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October 2008 Mendon-Upton Regional Schools Standards-Based Reporting and the Benefits of Trimesters.

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Presentation on theme: "October 2008 Mendon-Upton Regional Schools Standards-Based Reporting and the Benefits of Trimesters."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 2008 Mendon-Upton Regional Schools Standards-Based Reporting and the Benefits of Trimesters

2 M-U Regional School District October 20082 Strategic Plan   Goal 1 - To continuously improve the process of teaching and learning through the examination of curriculum, instruction and assessment PreK-12   Goal 2 - To continuously improve communication between, among and with the school, home and community   Goal 3 - Continuously work with the community to develop a realistic, fundable, multiyear financial plan for the school district   Goal 4 - Establish a committee to research and articulate an educational model   Goal 5 - Develop a space needs plan

3 M-U Regional School District October 20083 Strategic Plan   Goal 1 - To continuously improve the process of teaching and learning through the examination of curriculum, instruction and assessment PreK-12 Develop and implement a coherent and articulated PreK-12 curriculum Implement and expand instructional strategies to meet the needs of all learners Demonstrate improved student performance through the use of a variety of assessment tools

4 M-U Regional School District October 20084 Strategic Plan   Goal 2 - To continuously improve communication between, among and with the school, home and community Improve vertical and horizontal communication and collaboration among school staff Engage families to be proactively involved in their child’s education PreK-12 To reach out to the communities to involve them in the educational process

5 M-U Regional School District October 20085 Strategic Plan   Goal 1 - To continuously improve the process of teaching and learning through the examination of curriculum, instruction and assessment PreK-12   Goal 2 - To continuously improve communication between, among and with the school, home and community Mass. State Frameworks New Report Card Curriculum Guides Rubrics Assessments

6 M-U Regional School District October 20086 What is the purpose of grading?  To provide information and feedback to parents and students on progress towards standards. No Child Left Behind requires schools to report student progress toward meeting state standards.

7 M-U Regional School District October 20087 Why use standards based grading and reporting?  Traditional evaluation categories (Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies) are too broad to accurately report skill and capability levels  Traditional grading system (A,B,C) is subjective  Standard based grading aligns with MCAS Standards

8 M-U Regional School District October 20088 What Has Changed? The new Standard Based Report Card...  Aligns with Massachusetts State Standards  Measures how well a student is doing in relation to the grade level standards rather than to the work of other students  Provides parents a better understanding of their child’s strengths and weaknesses  Gives more specific information about what students should know and be able to do in all academic areas  Encourages all students to do their best  Uses same scoring device as MCAS (4,3,2,1)  Is organized by trimesters

9 M-U Regional School District October 20089 Report Cards  Unique report cards have been developed for each grade Pre-K-4.  Report cards for Spanish classes provide key information about Spanish Language Development  Aligns with newly developed curriculum guides, assessments, and rubrics

10 M-U Regional School District October 200810 Why Trimesters?  Standards based report cards require extensive assessment and documentation Resulting in In-depth student assessments In-depth student assessments Consistent evaluations throughout the year Consistent evaluations throughout the year Modified instruction Modified instruction Consistent evaluations amongst students Consistent evaluations amongst students

11 M-U Regional School District October 200811 Why Trimesters?  Provide more time for students to demonstrate proficiency Late fall marking period allows time for Late fall marking period allows time for Primary students to blossomPrimary students to blossom Students to demonstrate abilities – more time to tailor instruction appropriatelyStudents to demonstrate abilities – more time to tailor instruction appropriately

12 M-U Regional School District October 200812 Why Trimesters?  Gives children more time to truly meet the standards – no need to “rush the learning” Allows more flexibility in pacing the curriculum Allows more flexibility in pacing the curriculum Increases opportunity for well informed parent- teacher communication before first marking period Increases opportunity for well informed parent- teacher communication before first marking period Promotes more detailed and meaningful conversations at parent/teacher conferences Promotes more detailed and meaningful conversations at parent/teacher conferences

13 M-U Regional School District October 200813 Why Trimesters?  Quality over Quantity Issue It is not a case of “more is better” in terms of how many report cards your child receives It is not a case of “more is better” in terms of how many report cards your child receives It’s about how much specific, quality information parents receive on a report card It’s about how much specific, quality information parents receive on a report card In order to have high quality information, more time is needed to appropriately instruct and assess In order to have high quality information, more time is needed to appropriately instruct and assess

14 M-U Regional School District October 200814 Why Trimesters?  Allows for better monitoring of student achievement Students are assessed in multiple ways everyday, allowing for careful and precise monitoring of student achievement Students are assessed in multiple ways everyday, allowing for careful and precise monitoring of student achievement Consequently, it is not a problem that there are fewer formal reporting times since there is constant informal assessment Consequently, it is not a problem that there are fewer formal reporting times since there is constant informal assessment

15 M-U Regional School District October 200815 Potential Parent Question  Why are you making the change to trimesters now?  To coordinate with the implementation of the K – 4 standards based report cards  Other districts have discovered the need for trimesters when using standards based reporting systems  We can benefit from what others have already experienced

16 M-U Regional School District October 200816 Some of the districts using trimesters:  Ashland Norfolk  Blackstone Millville Shrewsbury  Dedham Stoughton  E. Brookfield Sudbury  Easton Sutton  Dover- Sherborn Westboro  Grafton Westwood  Haverhill Woonsocket  Lunenburg  Marlboro  Middleborough  Milford All Boston  Nashoba Public Schools

17 M-U Regional School District October 200817 Performance Levels for K-4 Report Card Design: Performance Levels for K-4  4 = Exceeds grade level standard Consistently performs the grade level standard. Student is self motivated and independently grasps, applies, and extends key concepts and skills.  3 = Achieves grade level standard Consistently demonstrates proficiency in meeting grade level standard. Consistently demonstrates proficiency in meeting grade level standard. Student grasps and applies key concepts and skills with limited Student grasps and applies key concepts and skills with limited errors and minimal teacher support. errors and minimal teacher support.

18 M-U Regional School District October 200818  2 = Nearly Meets grade level standard Student demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and skills. Performance Student demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and skills. Performance is characterized by the ability to apply skills with increasing success. is characterized by the ability to apply skills with increasing success. Performance varies in consistency with regard to accuracy, quality and level of Performance varies in consistency with regard to accuracy, quality and level of support. support.  1 = Below grade level standard Not achieving and/or progressing toward the grade level standard. Student Not achieving and/or progressing toward the grade level standard. Student does not demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and skills. Interventions does not demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and skills. Interventions support the student in progressing toward the standard. support the student in progressing toward the standard. Performance Levels for K-4 Report Card Design: Performance Levels for K-4

19 M-U Regional School District October 200819 Sample Spanish Section

20 M-U Regional School District October 200820 C=Consistently meets expectations S=Sometimes meets expectations R=Rarely meets expectations Report Card Design: Social Skills and Work Habits  Thinking and behavior skills that support and inspire lifelong learning

21 M-U Regional School District October 200821 Potential Parent Question  Will I receive less information about how my child is performing in school?  Absolutely not!  In fact, you will receive more quality information  Standards based report cards provide detailed, specific information  Special education students can still receive the same number of reports as they are currently receiving

22 M-U Regional School District October 200822 In closing….  In keeping with Ed Reform, we are striving for an effective, consistent approach to expectations, materials, assessment, and reporting at the elementary level  Standards Based Report Cards will allow for this, and  Trimesters will facilitate the process.

23 M-U Regional School District October 200823 Special Thanks to the Report Card Committee Superintendent Fernandes Ruth Danforth Superintendent Fernandes Ruth Danforth Jan Gallagher Vin Rozen Jan Gallagher Vin Rozen Dana Burke Jen Hall Dana Burke Jen Hall Nancy Lopes Marianne Lynch Nancy Lopes Marianne Lynch Janice Lizotte Brenda Webster Janice Lizotte Brenda Webster Karen McDonough Bev Hart Karen McDonough Bev Hart Gail Brown Gail Brown Great job team!

24 M-U Regional School District October 200824 Questions QuestionsorComments

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