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Xxxxxxx’s person centred transition plan. DRAFT - for comment only2 Sections my person centred plan (school year 9 and onwards) my person centred transition.

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Presentation on theme: "Xxxxxxx’s person centred transition plan. DRAFT - for comment only2 Sections my person centred plan (school year 9 and onwards) my person centred transition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Xxxxxxx’s person centred transition plan

2 DRAFT - for comment only2 Sections my person centred plan (school year 9 and onwards) my person centred transition plan (the last two years before I leave school) my transition plan (completed by my social worker) A B C

3 DRAFT - for comment only3 my person centred plan (school year 9 and onwards) section A

4 DRAFT - for comment only4 things that make me happy A

5 DRAFT - for comment only5 what people like and admire about me A

6 DRAFT - for comment only6 my hopes and dreams A

7 DRAFT - for comment only7 what is important to me now write here A

8 DRAFT - for comment only8 what is important for me now write here A

9 DRAFT - for comment only9 what is important to me for the future write here A

10 DRAFT - for comment only10 what is important for me in the future write here A

11 DRAFT - for comment only11 good days and bad days What’s a good day like? What’s a bad day like? What makes a difference? A

12 DRAFT - for comment only12 what’s working for mefrom my parent’s point of view from others’ point of view write here A

13 DRAFT - for comment only13 what’s not working for mefrom my parent’s point of view from others’ point of view x write here A

14 DRAFT - for comment only14 communication chart – understanding me what is happening (environmental context) when I do this…it means…and you should… A

15 DRAFT - for comment only15 communication chart – how to communicate with me you want to tell meto do this you…helped/supported by… A

16 DRAFT - for comment only16 the people in my life A

17 DRAFT - for comment only17 professionals who support me who?their jobresponsibilities / help given A

18 DRAFT - for comment only18 staying safe what is the risk?how to manage / minimise the risk? support needed and who is responsible for this A

19 DRAFT - for comment only19 making choices what do you want to do?what stops you doing it?how can we help you to do this? A

20 DRAFT - for comment only20 my average week (term time) morningafternoonevening A

21 DRAFT - for comment only21 my average week (holidays) morningafternoonevening A

22 DRAFT - for comment only22 people that support me (staff matching) support wanted and needed skills neededpersonality characteristics needed shared common interests A

23 DRAFT - for comment only23 my person centred transition plan (the last 2 years before I leave school) section B

24 DRAFT - for comment only24 where will I live? can I continue to live at home? would I need to move in the future? do I want to live with other people? what’s out there for me? who could support me? B

25 DRAFT - for comment only25 my health what are my main health needs? what medication or equipment do I need? who could support me? what could help? (for example check-ups, other things people could do) B

26 DRAFT - for comment only26 my education what courses or training do I want to do? who could support me? what else would I need to help me? B

27 DRAFT - for comment only27 employment where could I work? who could support me? what else would I need to help me? B

28 DRAFT - for comment only28 my activities what activities would I like to do? who could support me? what else would I need to help me? B

29 DRAFT - for comment only29 transport and travel how do I get around? what are my main journeys? what or who could help? B

30 DRAFT - for comment only30 support and communication what support do I need to do the things I need to do? what equipment could help? what helps me communicate? who can help me communicate? B

31 DRAFT - for comment only31 my transition plan (completed by my transition social worker) section C

32 DRAFT - for comment only32 Accommodation Summary: Key Needs, Available Resources and Solutions AccommodationKey NeedsAvailable Resources or Actions Needed Possible Solutions Continue to live in current accommodation (if not possible then Supported Living (incl. extra support), nursing homes etc…) Independent living and support considerations (staff ratio, specialist skills/training needed). Skills or traits that might affect their housing? Live with who? Where could they live? Where do family and friends live? Mobility issues or concerns? C

33 DRAFT - for comment only33 Health Summary: Key Needs, Available Resources and Solutions HealthKey NeedsAvailable Resources or Actions Needed Possible Solutions Support considerations: staff ratio, specialist skills/training needed e.g. Nursing, Epilepsy or Mental Health (holiday and non- holiday requirements). Prevention check-ups or appointments (GP/Dentist etc…) Medication, specialist equipment or specialist supplies (e.g. hoist, pads). Healthy eating (without causing distress). Exercise and mobility. C

34 DRAFT - for comment only34 Education Summary: Key Needs, Available Resources and Solutions EducationKey NeedsAvailable Resources or Actions Needed Possible Solutions Future studies or training (including specialist courses) Support considerations: staff ratio, specialist skills/training needed, peer/student compatibility Specialist equipment and reasonable adjustments C

35 DRAFT - for comment only35 Employment Summary: Key Needs, Available Resources and Solutions EmploymentKey NeedsAvailable Resources or Actions Needed Possible Solutions Potential areas of employment (i.e. interests, skills and qualities) Support considerations: support ratio, specialist skills/training needed. An outline of peer/work colleague compatibility needs (how many people & kinds of people etc). Specialist equipment and reasonable adjustments C

36 DRAFT - for comment only36 Social and Community Opportunities Summary: Key Needs, Available Resources and Solutions Social and Community Opportunities Key NeedsAvailable Resources or Actions Needed Possible Solutions Social opportunities Support considerations (support ratio and skills/experience/ training required) Peer compatibility needs (how many people & kinds of people etc) C

37 DRAFT - for comment only37 Transport and Travel Summary: Key Needs, Available Resources and Solutions Transport and TravelKey NeedsAvailable Resources or Actions Needed Possible Solutions Young persons mobility Key travelling undertaken Support considerations: staff ratio, specialist skills/training needed and peer/student compatibility C

38 DRAFT - for comment only38 General Support (including communication) Summary: Key Needs, Available Resources and Solutions General Support (including communication) Key NeedsAvailable Resources or Actions Needed Possible Solutions Support considerations: should include staff ratio and specialist skills/training needed e.g. Peg-feeding, ASD or Challenging Behaviour Specialist equipment/ resources Communication aids C

39 DRAFT - for comment only39 Transition Outcomes for the Next Year (outcomes that will support the transition plan, growth of independence and positive risk taking) Start and End Date OutcomesLead or task owner Accommodation Health Education Employment Social and Community opportunities Transport and Travel General Support (including communication) C

40 DRAFT - for comment only40 Care and Support Plan for the next year Start and End DatePersonal Budget Description and provider nameHours and Rates CostMy Contribu tions Day time activities (that are not at weekends or part of a holiday) Late afternoon or evening provision (including home-based care) Overnight provision/care Weekend Provision Holiday Provision Transport Personal Care Carers Support Total Cost C

41 DRAFT - for comment only41 Action Plan What needs to happen Name of the person who will do this By whenName of ‘Action Chaser’ Comments/Progress C

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