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Best Practices Overview Earning Loyalty is all about Exceeding Expectations.

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Presentation on theme: "Best Practices Overview Earning Loyalty is all about Exceeding Expectations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Practices Overview Earning Loyalty is all about Exceeding Expectations

2 2 Celebrating 60 Years of Excellence 1946-2006 Who Is Kelly Services?  William Russell Kelly founded the temporary staffing industry in 1946 with one office and two employees.  First year, Kelly had 12 customers  Annual Revenue was $847.63  Today, Kelly is a $5B company with over 700,000 employees  Out of the 12 companies who worked with Kelly the first year, 10 are still customers and 2 are no longer in business  2,500 company owned and operated offices in 33 countries  Kelly places a new employee on assignment every 30 seconds  Kelly places more than 700,000 temporary employees to work every year  More than 50,000 of our temporary employees are hired by the customer each year

3 3 Celebrating 60 Years of Excellence 1946-2006 Company Structure Field Office Corporate Security & Safety Corporate Human Resources Corporate Finance Corporate Marketing Corporate Accounting Corporate Travel Corporate Officers

4 4 Celebrating 60 Years of Excellence 1946-2006 Local Presence  In Houston Since 1965  Major partnerships with several Fortune 500 companies in the Houston Gulf Coast area.  Local expertise in:  Accounting Professionals  Engineering Professionals  Healthcare Professionals  Information Technology Professionals  Legal Professionals  Office Clerical Professionals  Science Professionals

5 5 Celebrating 60 Years of Excellence 1946-2006 Relationship Focus  Kelly Services has partnered with ExxonMobil since 1995  ExxonMobil Baytown nominated Kelly Services and Kelly Scientific Resources (KSR) for HBR’s Excellence in Safety Performance Award  As an on-site team, we requested our information be combined since we work for the same company, we just have different safety levels assigned at the customer location

6 Best Practices

7 7 Celebrating 60 Years of Excellence 1946-2006 Site Specific Handbook Top Row: Tracye Smith, Sharon Cochran, Connie Schofield, Terri Bugg Bottom Row: Imelda Autrey, Laura Rosser, Shelly Wahl Not pictured: Andrea Romeo

8 8 Celebrating 60 Years of Excellence 1946-2006 New Hire Orientation  Studies show employees new to a job site are more likely to be injured than those who have been assigned six months or longer; no matter what level of experience the person has  Kelly manages the employment and our customer manages the workplace  Each time we place a new employee on assignment, they follow a 30-60-90 day orientation process  Employees track customer specific training through Traccess, the customer’s training program

9 9 Celebrating 60 Years of Excellence  Kelly Services wins Stevie Award™ for Best Overall Web Site Design at the third annual American Business Awards, a national business award program recognizing exemplary workplace performance  Website designed to help Kelly employees find information easily and efficiently 24/7  Kelly 101 Branch Locater Company Information Mission, Vision and Values And more!  Career Track Career tools Personal Development On-line Training  Perks Benefits Employee Discounts Kudos!  News and information specific to niche of interest  On-line Timekeeping (Web-Time) access  Job Postings  Insta-Polls  Articles related to Humor Safety Work and Life Matters Health Many More!

10 10 Celebrating 60 Years of Excellence

11 11 Celebrating 60 Years of Excellence 1946-2006

12 12 Celebrating 60 Years of Excellence 1946-2006

13 13 Celebrating 60 Years of Excellence 1946-2006

14 14 Celebrating 60 Years of Excellence 1946-2006Kudos!  Employee of the Month25 Points  Refer a Customer to Kelly25 Points  Wild Card (injury free quarter, same day assignment, etc.) 10 Points (awarded at the discretion of Kelly Rep.)  Wild Card (cost savings, facilitate a meeting, etc.) 20 Points (awarded at the discretion of Kelly Rep.)  Complete 6 mos. on a Kelly assignment 5 Points  Perfect Attendance (per month) 2 Points  Attend Kelly Employee Meeting 2 Points  Complete a course on Kelly’s Training 2 Points Center  Sign up for Electronic Pay or Direct 5 Points Deposit Each point = $1

15 15 Celebrating 60 Years of Excellence 1946-2006Newsletter  Created by On-site Team Members  Distributed bi-monthly  Recognize employees on assignment  Birthdays  New Arrivals  Special Accomplishments  Safety related articles  Humorous articles  Self development articles

16 16 Celebrating 60 Years of Excellence 1946-2006 Our Thoughts  Thank you, ExxonMobil, for nominating Kelly Services and Kelly Scientific Resources for HBR’s Excellence in Safety award  Thank you, Auditors, for the great audit and feedback after the audit  We believe we won this award because of our outstanding relationship with our customer

17 17 Celebrating 60 Years of Excellence 1946-2006Questions?

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