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C LASSROOM R ULES AND P ROCEDURES. 1.Be on time to class (everyday) 2.Respect yourself and all those around you at all times. 3.Have all materials and.

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Presentation on theme: "C LASSROOM R ULES AND P ROCEDURES. 1.Be on time to class (everyday) 2.Respect yourself and all those around you at all times. 3.Have all materials and."— Presentation transcript:


2 1.Be on time to class (everyday) 2.Respect yourself and all those around you at all times. 3.Have all materials and be ready to begin when the bell sounds. 4.Follow Florence School District One’s Disciplinary Code Book at all times

3 Come in Quietly Get your Journals and/ or materials for class Begin journal assignment Note : you will not be allowed to enter the class if you are not dressed properly and if you do not have your ID around your neck You are tardy to class if you are not in the room when the late bell sounds The door will be shut and locked and you will have to report to the tardy lockout table to get a pass Beginning/ Entering Class Tardy to Class

4 There is no sleeping in class. NO EXCEPTIONS If you are sick go to the nurse. If you are really, really sick go home This is not a bedroom. When I want the class quiet you will see me tap the chalkboard or hear me say focus When you see or hear this your are to  stop what you are doing  turn and face me  Be ready for instruction Sleeping in Class Quieting the Class

5 Raise your hand and wait to be recognized. (remember there are many of you and only one of me. BE PATIENT) Remember there are others in the class and I can not spend all my time with one student. (if you need additional help come after school) It is your responsibility to let me know that you need help or need to make up work Come to me as soon as you need help and schedule a time to stay after school. On scheduled date be on time and have all needed materials. Seeking Help (during class) Seeking Help (outside of class)

6 There is a restroom in the class If you must leave for a special reason Write it in your agenda Have me sign it Go and return in a time manner Note : if it becomes a habit we will have a problem The bell is for me not you When the bell sounds Remain in your in seat (no lining up at the door, we are not cattle) Wait for me to dismiss you (I will say bye, cya, have fun, do you homework, etc) Note : no one will leave until all are seated Passes out of class Dismissal

7 Breaking a rule or not following procedure have the following consequences: 1 st time – Warning (verbal or handwritten) 2 nd time – Conference with Student 3 rd time – Conference with Student and Parent 4 th time + - Referral Notes: For the same offense you do not start over For extreme cases steps 1-3 will be skipped

8 For good behavior and cooperation the following rewards will be implemented:  Planned activities, games, and movies  Candy, gifts, and extra points

9 Grades will be computed as follows:  Projects, Papers, and Test - 50%  Class work, Homework, and Quizzes - 30%  Exams and EOC - 20% Policy Implementation  If a student scores a 76 or below on a Major Assignment (projects, paper, or test) they can redo the assignment, but can earn no higher than a 77.  All extra help and/or redo work must be completed within five school day of the date the assignment was returned to the student.  Work can only be redone once for a maximum grade of 77  30% or 20% grades cannot be redone. The grade earned is the grade recorded

10 You can access your grade at any time using the Power School system. If you need a log in Ms. Altman in the main office can help you. I am available by scheduled appointment. If you have a question or need assistance on work you can email me at tanderson@fsd1. org. I will check my email at 9 pm each night. My website: Go to faculty, click on my name and it should send you directly to my site.

11 Student Information Sheet 1. Student Name: 2. Parent/Guardian Name: 3. Parent Contact Numbers: Home_______________ Work________________ Cell ________________ 4. List the after school activities you are involved in. 5. List any other (off campus) activities involved in. 6. Name the career you would like to have. 7. List any hobbies you have. 8. List your strengths (personal and/or academic) 9. List your weaknesses (personal and/or academic) 10. What did you make in English III? 11. What grade would you like to make in this class? 12. How do you plan to achieve that grade? 13. What kinds of activities would you like to do in this class?

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