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Curriculum Night Prekindergarten. Report Card Performance Levels 1= Skill/Concept: Exhibits with direct assistance 2= Skill/Concept: Exhibits with minimal.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Night Prekindergarten. Report Card Performance Levels 1= Skill/Concept: Exhibits with direct assistance 2= Skill/Concept: Exhibits with minimal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Night Prekindergarten

2 Report Card

3 Performance Levels 1= Skill/Concept: Exhibits with direct assistance 2= Skill/Concept: Exhibits with minimal guidance 3= Skill/Concept: Exhibits mastery at expected level 4= Skill/Concept: Exhibits mastery of skill/concept beyond grade level expectation It is important to note that for each indicator on the report card, it is the Level 3 that is the goal and indicates “end-of -year” mastery for that concept or skill.

4 Supplement Criteria for performance Levels: ●Level score indicates performance for time frame of specified marking period ●Goal is Level 3 for each marking period

5 Curriculum

6 Texas Guidelines The Prekindergarten Program follows state guidelines. This curriculum incorporates: I. social and emotional development II. language and communication III. emergent literacy reading IV. emergent literacy writing V. mathematics VI. science VII. social studies VIII.fine arts IX. physical development X. technology

7 ELL ●Our bilingual program utilizes the Gomez and Gomez Dual Language Enrichment Model. The curriculum utilizes the Estrellita Advanced Reading Program to teach literacy in Spanish. ●Our ESL program will receive ESL support interwoven into their classroom instruction.

8 Large Group Instruction ●Morning message and daily schedule ●Read ‐ aloud ●Language, letter work, phonological awareness activities ●Math, science and social studies activities ●Music and songs ●Instructional themes

9 Small Group Instruction ●Provides intentional instruction in math, science, social studies literacy and language concepts ●Provides targeted activities for short periods of time (10 ‐ 15 minutes) ●Utilizes engaging manipulatives, books, and pictures

10 Centers ●Pretend and Learn Center ●Writing Center ●Library and Listening Center ●Construction Center ●Math and Science Center ●Creative Center ●ABC Center

11 Home to School Communication

12 Report Card ● The report card is one tool for communication between home and school. ● Students receive a report card three times a year. ● Only the envelope needs to be returned. ● The report card is for you to keep. ● It is necessary that you sign the envelope and return it within a week. ● The report card includes a comment box where your child’s teacher includes additional information and/or requests a conference. ● You also are invited to enter comments. You’ll notice the signature box on the envelope includes a place for you to enclose comments about the grading period or request a conference.

13 Phone calls, Emails, Website Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher at any time during the school year to ask about his/her academic progress. In Lake Travis ISD, we believe with parents as our partners, children will experience rich rewards from their early elementary school experience.

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