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Introduction to Coaching Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education.

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1 Introduction to Coaching Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

2 Make your Mark! List one thing a coach does. List one adjective to describe a coach. List one thing a coach is NOT. What kind of results does a CFF coach want to see? Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

3 This I believe… This I Believe is an international project engaging people in writing, sharing, and discussing the core values that guide their daily lives. These short statements of belief, written by people from all walks of life, are archived and featured on public radio. The project is based on the popular 1950s radio series of the same name hosted by Edward R. Murrow. Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

4 I believe that an accomplished coach… Recognizes that teaching is an intellectually challenging vocation Considers the diverse needs of teachers and collaborates to negotiate the challenging terrain of teaching and learning Understands the implications of assessment and instruction and appreciates the importance of ongoing reflection Is a problem solver, understanding that if teachers and students aren’t learning, solutions are rooted in action, not negative reaction. Communicates, collaborates and challenges perceptions Realizes there are times when academic content must take a back seat to a caring conversation and that people learn best when they are treated with kindness and respect. Moran, M. (2007) Differentiated Literacy Coaching: Scaffolding for Student and Teacher Success. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

5 Le Book Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

6 How do we get…? Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

7 School 1.0 School 2.0 Teacher Centered Content coverage Memorizing information Lecturer Whole group configuration Single instructional and learning modality Memorization and recall Single discipline Isolated Textbook dependent Teachers teaching to one learning style Learning content Learning isolated skills and factoids Acting purely as a student Technology as Add-on Learner Centered Learning and Doing Using Information Facilitator/Co-Learner Flexible grouping configuration Multiple instructional and learning modalities to include all students Higher Order Thinking Skills - creativity Interdisciplinary Collaborative Multiple sources of information Teachers addressing multiple learning styles Learning how to learn Completing authentic projects Acting as professional in the discipline Technology integrated into Curriculum and Instruction Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

8 Research Implementation rate for new learning in traditional professional development without follow up is … 10% Showers, Murphy, and Joyce, 1996 Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

9 Research on Coaching On-site, job embedded professional development Implementation rates rise … 85% - 90% University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

10 Coaching in Pennsylvania CFF PAHSCI Reading First Accountability Block Grants Coach Collaborative Board Coaching as a Vital Component of an Aligned, Standards-Based System (available on your thumb drive and the wiki) Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

11 University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning In a survey of 107 teachers Do teachers think watching a coach model practices… –Made it easier to implement? 6.51 –Increased their fidelity to instructional practices? 6.4 –Made them more confident about implementing? 6.22 Do teachers think they learned other teaching strategies while watching a coach model? 6.13 Scale = “1” (strongly disagree) to “7” (strongly agree) Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

12 Build an environment …within which teachers are willing to try new approaches to support student learning. Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

13 Help teacher recognize what he/she knows Help teacher recognize what he/she needs to learn Help teacher recognize what he/she can do How do you build collaborative partnerships? Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

14 Where Does a Coach Begin? Coaching Continuum Low Risk High Risk Levels of Intensity (Bean, 2004) Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

15 Ten Roles of a Coach 1.Resource Provider 2.Data Coach 3.Curriculum Specialist 4.Instructional Specialist 5.Mentor 6. Classroom Supporter 7. Learning Facilitator 8. School Leader 9. Catalyst for Change 10. Learner Joellen Killion, Deputy Executive Director, National Staff Development Council Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

16 A Coach is NOT … Evaluator Supervisor The Expert Whistle Blower Fixer Tutor for state testing! Technology fix-it person Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

17 Where do Coaches Begin? Visit - watch, listen, learn Elicit Reinforce, support, serve Collaborate Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

18 Your Job Description., ! ? Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

19 Your Job Description. something you are certain you can do right away, something that made you pause to consider whether you expected to be doing that ! something you are excited about ? something you are wondering if you can do Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

20 Coach Panel Cohort 1 and 2 Coaches Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

21 Construct Your Own Learning! Product: A tool to take back to your colleagues to explain your new role Resources: On your thumb drive and on the wiki Review the materials you ’ re interested in. Reflect Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

22 Resources Ten Roles of Coaching (CoachRoles10.doc) Coach Reflections.Doc Conversations Can Kick off the Coaching (CoachingKnight2007.pdf) Technology Without Tears (Technologywouttears.pdf) Coaching Activities – Levels of Intensity (RitaBeanCoachingAct.pdf) EdHub Definitions, Podcasts, White Paper Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

23 Reflect How are you going to communicate your role? What ’ s your product going to look like? Word, website, PowerPoint, Keynote, wiki What are you going to include? Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

24 Conversations Can Kick Off the Coaching Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

25 Questions to Ask What are the rewards you experience as a teacher? What are your professional goals and what obstacles interfere with your ability to achieve your professional goals? What are your students’ strengths and weaknesses? What kinds of professional learning are most/least effective for you? Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

26 Points to Ponder We’re going to have a conversation… Gather specific information - about students, administrative challenges, building culture Educate teachers about coaching Demonstrate respect, value, and belief in the teacher. Explain the partnership approach of coaching. Listen authentically, empathize, communicate respect, and validate concerns Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education

27 Elements of Coaching Non-Coaching - LoI 0 Preparation - LoI 1 Participation- LoI 1 Partnership - LoI 1 Facilitation - LoI 2 Collaboration - LoI 2 Transformation - LoI 3 Classrooms for the Future/21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology, Pennsylvania Department of Education



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