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Chapter 20 Warm- Up Why do most teens experience puberty at different times, and at different paces than their peers?

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 20 Warm- Up Why do most teens experience puberty at different times, and at different paces than their peers?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 20 Warm- Up Why do most teens experience puberty at different times, and at different paces than their peers?

2 Chapter 20 Notes Adolescence & Adulthood

3 Puberty  Time when a person begins to develop certain traits of adults of his or her own gender.  Male and female hormones are responsible for the changes that occur during puberty.  Sex characteristics are the traits related to a person’s gender.  Primary – relate to reproduction.  Gametes are the reproductive cells. Male gametes are sperm, female gametes are the eggs or ova.

4 Puberty (cont.)  Secondary Sex Characteristics occur over time and at different rates. Some are gender related, others occur in both males and females.  The body grows during puberty, as well as the brain develops, increasing in memory and in the ability to think and solve problems.  Teens often experience large bursts of energy and emotion during puberty.  Teens experience social changes – they have a need to make friends and be accepted by their friends.

5 Developmental Tasks of Adolescence  At any given time, teens may experience changes in physical, mental/emotional, and social health, one or more at the same time.  Some developmental tasks that teens can expect to experience as they pass through puberty include:  Establishing emotional and psychological independence.  Developing a personal sense of identity.  Adopting a personal value system.  Establishing adult vocational goals.  Developing control over their own behavior.

6 Lesson 2 – Moving Toward Adulthood  Physical and Emotional Maturity  Most people reach P.M. in late adolescence or early twenties.  Body and organs are fully developed.  Emotional Maturity is the state at which the mental and emotional capabilities of an individual are fully developed.  Young Adulthood  Physical maturity has occurred automatically.  Individuals focus on four major aspects of life:  Personal Independence  Occupational Choices  Intimate Relationships  Contributions to Society

7 Lesson 3 – Marriage and Parenting  Marriage  Couples who decide to be married to support each other in good times as well as in difficult times.  Successful marriages requires each partner to make marital adjustments, in which each spouse adjusts to being a partner. Factors for that are:  Good Communication  Emotional Maturity  Similar values and interests

8 Teen Marriages  Most teens are still struggling with their own identity and setting goals for their futures and most likely, will not have determined what they want in a marriage partner.  About 60% of teen marriages end in divorce, usually within the first few years.  Teens who marry realize that they have increased responsibilities that may interfere with personal and career goals.

9 Responsibilities of Parenthood  Many couples decide to have a family after they are married. Some options used are:  Conceive their own  Adoption  Foster Children  Parents MUST provide the following to ensure that their children grow and develop within a healthy family environment:  Protection  Food, Clothing, Shelter  Education  Medical care

10 continued  Parenting is a serious, ongoing responsibility.  Parents must be able to:  Provide guidance  Instill values  Set limits  Give unconditional love

11 Lesson 4 – Health through the Life Span  Middle Adulthood  Transitions are critical changes that occur at all stages of life.  Physical Changes in middle adulthood:  Skin loses its elasticity.  Functioning of the body’s organs begins to slow down.  The body’s immune system becomes less effective.  Females experience menopause.  People who continue to “exercise” the brain by solving puzzles, reading, and taking on new challenges tend to remain mentally active.

12 continued  Emotional transitions occur when people realize that they have already experienced many of life’s joys and disappointments.  The midlife crisis for some people results from concerns about unfulfilled goals and what their future holds.  Social transitions at this middle adulthood may involve empty-nest syndrome.  A feeling of sadness or loneliness when children leave home.

13 Late Adulthood  People living after age 65 should be able to look at life with satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment.  People in late adulthood can enjoy expanding opportunities:  Retiring from a career to pursue new interests.  Continuing to work or even change careers.  Volunteering  Remaining physically and mentally active, and socialize with other senior adults.

14 Continued  Government offers programs to help senior adults.  Social Security provides benefits to older adults and people with disabilities.  Medicare and Medicaid help provide medical benefits for people with low incomes and limited resources.  Many companies offer financial planning for retirement and savings plans to help senior adults plan for their retirement years.  Many older adults are finding that, because of a lifetime of healthy behaviors, the years after retirement are their best.

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