and social order of Russia – Actually became a servant of the czar (worked for them) The government (the Czar) actually appointed church officials Government gave money to the church and church officials would report on anyone who spoke out against the government Secret police actually dressed up as priests and heard confessions to catch people


10 Russian Orthodox Church The church also helped the peasants as well – Baptized, married and had funerals according to church law Icon- religious painting of Jesus that was in every peasant house – Prayed before the icon for miracles Holy days and religious festivals meant no work for the peasants – Trinity Week- return of Spring and the beginning of planting season – St. Peters Day- was the start of the harvest season

11 Peasant Life Peasant life was centered around the village where they all lived Mir (meer) – village commune (group that runs the village) – Council made up of men who were heads of the families – Controlled the land and divided it amongst the people – Scattered fields that were all over allowed for little farms but not a lot of production – Mir collected taxes and found recruits for the army


13 Russian Social Life Russian Family – Patriarchal and extended families – Women had lower status than men – Only men could inherit the family land – Women were responsible for household chores, tending the garden and livestock – After marriage a couple lived with the man’s parents Russian Homes – Small basic houses with one pr two rooms only – Large stove for cooking and heating – Ate only a few basic foods Dark bread was a staple food – Occasionally they had meat and or fish – Cabbage, cucumbers and onions were the main vegetables – Potatoes were added in the 1800’s


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