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ETM 627 Fall 2014 Dr. Joan Burtner The Certified Manager of Quality/ Organizational Excellence 3 rd Edition Westcott, ed. Chapter 8 Management Skills and.

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Presentation on theme: "ETM 627 Fall 2014 Dr. Joan Burtner The Certified Manager of Quality/ Organizational Excellence 3 rd Edition Westcott, ed. Chapter 8 Management Skills and."— Presentation transcript:

1 ETM 627 Fall 2014 Dr. Joan Burtner The Certified Manager of Quality/ Organizational Excellence 3 rd Edition Westcott, ed. Chapter 8 Management Skills and Abilities

2  Basic management principles  Management theories  Management tools  Interdependence  Human resource management  Financial management  Risk management  Knowledge management ETM 627 Fall 2014 Dr. Joan Burtner Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management Slide 2

3  CMQ/OE BoK  Four processes  Planning  Organizing  Directing  Controlling  Strategic vs. operational  Baldrige National Quality Program (BNQP)  2005 criteria  11 interrelated core values and concepts  Compare to 7 categories for scoring applications ETM 627 Fall 2014 Dr. Joan Burtner Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management Slide 3

4  CMQ/OE BoK  Scientific management  Frederick Taylor (“one best way to perform a task so as to increase productivity” p.148)  Frank and Lillian Gilbreth (motion and time study)  Henry Gantt (Gantt chart – also proposed concept of providing incentives to employees based on output)  Classical organizational theories  Henri Fayol – 14 principles of management related to power and authority  Max Weber – bureaucracy / lines of authority  Mary Parker Follett - relationships  Human relationships theories  Hawthorne effect  Focus on workers  Behavioral theories  Maslow (hierarchy of needs)  Herzberg (satisfiers)  McGregor (Theory X and Theory Y)  Ouchi (Theory Z) ETM 627 Fall 2014 Dr. Joan Burtner Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management Slide 4

5  Learning theories - Kolb, Gardner  Behavior management  B.F. Skinner  Behavior modification  Operant conditioning  Situational leadership/management theories  Hersey and Blanchard  Systems thinking  Peter Senge The Fifth Discipline  The Learning Organization  Complexity theory –  Interaction among the parts of a system  Managerial grid  Seven Habits – Stephen Covey  Tools – MBTI MBWA ABC etc. ETM 627 Fall 2014 Dr. Joan Burtner Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management Slide 5

6  CMQ/OE BoKs  Interdependence  Human resource (HR) management  Financial management  Risk management  Knowledge management (KM)  Student presentations ETM 627 Fall 2014 Dr. Joan Burtner Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management Slide 6

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