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KITSAP COUNTY ENERGY EFFICIENCY Autumn Salamack, Resource Conservation Manager Board of County Commissioners Office.

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Presentation on theme: "KITSAP COUNTY ENERGY EFFICIENCY Autumn Salamack, Resource Conservation Manager Board of County Commissioners Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 KITSAP COUNTY ENERGY EFFICIENCY Autumn Salamack, Resource Conservation Manager Board of County Commissioners Office

2 Kitsap County Energy Profile  Over 1.5 million square feet  Over $3 million in energy costs (2009) KITSAP COUNTY 2009 ENERGY BASELINE Energy TypeAnnual Energy UseAnnual Energy Cost Electricity17.3 million kilowatt hours$1,658,706 Diesel/Gasoline434,822 gallons$1,084,200 Natural Gas332,000 therms$399,280 Propane5,940 gallons$18,000 *Baseline data for county owned and operated buildings and facilities.

3 Kitsap County Goals  Board of County Commissioner Goals (2010)  Reduce energy use 30% by 2020 compared to 2009  Generate 10% of energy needs from renewable sources by 2020  Develop and implement a program for strategic energy efficiency improvements  Focus on county owned and operated facilities

4 Stimulus Funded Energy Initiatives  Kitsap County received $2.229 million in Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block funding  County building retrofits  RePower Kitsap program  Kitsap Food Chain program  Kitsap Energy Upgrade program with HBA  BigBelly solar compacting trash bins  Strategic energy plan for county operations

5 Energy Efficiency Projects  $732,000 in federal stimulus funding (ARRA) for building retrofits  Lighting upgrades  Heating upgrades  Window upgrades  Solar hot water system  Building energy audits Learn more at

6 Courthouse Windows

7 Solar Hot Water Heater

8 2010 Energy Savings  9.4% reduction (6,827 Mbtu)  Electricity and natural gas  9% cost savings  Over $129,000 in avoided costs  Electricity and natural gas  PSE Rebates  $70,680 2010- 2011  $46,692 2011-2012 (anticipated)

9 Energy Conservation Advisory Committee  Citizen and staff committee  Developed Energy Plan & Policy Committee Representatives Board of County CommissionersInformation Services Citizens (3)Parks and Recreation Department of Community Development Personnel and Human Services Department of Strategic PlanningPublic Works (3) FacilitiesSheriff

10 Energy Plan  Adopted by Board of County Commissioners in 2011  Provides framework to achieve energy efficiency and renewable energy goals  Building design & operation  Purchasing & equipment,  Transportation & fleets  Education & training  Sewer treatment plants, etc.

11 Energy Conservation Policy  Temperature set points in buildings  Cooling Season 75-78 degrees F  Heating Season 68-72 degrees F  Lighting standards  Direction on personal appliances  Space heater policy  Approval needed for some items  Recommendations for non-essential items

12 Resource Conservation Manager Program  Focus on no-cost and low-cost behavior and O&M improvements  PSE funding for staff position, training, utility tracking software, etc. No-cost measure: Turn off lights currently on at Fairgrounds during daylight hours.

13 Employee Engagement  Kitsap Con$erves program and intranet site  Focus on energy conservation, waste reduction, and water conservation  Conservation Champions in each department and building

14 Contact Information  Kitsap County   Kitsap County EECBG Projects   Autumn Salamack  360-337-5670 

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