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We come in peace --- or for your natural resources.

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2 We come in peace --- or for your natural resources


4  Explain the difficulties of space exploration  Know different types of craft utilised  Explain the likelihood and importance of water on another planet

5  Make a list on how you would detect aliens sending you a message from millions of light years away.  What would you be looking for ?  Key words : waves, telescopes, light.

6  Swap your book with another group.  Can you add any more detail  Key words and detail improve your grades

7  Ok get your book back  Ok let me pick on some groups  Lets expand our work, write down answers you have not got.

8  Explain the difficulties of space exploration  Know different types of craft utilised  Explain the likelihood and importance of water on another planet

9  Imagine  You are in a space craft looking at earth  How would you detect life here  Bullet points please

10  Imagine  You are in a space craft looking at earth 5,000 years ago  How would you detect life  Bullet points please

11  Imagine  You are in a space craft looking at earth 1,500,000 million years ago, only bacteria existed  How would you detect life here  Bullet points please

12  There are many points to consider  Are we looking for past life  Are we looking for bacteria on a planet  What conditions will a planet need for life  How will we get there  What can we use  Fill in your worksheet from information around the room

13  Explain the difficulties of space exploration  Know different types of craft utilised  Use your worksheet to produce a paragraph  Explain the likelihood and importance of water on another planet

14  The president of America has given you a job  You have been charged with finding alien life, how would you do it.  Remember to add key words and as much detail as possible.

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