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Studentstarter From student to entrepreneur by transformation mini-companies into real enterprises Richard van der Molen, 7 december 2006, Landstede.

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Presentation on theme: "Studentstarter From student to entrepreneur by transformation mini-companies into real enterprises Richard van der Molen, 7 december 2006, Landstede."— Presentation transcript:

1 Studentstarter From student to entrepreneur by transformation mini-companies into real enterprises Richard van der Molen, 7 december 2006, Landstede

2 Landstede, facts and figures Landstede: 15.000 students 1.350 employees 1.100 voluntaries 50 locations Turnover: 75 mln. Euro Core activities: (Vocational) education Welfare activities Child nursery Recycling

3 Landstede Locations

4 My dream

5 Challenge: we aim at helping potential successful companies, which are started during their study period, to continue for 1 year after graduation these (mini) companies by coaching by Landstede and/or external coaches How: Good preparation and training of coaches Effective coaching of young entrepreneurs

6 Why ??? We want to avoid: Every hour 1 company in Holland gets bankrupt or stops its activities by itself Financial damage, due to problems caused by bankruptcy sometimes combined with fraud, amount approximately 1,9 billion euro (2005).

7 … and In 2004 almost 6.000 bankruptcies occurred due to lack of income. 30% was caused by mismanagement. 30% was caused by economic circumstances. 11% was caused by bankruptcy of the holding or in other way related companies. One man business 30% caused by mismanagement. 12,5 % caused by economical facts such as bad financial management or due to excessive spending not related to the financial results of the company. 40% of the bankruptcy is caused by liquidity problems 33% of the companies which went bankrupt were voluntary executed More than 1.200 bankruptcies were caused by failure of dept reconstruction

8 and We have a huge lack of good entrepreneurs for new business. At all levels schools, government, institutes want to stimulate entrepreneurship We also need qualified entrepreneurs for taking over existing companies. Due to the characteristics of the population pyramid this will become more important.

9 We aim at sharing The Spirit of Entrepreneurship

10 Target groups Students in the last phase at school Adults who want to start a business in combination with a study at Landstede

11 Our goals: Selecting and coaching 10 – 20 starting enterprises in 2 years by which we bridge the gap between ending the study career and starting entrepreneurship Development and collection of coaching materials and instruments aimed at entrepreneurship and to incorporate this material in the curriculum (MINOR) Internationally exchange of knowledge and experiences and stimulation of international cooperation Make a definition of the competence profile of a junior entrepreneur

12 Dissemination of results Stimulate that entrepreneurships will be anchored in the vocational curriculum Production with DVD with examples of starters (film, interview, facts and figures, etc.) Present results to new students Brochures, website, workshops round table sessions: students, entrepreneurs, teachers.

13 Organization Flat organization: Landstede board of directors Team of teachers referring to different Landscapes/Domains (economics, techniques, sport, healthcare…..), project leader: Ton Hendrikse Advisory boards

14 Planning Introduction of project in 3 main locations of Landstede, December 2006 Identifying students who started a mini company, jan – march 2007 Connect Landstede with foundation of entrepreneurs who want to stimulate young entrepreneurs by facilitating them in housing and management coaching, January – June 2007 Make contracts with students for coaching program after graduating, may – June 2007


16 Partners EEP BV AOC OOST NHTV Stichting BPE (?) EfVET JADE SYNTRA M V VOKA RDA VTU CECE EUS Netherlands Europe belgium Bulgaria Spain UK

17 Partners in Holland Stichting Jong Ondernemen (institute Young Entrepreneurs, partner in the pre phase, partner for coaching mini enterprises for one year Foundation Ir RR van der Zee, group of entrepreneurs who want to support Young Entrepreneurs Platform Technique, Platform Education – Workfield, advisory boards

18 We are ready for…….. Please visit WWW.STUDENTSTARTER.NL

19 Thanks for your attention WWW.STUDENTSTARTER.NL www.

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