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Mentoring in Karelia UAS Ritva Väistö 12.2.2015 Ritva Väistö 12.2.2015 2.

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2 Mentoring in Karelia UAS Ritva Väistö 12.2.2015 Ritva Väistö 12.2.2015 2

3 Mentoring: how do we understand it? Mentoring is guiding and support that an experienced, competent person in senior position gives to a person who is in the beginning of his/her career. 3 Ritva Väistö 12.2.2015

4 Mentoring Project 2002-2004 (Formal) -About 30 person involved in the project from our nearest hospital; head nurses and nurses and our university: teachers -Nurse/teacher who was new in work or position had a mentor who was more experienced and who wanted to share her/his competence with this less inexperienced nurse/teacher 4 Ritva Väistö 12.2.2015

5 Mentorship Agreement -The idea was that actor chooses her /his own mentor and organization accepts this relationship -They had to make a signed agreement where they decided main ideas about their mentorship Ritva Väistö 12.2.2015 5

6 The content of agreement -The goals of mentoring -Timetable for mentoring -How to cooperate? Rules for working -What are the areas actor wants to improve? -Who are other persons who support actor? Ritva Väistö 12.2.2015 6

7 The content of agreement -How are the results evaluated? -To whom actor and mentor has to report? -Date: -Signatures: Mentor and actor Ritva Väistö 12.2.2015 7

8 Discussions -Mentor and actor had discussion ( 1-2 hours) together at least ten times during the year, once a month -In every meeting they had a topic which actor had chosen -Mentor gave advice and used her own competence to give ideas about the matter Ritva Väistö 12.2.2015 8

9 Lectures -During the project we had lectures about mentoring to whole group and we had a lot of discussions about what is mentoring? What can we learn? What is the main idea of mentoring? What are our feelings and so on. Ritva Väistö 12.2.2015 9

10 Results -After this long project we collected data from mentors and actors: -Conclusion: most of actors found this experience very rewarding and they learned a lot -After mentoring process they felt much more confident in their work Ritva Väistö 12.2.2015 10

11 Results -Mentors were very pleased too -They said that it was really very good experience to talk and share feelings and ideas about their work -Some pairs were not so satisfied, they had problems with timing and so on. Ritva Väistö 12.2.2015 11

12 Mentoring Modell - After the project we made a model how organizations can take mentoring in their own HR-method -Nowadays the hospital and also our UAS use this kind of mentorship in their own HR- system Ritva Väistö 12.2.2015 12

13 Mentoring in Karelia UAS -In our University we start a new mentoring process every year and there has been about ten pairs every year -These pairs are responsible of reporting to organization how they do mentoring and what has been their experiences Ritva Väistö 12.2.2015 13

14 Mentoring in UAS -Of course the conversations between pairs are confidential and there must be mutual trust between a mentor and an actor -The organization gives 30 hours to mentor and actor per year for mentoring process. So they can do mentoring during their working time Ritva Väistö 12.2.2015 14

15 Mentoring:concept -In mentoring relationship the aim is to share the experience and competence which has come during working years and at the same time it makes possible to transfer tacit knowledge from one person to another -The aim is to further self confidence, professional development, career development and also motivation for work Ritva Väistö 12.2.2015 15

16 Mentoring Thank you! Ritva Väistö 12.2.2015 16

17 Contact person Ritva Väistö, Head of Education Karelia University of Applied sciences Tikkarinne 9, 80200 Joensuu 17 Ritva Väistö 12.2.2015

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